
wǎn jù
  • harness
挽具 [wǎn jù]
  • [harness] 套在牲畜身上拉车的器具

挽具[wǎn jù]
  1. 应用高分子绷带与Pavlik挽具治疗新生儿先天性膝关节脱位

    Treatment of Neonatal Congenital Dislocation of the Knee by Giant Molecule Bandage and Pavlik Harness

  2. 巴克拉紧了挽具,做好了准备。

    Buck pulled on the harness a little , getting ready .

  3. 目的介绍利用高分子绷带与Pavlik挽具治疗新生儿先天性膝关节脱位的方法。

    Objective To explore a new method to treat congenital dislocation of the knee .

  4. 我父亲把挽具扣在牲口身上就走了。

    My father buckled the harness down and went away .

  5. 这家店出售各式各样的鞍具和挽具。

    This shop sells various kinds of saddlery and harnesses .

  6. 一天当他开始在挽具里跌交时,

    One day he started to fall down while in his harness .

  7. 巴克用力抵住挽具,拉着。

    Buck threw himself against his harness , and pulled .

  8. 甲胄;挽具状带子马鞍是马铠甲的一部分。

    harness The saddle is a part of a horse 's harness .

  9. 为马或其鞍或挽具而备的一个装饰性的遮盖物;马饰。

    An ornamental covering for a horse or for its saddle or harness ; trappings .

  10. 然后桑顿拾起哈尔的长刀,劈开巴克身上的挽具。

    Then Thornton picked up Hal 's knife and cut Buck out of the harness .

  11. 弗朗索瓦斯开始给狗套挽具。

    Francois started to harness the dogs .

  12. 农夫给马套上挽具。

    The farmer harnessed the horse .

  13. 当雪撬再度停下来时,戴夫咬住了索拉克斯身上的挽具要把他推开,

    When the sledge made its next stop , Dave bit through Sol-leks " harness and pushed him away .

  14. 查尔斯和哈尔给他们套上挽具,但巴克却无法教他们如何拉雪撬。

    Charles and Hal put them into harness , but Buck could not teach them how to pull a sledge .

  15. 两个美国人,哈尔和查尔斯,连同挽具买下了巴克和他的队伍。

    Two American men , called Hal and Charles , bought Buck and his team , together with the harness .

  16. 马的挽具;包括马笼头、马嚼子可以让骑者或赶马的人控制。

    Headgear for a horse ; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control .

  17. 一块可照亮在狗前方十米远地方的红外线板固定在胸前的挽具上。

    An infrared panel that can light up the area ten metres in front of the dog is attached to the chest harness .

  18. 几十万件的皮革制成了鞋、挽具和马鞍。铁厂生产出机车、大炮、装甲板。

    Hides by the hundreds of thousands were turned into shoes and harness and saddles ; ironworks manufactured locomotives , ordnance , armor plate .

  19. 然后他就站在那儿,在雪撬前面他的老位子上,等着套上挽具和拉车的命令。

    Then he stood there , in his old place in front of the sledge , waiting for his harness and the order to startpulling .

  20. 有一栋白色的楼,天在下雪,小雪,我还看到一匹戴着挽具的马不断把雪拖走。

    I see a white building . It 's snowing , a soft snow . I see this horse with a harness , dragging the snow away .

  21. 雪撬停了下来,驾雪撬的人解下他的挽具想让他休息一下,让他空身跑在雪撬后面。

    The sledge stopped , and the driver took him out of his harness . He wanted to give him a rest , and let him runfree behind the sledge .

  22. 天色已经晚了,两个人互相瞅着,笑了。弗朗索瓦斯解下索拉克斯身上的挽具,把他牵回去套在原来的位置上。

    It was getting late.The two men looked at one another and smiled Francois walked up to Sol-leks , took off hisharness , led him back and harnessed him in his old place .

  23. 马的绳制或帆布的挽具,有一根牵引的绳子。我用慈绳(原文是人的)索牵引他们,我待他们如人放松牛的两腮夹板,把粮食放在他们面前。

    Rope or canvas headgear for a horse , with a rope for leading . I led them with cords of human kindness , with ties of love ; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them .