
  1. 腐败导致资源配给严重扭曲,毫无效率。

    It serves to divert resources in a highly distorted and inefficient manner .

  2. 而这一转变所引发的教师存在方式和所获资源配给方式的变化,使现代教师身份呈现出制度性和寄生性的特征,从而导致教师忘却了师者育人的根本。

    Through above changing process , teachers ' existing mode and be given resources distribution also changed , which make modern teacher identity is characteristics of institutional and parasitic , leading to teachers forget the mission of education .

  3. 建设工程招投标制度是市场经济中工程建设项目管理体系的基本点和出发点,作为一种社会经济现象,招投标制度决定了社会资源的配给。

    The construction tender and bidding system is the fundamental facet of the construction project management system , as a social economic phenomenon , it is tender and bidding that decides the allocation of the social resources .

  4. 政府将适当地开发水资源,改善其配给,包括灌溉和储存,并加强水资源系统抵御气候变化的能力。

    The government will properly develop water resources and improve their distribution , including irrigation and conservation , and strengthen the capacity of the water system to resist climate change .

  5. 我国经济的发展处于政府完全配给资源到市场完全配给资源的一个转轨阶段,转轨意味着经济运行模式处于非均衡状态及其变革的澎湃动力。

    The economic development of China is at the transition stage from resources fully distributed by government to market ," transition " means that the non-equilibrium status of economic model and the power of transform .