
kāi fā piào
  • write an invoice;make out an invoice;write a receipt;invoice
  1. 印度政府设定进口基价是为了制止出口商少开发票金额。

    The government sets base import prices to check under-invoicing from exporters .

  2. 我们也负责给顾客开发票,和信贷控制

    We 're also responsible for invoicing customers , and for credit control .

  3. 韩德玮说,在中国,许多商家是不开发票的,如果买家坚持要开,他们就会起疑心。

    Many businesses in China don 't issue receipts , according to Mr. Hon , and if the buyer insists , they will get suspicious .

  4. 索赔数量不足,有些电气用品开过发票,但却未到货

    Claims for shortage , some electrical appliances invoiced but not delivered .

  5. 这种情况促使一些经济学家怀疑开高价发票的行为是否再次导致贸易数据失真。

    The dynamic has prompted some economists to question whether trade figures are again being distorted by so-called over-invoicing .

  6. 在百货商店购买了大批物品后,他要求给他开一张发票。

    After making extensive purchases at a department store , he requested a bill of parcels .

  7. 所有的税费和费用按照开据的商业发票收取。

    All taxes and charges will be charged at the issuing of the commercial invoice .

  8. 不过国际公司之间开高或开低贸易发票也是一种规避资本控制的办法。

    But under-or overinvoicing of trade within international firms is also used to dodge capital controls .