
wǎn shǒu
  • be arm-in-arm;hold hands
  1. 他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。

    They dawdled arm in arm past the shopfronts .

  2. 人们手挽手,前后摇晃着。

    The people swayed back and forth with arms linked

  3. 孩子们手挽手沿着马路跑去。

    The boys ran down the road arm in arm .

  4. 伴随着南非歌手的一曲ClickSong,他们手挽手坐上红色天鹅绒椅上。该歌曲经已故歌手米瑞安马卡贝演唱后走红。

    Sitting on red velvet chairs , they held hands as a South African singer sang the Click Song , made famous by the late Miriam Makeba .

  5. 他们常常手挽手地沿街走;

    They always walk arm in arm down the street .

  6. 不久,我们就手挽手向水库走去。

    Soon , arm in arm , we moved towards the reservoir .

  7. 他们手挽手,在大街上漫步。

    They held hands and slowly strolling down the street .

  8. 我们一起手挽手,搭巴士去塞尔玛。

    And we all held hands , rode the bus to selma .

  9. 他们手挽手在一座可爱的花园里散步。

    They walked hand in hand in a delicious garden .

  10. 菲尔和蓓蒂手挽手向前走去。

    Phyl and Bette linked arms , and moved on .

  11. 世博会徽看起来象是三人手挽手。

    The Expo Emblem looks like three people holding hand .

  12. 他们手挽手沿路而行。

    They walked down the road arm in arm .

  13. 爱就是手挽手一块儿去麦当劳。

    Love is go to McDonalds arm in arm .

  14. 每到春天,公园里到处都是手挽手散步的恋人。

    Every spring the park is filled with lovers walking arm in arm .

  15. 我们经常手挽手地沿着街走。

    We always arm in arm down the street .

  16. 手挽手的堵住车道。

    Linking their arms to block the driveway .

  17. 肩并肩,手挽手,共同走完这段人生路。

    Shoulder to shoulder , hand in hand , and complete your life journey .

  18. 把第一辆汽车和第二辆配成双;与伙伴手挽手。

    Coupled the first car with the second ; linked arms with their partners .

  19. 愚蠢和美貌挽手而行。

    Folly and beauty walk hand in hand .

  20. 晚上,公园到处都是手挽手漫步的年轻情侣。

    In the evening the park was full of young lovers walking hand in hand .

  21. 手挽手一起走

    Arm in arm , leaving together .

  22. 在回家的路上,孩子们手挽手,又说又笑。

    On the way home , the children walked arm in arm , laughing and joking .

  23. 还在一起手挽手的走。

    Were walking hand in hand .

  24. 奇迹与美手挽手跟他同行,他拥有了一切力量。

    Wonder and beauty walked with him , hand in hand , and all power was his .

  25. 朱莉肩披长发,身穿黑色无肩带皮质礼服,与皮特挽手亮相。

    Jolie came hair down in a black strapless leather dress , and had Pitt on her arm .

  26. 我们真诚的希望与新老客户挽手前进,共创未来。

    We sincerely hope that the new and old customers with Wan Shou forward to create a better future .

  27. 我真留恋我从前看见波拿巴和塔尔马手挽手同赴蛮舞会的那个时代。

    I regret the time when I saw bonaparte and Talma enter the Bel Sauvage , arm in arm .

  28. 手挽手,我们将奋斗,我们将坚韧,我们将变得比以往更加强大。

    Arm-in-arm , we will strive , we will endure , and we will emerge stronger than ever before .

  29. 湖边,一对对浪漫的情侣手挽手漫步在五颜六色的花丛中。

    Around the lake there were couples strolling romantically arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour of the rainbow .

  30. 如果我们此刻玩即兴的手挽手向前冲的游戏,你们组绝对是赢家。

    Like , if some impromptu game of Red Rover were to start up , you guys would totally win .