
  • 网络Carbon reduction;carbon emission reduction;carbon reducing
  1. 在构建低碳经济、倡导可持续发展的当今社会,水源热泵技术作为一种可靠的具有高效节能、减碳效果的可再生能源应用技术近年来在我国得到了迅速的发展。

    In modern society that builds low carbon economy and promotes sustainable development , as a reliable , energy efficient and carbon reducing renewable energy application technology , the water source heat pump technology ( WSHP ) has been developed rapidly in recent years in China .

  2. UST以创新,环保的精神,在机械设计的领域,不断研发绿化地球、减碳的新产品,并创造高经济价值的机械。

    UST use new concept and ideas to improve and develop environmental friendly machinery to contribute for better & greener planet earth .

  3. 然而,尽管渐进性政策承诺、技术创新和减碳战略已开始在新兴市场出现,但气候变化战略与提高国内生产总值(gdp)增速的迫切需求相悖,尤其是在印度和中国等地。

    However , while progressive policy commitments , technology innovations and carbon reduction strategies are starting to be seen in emerging markets , climate change strategies come against a pressing need to accelerate growth in gross domestic product , particularly in countries such as India and China .

  4. 请爱惜使用本校水电力资源,共同响应节能减碳运动。

    Please conserve water and electricity resources at all time .

  5. 美国专家对中国减碳承诺表示欢迎。

    US experts welcome China 's pledge on cuts .

  6. 今天你减碳了没有?

    Do you reduce carbon today ?

  7. 有电线却不插电,为了节能减碳它靠著自己的力量,拼了!

    In the daytime , this product can save and supply power for our cell phone or MP3 .

  8. 为了达到节能减碳的目标,国内外政府以及企业都在研发智慧电网。

    In order to achieve carbon reduction , domestic and foreign governments and enterprises are working on smart grid .

  9. 在同样的减碳目标之下,不同的政策手段也可能产生不同的减碳成本、创造不同的减碳商机。

    Same carbon reduction target under the different policy instruments may produce different carbon reduction costs , create different carbon reduction opportunities .

  10. 复肥生产埋床式管状反应器的结构及设计&节能、减碳、降成本、增肥效之实绩

    Structure of buried-bed tubular reactor for production of compound fertilizer and its design & Practice of energy-saving , carbon-reducing , cost-decreasing and effect-increasing

  11. 节能减碳的措施必会增加许多产业的生产成本,低碳政策的影响也随着不同的产业而有所差别。

    Carbon reduction measures will definitely increase the production costs of many industries , the impact of low-carbon policies vary with different industries .

  12. 由于这麽一段无意义的声明,他们就可以获得抵减碳权,然后就可以把碳权卖给别人,让别人制造更多的污染!

    For that meaningless claim , they get offset permits – permits that they can sell to someone else to make more pollution !

  13. 与此同时,发达国家应大幅削减排放量,向节能和减碳技术支付更多的补贴。

    In the meantime , advanced nations should cut emissions aggressively and pay more generous subsidies to energy efficiency and carbon reduction technologies .

  14. 如能更有效地将自然通风整合于长大隧道之通风设计,不但能达到长期节能减碳目的,也可一并应用于常时通风及紧急通风。

    It can be integrated in the ventilation design of a long road tunnel for the regular traffic as well as the emergency conditions .

  15. 如果想要得到照片,参观者必须做出一个简单的减碳承诺,可以选择出行少坐飞机、自带购物袋,或者多吃蔬菜少吃肉。

    To get the photo , visitors have to make a simple carbon-reducing promise . Choices included travel less by airplane , bring your own shopping bag and eat vegetables rather than meat .

  16. 除了符合环保法规、我们更要本著爱护地球、节能减碳的方针,制造高质量、低成本的产品,让我们的客户有更多的选择、创造更高的利润。

    Except for obeying environmental ordinances , EVERLONG provides high quality UL wires and cables of hook-up wire , computer cable , DC power cord , flat ribbon cable , coaxial * for more choice .

  17. 在参观的末尾处,一个屏幕上显示了超过2.7万人的承诺会起到怎样的影响:大气中的减碳量达到了9.978亿克。

    At the end of the tour , a screen showed the effect of the combined commitments of the more than 27000 people who have made the pledges : 997.8 million grams of carbon removed from the atmosphere .

  18. 如果想要得到照片,参观者必须做出一个简单的减碳承诺,可以选择“出行少坐飞机”、“自带购物袋”,或者“多吃蔬菜少吃肉”。

    To get the photo , visitors have to make a simple carbon-reducing promise . Choices included " travel less by airplane , " " bring your own shopping bag " and " eat vegetables rather than meat . "

  19. 再次,从价值链的角度提出在价值生产的过程中实现全过程减碳,通过生产环节、流通环节、销售环节、消费环节等多种政策领域相互配合和协调,形成政策合力。

    In the third , from the perspective of the value chain , it should reduce carbon in the whole processes though cooperating and coordinating the production chain , supply chain , sales links , consumer links , and other areas of policies .

  20. 但地方政府迫于政绩压力,其发展思路和关注重点并未在短期内得到改善,各地主要科技投入支持方向并未以环境技术、减碳技术为侧重点。

    Under pressure of the local government performance , the development thinking and attention will not get change in the short term . So the major direction in science and technology support investment had not take the field of " reduced carbon " technology as emphasis .

  21. 由于不同企业碳减排成本存在差异,为了达到利润最大化,企业可以根据自身情况决定是自己进行减碳还是由其他企业代为实施,甚至替其他企业完成碳减排份额。

    Because differences in the cost of corporate carbon emissions , in order to maximize profits , companies can decide according to their own carbon reduction or carbon reduction by other companies on behalf of , or even for other companies to complete the carbon emission reduction .

  22. 能源塔系统是一种以节能减碳为出发点,兼顾实际工程可行性与室内环境舒适性的空调冷热源方式,在工程上的应用方兴未艾,国内也有专门的设备生产厂商。

    Energy tower system is a kind of new air conditioning energy source that takes energy saving and carbon reduction as a starting point , taking into account both the actual engineering feasibility and indoor environmental comfort , there are already visible applications and national specialized equipment manufacturers .

  23. 包括改造传统高碳产业,积极发展低碳技术;开发清洁能源和可再生能源;利用市场机制和经济杠杆;加强减碳国际协作。

    After explanation for necessity of developing low-carbon economics and barriers of that , advices are introduced , including renovating traditional high-carbon industry , developing low-carbon technology ; exploring clean energy and renewable energy ; applying market mechanisms and economic leverage ; enhancing global cooperation for reducing carbon discharge .

  24. 中国的太阳能企业尚德,建立了一家低碳博物馆,以宣传减二氧化碳碳排放的各种途径。

    Suntech , a Chinese solar-power company , has established a low-carbon museum to celebrate ways of reducing carbon-dioxide emissions .

  25. GreenProduct,节能减废及碳足迹是目前电子行业自动自发或相互约定参与环境保护的活动主轴。

    Green Product , Energy Conservation & waste reduction is the carbon footprint of the electronics industry volunteered , or mutually agreed participation in environmental protection activities in the spindle .

  26. 碳和氧的含量随着烧结温度的升高和真空度的增加而呈递减趋势;碳、氧杂质元素在金属钽中形成间隙固溶体,使多孔钽的力学性能变差。

    With sintering temperature raised and vacuum increased , carbon , oxygen content present decreased . Carbon , oxygen impurity elements formed interstitial solid solution in tantalum , which leads to mechanical properties of porous tantalum variation .

  27. 随着气候变化继续威胁全球减贫努力,碳市场已逐步成为缓解气候变化的一种重要渠道。

    As climate change continues to threaten global efforts to reduce poverty , carbon markets have emerged as an important channel for climate mitigation .

  28. 该公司董事吴柏年(pat-niewoo)表示,中央纺织正致力于大量改善能源效率的项目,每年减排量可能达到2万吨,他希望将这些减排量作为碳信用加以出售。

    Pat-nie woo , director , said central textiles is working on a number of projects to improve energy efficiency that could result in reducing up to 20000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually , which he hopes to sell as carbon credits .