
  • 网络market potential
  1. Krugman市场潜能以上述因素为权重,将各目标市场消费规模进行加总,从而度量一地制造业产品的需求规模。

    Krugman market potential uses the above factors as the weight of the demand from all target markets , so as to measure the demand scale for the manufacturing products of the production place .

  2. 地区市场潜能、出口开放与我国工业集聚效应研究

    Regional Market Potential , Export Openness and Industry Agglomeration in China

  3. 实时价格达到最优可深度激发市场潜能和活力。

    The excellent spot price may inspire potential and energy of market deeply .

  4. 研究结果表明,一个区域的市场潜能、人口密度等经济地理因素对其非农劳动生产率都存在显著为正的影响。

    The results show that market potential and people density are positive and significant .

  5. 但在模型中,市场潜能的效应比较微弱。

    But in the model , the effect of market potential is relatively weak .

  6. 中国小城市家电市场潜能巨大。

    Big opportunities seen in small cities .

  7. 本文除了探讨集聚的各种外部性外,还考虑了货币外部性(市场潜能)对产出的影响。

    Except for cracking many externalities of agglomeration , This paper also considers the influence of monetary externality to the production .

  8. 第三方支付为电子商务提供了安全高效的支付服务,正在国内蓬勃发展,蕴含着巨大的市场潜能。

    The third-party payment , which provides safe and efficient payment service for e-commerce , is a booming business with huge market potential in China .

  9. 此外重庆卫视还采用灵活多样的方式充分挖掘市场潜能,但还存在自制节目能力不佳的问题。

    In addition , it adopts various means to fully develop market potential , but there is a problem that its competency in making own programs .

  10. 当城市规模扩大时,某些产业厂商的市场潜能发生变化,厂商重新选址,导致产业转移。

    When the scale of the city increase , change of the market potential of some industrial firm induce that the firms readdress and some of industries transfer .

  11. 定性分析方面,运用多因素分析法从供给能力和市场潜能视角对国际竞争力的影响因素进行分析,初步、系统地评价江西纺织产业的国际竞争力。

    In terms of qualitative analysis , this paper studies on the factors affecting Jiangxi textile international competitiveness basing on the perspective of supply capacity and market potential and then analyzes its trend of change .

  12. 城市规模不断扩大的过程中,城市中心的地租升高,不同产业的市场潜能发生不同的变化,使得某些产业从城市中心迁离到城市边缘,中心城市内的产业也呈一定规律分布。

    With the scale of the city increasing , because the land rent in urban center arise and the market potential in various industries has changed , some industries transfer from the core of the city to the edge of the city .

  13. 本章使用中国地级区域的面板数据对经济活动密度、市场潜能与非农劳动生产率之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    In this chapter , basing on a prefecture panel data , we explore the nexus among the economic geography factors ( such as market potential , people density , etc ) and the non-farm labor productivity through a dynamic panel data approach .

  14. 在渠道策略方面,根据市场潜能、消费者需求、品牌定位、渠道成本和效率等方面因素,逐步使渠道柔性化、扁平化、信息化、提高直销率以及进入新的零售渠道等。

    According to the market potential , customer demand , brand orientation and the cost and efficiency of the channel , the enterprise should make the channel more flexible , compressed , informative , directly and try to enter some new retail channels .

  15. IDC补充表示:为了充分挖掘新兴市场的潜能,智能手机厂商需要开发出能够提供全面、强劲用户体验的低价智能手机。

    The research firm added : To realise the full potential of emerging markets , smartphone vendors need to develop low-cost smartphones that provide a full , robust experience .

  16. 郑州市高校体育场馆具有规模大,设施完善等优越条件,具有较强的市场开发潜能。

    College sports venues with large size , superior conditions such as infrastructure , has strong market development potential .

  17. 整个过程帮助麦当劳意识到快餐市场的潜能正餐之间的快餐日益增长的份额同时也改变了正餐时间所引发的交通拥堵情况。

    The process also helped McDonald 's realize the potential of the snacking market the growing segment that wants to nibble between meals and the chance to increase traffic between mealtimes .

  18. 在经济快速增长和电力需求增加的推动下,为使电力能源供应多样化,同时减少碳排放量,风电产业具备了主导世界电力市场的潜能。

    With rapid growth of economy and increasing of power demand , wind power industry has the potential of dominating the world market in order to make electrical energy supply diversified and carbon emissions reduced simultaneously .

  19. 韩国以前公布的税收条例,在过去12个月里阻止了共同基金境外市场实现全部潜能。

    Tax regulations announced previously in Korea have prevented the offshore market for mutual funds achieving its full potential in the past 12 months .

  20. 最大程度开发IT人才的能力,用以提高生产效率,提高新技术、新产品水平,不断挖掘市场开拓的潜能,使公司始终保持竞争优势,才能确保企业和员工长足发展。

    Ability to maximize the development of IT talents , to improve production efficiency , improve the new technology , new products , mining market potential continuously , the company has always been to maintain a competitive advantage , in order to ensure that enterprises and staff development .

  21. 而本地制成品的需求不仅取决于该地内部的消费规模,还取决于其对所有市场的通达性,二者相加即为市场潜能。

    And the demand for manufacturing products depends not only on local demand , but also on the access to all the other markets . Market potential is defined as the aggregation of access to all target markets .