
  • 网络resource policy
  1. 人力资源政策是解决失业的关键措施。

    The key to solve the unemployment is to take manpower resource policy .

  2. 它为改造地下水、防止水质恶化和制定水资源政策提供科学依据。

    The assessment provides scientific basis foe rebuildinggroundwater , preventing water quality deterioration and making water resource policy .

  3. 另一方面,介绍了J公司人才流失的现状以及人力资源政策。对J公司人才流失的原因以及产生的影响进行了分析,并为J公司制定了降低人才流失的战略。

    On the other hand , it introduces the situations of J enterprise and the policies of the human resources , analyzes the reasons of the talent loss in J enterprise and the effect on J enterprise , and establishes a strategy .

  4. 90年代以来中国电影人力资源政策研究

    Research on China ' Film Human Resources Policy Since the 1990s

  5. 我国钨矿资源政策与管理对策

    The Policy and Counter-measures for Tungsten Resources and Management of our Country

  6. 蒙古国矿产业发展与蒙古国矿产资源政策分析

    Mongolia Mining Industry Development and Policy Analysis of Mineral Resources in Mongolia

  7. 关于我国矿产资源政策的研究和建议

    On china 's mineral resources policy , with suggestions

  8. 其它一些因素也需要在制定人力资源政策时考虑。

    Other key issues need to be considered in designing human resources policies .

  9. 国家矿产资源政策目标与作用的

    National Policy of Mineral Resources : Objectives and Functions

  10. 解析海峡两岸高校图书馆的文献资源政策

    Analysing the Policy of Document Resources of University Libraries in Mainland and TaiWan Province

  11. 北京市水资源政策对水资源承载力的影响研究

    The Effects of Water Resources Policies on Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Beijing City

  12. 对雇员的尊重以及雇员的正直是我们人力资源政策的基石。

    Respect for employees and employee integrity are the cornerstones of our human resources policy .

  13. 将人力资源政策与IT价值相结合

    Align human resource policies with IT values

  14. 制定和实施公司人力资源政策、程序和计划。

    To formulate and implement the company 's human resources policies , procedures and program .

  15. 它们奉行的是商业政策,而不是资源政策,几乎使这个国家无以为继。

    They practically made the country unviable with their business policies , not resource policies .

  16. 城市水资源政策实施效果的定量化评估

    A quantitative study on effect of policy implementation of rational utilization for urban water resources

  17. 改革开放以来中国广播电视人力资源政策研究

    The Study on the Human Resources Policy of Radio and Television from Reform and Openness in China

  18. 以酒店人力资源政策及人力资源系统构架为指导,协助完成各项事务的同时处理好与酒店员工的关系。

    To implement HR policy and HR systems framework as directed by superior whilst maintaining good team member relations .

  19. 无可否认,要拟订能够有效支持经济发展的人力资源政策和计划是充满挑战的。

    Not surprisingly , it is very challenging to develop HR policies and plans that will support economic growth effectively .

  20. 本章的目的是为设计、理解、执行人力资源政策、制度与业务流程提供理论基石。

    Its goal is to provide theory basis for designing , understanding , executing HRM policy , HRM rules and procedures .

  21. 新的人力资源政策激发了干部员工的工作热情,促进了业务发展。

    It is true that the new human resource policy arouses the staff 's enthusiasm in working and promotes the business .

  22. 通过研究发现,这些国家的宏观经济政策、产业政策、资源政策和地方政府都在环境保护中扮演了重要角色。

    The results reveal that macroeconomic , industrial and resource policy and local government play an important role in protecting the environment .

  23. 并对矿产资源政策,提出了把节能和节约矿产资源作为一项基本国策确定下来等七项建议。

    Seven suggestions such as to make the saving of energy and minerals a basic policy of the state are put forward .

  24. 本文介绍了双汇集团良好的内部控制环境及其带来的启示,尤其是管理哲学和企业文化、人力资源政策及实施、企业组织结构三个方面。

    This paper introduces sound internal supervision environment of Shuang Hui , especially its enterprise culture 、 human resources policy and organization structure .

  25. 最后以广义物质循环的内涵及基本原则为指导,深入探讨了我国循环经济发展的资源政策与环境政策。

    Furthermore , policy implications of GMR from both resources and environmental level are analyzed and the life-cycle policy approaches are summarized accordingly .

  26. 本文正是从人力资源政策角度来探讨如何提高公共组织的知识创新。

    And this article is from the perspective of human resources management policies to discuss how to improve knowledge innovation of public organization .

  27. 它们必然要重新考虑它们的人力资源政策,从是否他们应该有纯粹的人力资源部门的问题开始。

    They certainly need to rethink their human-resources policies & starting by questioning whether they should have departments devoted to purely human resources .

  28. 这就需要有健全的政策体系,用法规去解决。我国网络环境政策体系包括网络系统建设和发展政策、网络信息资源政策、网络信息产业政策和网络信息市场政策等。

    We should improve the policy system , including policies for network development , network resources , network information industry and network information markets .

  29. 她表示,前一种雇主包括银行、保险公司和政府部门等,它们通常都懂得调整人力资源政策和实践。

    The former – banks , insurance companies and government departments among others – usually understand adapting human resource policies and practices , she says .

  30. 进而为企业在制定人力资源政策时有意识地引导员工产生有利于提升组织绩效的行为,提供理论与实践模型。

    The results of this paper can be cumulative in future research , and have the theoretical value and practical meaning for human resource policy .