
  • 网络market segmentation;Market Segment;segmentation;segment
  1. 利益区隔,市场区隔,国际快递业。

    Benefit Segmentation , Market Segmentation , International Express Industry .

  2. 本研究建议可运用市场区隔作为健康促进及卫生教育需求评估的工具。

    This study supports applicability of market segmentation for needs assessment of health promotion and health education .

  3. 笔者认为其市场区隔化的编辑策略是其成功的根本原因。

    It had successed because of editing strategy of market discriminated .

  4. 目前,理论界对于奢侈品消费的研究集中在概念、市场区隔、动机和品牌的研究。

    The current studies about luxury consumption focused on conceptual research , market compartment , motivation of consumption and brand marketing .

  5. 强调创造及捕捉价值、确认消费者需求以及了解购买流程、形成目标市场区隔、将产品定位以及管理品牌资产。

    Emphasis is placed on creating and capturing value , identifying customer needs and understanding purchasing processes , forming target segments , positioning the product , and managing brand equity .

  6. 本文根据市场转型理论和劳动力市场区隔理论,主要探讨了中国市场化改革对下岗、再就业和收入回报的影响。

    Based on market transition theory and segmented labor market theory , this study has investigated the effects of China 's market oriented reform on urban layoff , reemployment and job rewards .