
  • 网络The Voyage
  1. 他们的读物包括《库克船长航海记》。

    Their reading matter included'the voyages of captain cook ' .

  2. 中国古代的域外游记主要有佛教徒的求法记、使者的出使记、官员及其他人士的随征记、航海记等。

    Chinese ancient overseas travels were mainly written by Buddhists , envoys , officers etc.

  3. 第三部分简要地分析由出版社提供的《辛巴达航海历险记》中文版的语言特点。

    The third section provides a brief analysis of the linguistic characteristics of the Chinese version of The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor provided by the press .

  4. 第四部分将从照应、替代、省略和连接四个方面,通过举例总结衔接手段在《辛巴达航海历险记》翻译中的应用。

    The fourth part introduces the usages of the cohesive devices in the translation of The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor through examples and conclusions from the four aspects of reference , substitution , ellipsis and conjunction .

  5. 他在航海日志之中记下船速每小时十海里。

    He logged the ship 's speed at 10 knots .