
  • 网络aerodynamic
  1. 电液力矩伺服控制系统常用于电液负载模拟器(EHLS)以模拟航空动力铰链力矩,从而实现对目标的动态加载。

    In order to replicate aerodynamic hinge moment in electrohydraulic load simulator ( EHLS ), the torque servo system is used to control in dynamic loading .

  2. 该项目得到了NASA大学研究工程技术研究所(URETI)航空动力中心以及佐治亚理工学院的联合赞助。

    The project was funded by the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute ( URETI ) Center on Aeropropulsion and Power and Georgia Tech.

  3. 航空动力百年回顾(三)

    A Century of Aircraft Power Plant in Retrospect ( 3 )

  4. 抓住机遇,加快航空动力的发展

    Seizing the Opportunity , Speeding the Development of Aero Power

  5. 航空动力装置任务可靠度模糊预计与分配的综合

    Synthetic Approach to Fuzzy Prediction and Allocation for Aero-Power Plant Mission Reliability

  6. 《航空动力学报》2006年(第21卷)分类索引

    JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE POWER ( Bimonthly ) Subject Index Volume 21 2006

  7. 世界航空动力技术的现状及发展动向

    Current Status and Development Direction of Aircraft Power Technology in the World

  8. 中小航空动力市场定位和技术创新

    Market Positioning and Up-date Technology of Small and Medium Aeroengines

  9. 尤其在航空动力方面,国际民航组织陆续制定了一系列条例。

    Especially in air power , the ICAO formulated a series of regulations .

  10. 简述了航空动力装置的发展历程和发展趋势。

    Development of the aircraft power plant is reviewed .

  11. 结构可靠性定寿模型及其在航空动力结构中的应用

    A structure life evaluation model and its application to dynamic components of aircraft powerplant

  12. 面向21世纪航空动力控制展望

    Prospects of the Aeroengine Control Development in the Early Time of the 21st Century

  13. 加快航空动力事业发展

    Speed Up the Development of Aviation Power Undertaking

  14. 采用航空动力伞技术安全实施全程不停电跨越施工

    Application of Aerial Energized Parachute Technique to Execute Complete Crossing Construction over Live Lines Safely

  15. 航空动力系统发展的新方向高歌教授访谈录

    New Trend of Aero Engine System

  16. 分析了我国航空动力技术预先研究的现状及存在的问题。

    The present situation and existing problems in China aero propulsion technology research have been introduced .

  17. 最后详细列出了燃气涡轮发动机,其它航空动力和燃料三类中的10项关键技术。

    At last ten items of key technologies in gas turbine engine , aviation power and fuel are listed in details .

  18. 针对军用航空动力系统的制造过程,分析了其质量形成的不确定性的影响因素;

    The quality forming has a big uncertainty , which is the basic feature in the course of manufacture of aerospace power system .

  19. 目的研究空军飞行员颈部各肌群的强度及其在航空动力环境中的意义。

    Objective To evaluate neck muscular strength ( NMS ) of the air force pilots and its role in the circum-stance of aerial dynamics .

  20. 本文对中国南方航空动力机械公司(南方公司)摩托车的成本、技术、营销能力、品牌影响力、企业资源能力等竞争力要素进行了综合分析评价。

    A comprehensive analysis and evaluation have been made to the cost , technology , marketing ability , brand prestige , enterprise source and other rival skills .

  21. 钛合金具有比强度高、高温力学性能好、耐腐蚀等优异性能,在航空动力装备领域的应用越来越广泛,如发动机叶轮、叶盘、叶片等。

    Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace engine , such as impeller , leaf disc and blade , because of their excellent mechanical strength and resistance to surface degradation .

  22. 系统运行稳定,可靠性高。应用结果表明:该设计方案及实现方法满足航空动力装置的试验要求,且具有良好的普遍适用性。

    The steady and credible application result proves that the designing scheme and the realizing method perfectly meet the test requirements of aero-engine test on ground test-bed and can be applied universally .

  23. 低噪声已成为航空动力装置发展中考虑的重要因素,而合理的气动设计是降低涡轮机械自身噪声最根本的方法,并且有很大的降噪潜力。

    The noise reduction is now a leading priority in the further development of aircraft engine . The basic method to reduce noise is reasonable aerodynamic design which has great denoise potentialities .

  24. 该系统实现后在中国航天动力技术研究院下属兰凌厂已投入试运行。分析了我国航空动力技术预先研究的现状及存在的问题。

    This system has been used in the LanLing factory of Academy of Aerospace Solid Propulsion Technology . The present situation and existing problems in China aero propulsion technology research have been introduced .

  25. 面对新世纪,挑战和机遇并存,我们必须因势利导,抓住机遇,实现航空动力的跨越发展。

    Facing the new century with challenges and opportunities , we must adroitly guide our actions according to situation , seize opportunity , and realize the development of aero propulsion with great strides .

  26. 在目前的严竣形势下,如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,加快研制,实现航空动力的跨越式发展,本文提出了几条措施建议。

    According to the deliberation mentioned in the paper , some proposals and measures are put forward to grasp the chances , to meet the challenges and advance the aeroengine development by leaps and bounds .

  27. 介绍了国外航空动力的发展态势,指出了我国航空动力的落后现状和新世纪的发展机遇,并提出了加快发展我国航空动力的建议。

    The development situation of aero power abroad is introduced . The current status of aero power in China and its developmet opportunity in new century are pointed out . Some suggestions to speed development of aero power of our country are put forward .

  28. 脉冲爆震发动机(PDE,Pulsedetonationengine)是一种基于爆震燃烧的新概念推进系统,被广泛认为是21世纪最有发展意义的革命性航空航天动力装置之一。

    As a new concept propulsion system , pulse detonation engine which is based on detonation combustion is widely considered to be one of the most development meaning aeronautics and astronautics engines in the 21st Century .

  29. 21世纪先进航空发动机动力传输系统

    Power Transmission Systems of Advanced Aeroengines for 21 century

  30. 航空小型动力装置试验台测试系统

    A Test System for Mini Aviation Power Unit