
  • 网络Reluctant to lend;credit rationing
  1. 惜贷正是在2001至2006年间,日本央行(boj)实施定量宽松政策时,日本所发生的情形。

    Hoarding is exactly what happened in Japan earlier this decade when the Bank of Japan implemented quantitative easing between 2001 and 2006 .

  2. 金融服务有效供给不足,存在明显的惜贷现象;

    Deficiency of effective supply of financial services and obviously reluctance to lend ;

  3. 对国有商业银行“惜贷”问题的理性思考

    Rational Consideration on the issue of state-owned commercial bank " sparing loan "

  4. 不对称信息下商业银行惜贷行为的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of " Credit Grudging " Behavior of Commercial Banks Under Asymmetric Information

  5. 银行惜贷的信息经济学解释及其对策

    The information economics explanation and countermeasure of " the credit grudging " of commercial bank

  6. 银行惜贷现象的博弈论解释

    Games Analysis On Credit Squeeze of Bank

  7. 近几周来,各银行惜贷及慎贷压力正逐步升级。

    Pressure on banks to exercise more parsimony and caution has escalated in recent weeks .

  8. 惜贷:软风险

    Prudent Loans : Soft Risk

  9. 商业银行惜贷、慎贷的背后潜藏着我国经济运行过程中深层次的矛盾。

    Commercial bank 's caution in loan reflects the deep contradiction in the country 's economic development .

  10. 我国中小企业信贷困境与银行惜贷原因分析

    Analysis on the SMES ' Dilemma of Obtaining Loans and the Real Reasons Given by Commercial Banks

  11. 由于银行惜贷,美元在金融危机后走强。

    The dollar strengthened in the wake of the financial crisis as banks were reluctant to lend .

  12. 中国的商业银行但商业银行对中小企业存在惜贷现象。

    China 's Commercial bank but Commercial bank pities the loan phenomenon to the small and medium-sized enterprise existence .

  13. 正是银行的惜贷使得这个英国最大的典当公司的利润增长了47%。

    That reluctance by banks to lend has helped earn the UK 's biggest pawnbroker a47 per centrise in profits .

  14. 而引起银行惜贷的原因主要有以下几条:①非国有中小企业由于信息不对称、诚信意识不够等原因,商业银行对其实行信贷配给;

    Firstly , owing to information asymmetry and lack of honor , banks implement credit rationing to medium and small enterprises ;

  15. 随周期变动的资本率将削弱银行在繁荣时放贷过多、在衰退时又过分惜贷的倾向。

    Cycle-dependent capital ratios would reduce the tendency of banks to lend too generously in booms and too timidly in recessions .

  16. 失业不断增对、贷款机构惜贷以及大批外国投资者(和大批外籍银行家)的离去,意味着香港房价还会进一步下跌。

    Rising unemployment , reluctant lenders and an exodus of foreign investors ( plus shoals of expat bankers ) imply further declines .

  17. 它们彼此之间更加惜贷,把市场对少数机构的担忧转变成整个银行体系的信用紧缩。

    They have lent less and less to each other , turning worries about a few institutions into a system-wide credit crunch .

  18. 但是,惜贷始终都是一种行为,产生这种行为的原因不能用一种经济现象去解释。

    However , the Credit-Crunch may not to explain in economic phenomenon , since of that is a behaviour and not a theory .

  19. 而且,只有从这两个方面出发,才能从根本上解决银行惜贷与信贷紧缩问题,并最终促进商业银行的融资效率的提高。

    Moreover , the mitigation of credit contraction and the improvement of financing efficiency depend on the resolution of these two problems mentioned above .

  20. 在这个世界上,企业破产,银行惜贷被证明为正确之举,因为它们的潜在借款者已破产。

    In this world , companies fail and banks are vindicated in their cautious attitude to lending because their potential borrowers have gone bust .

  21. “超贷”与“惜贷”都是信贷市场非均衡现象,不以利润最大化为目标是导致“超贷”、“惜贷”现象的根本原因。

    " Excessive credit " and " credit reluctance " are examples of disequilibrium and are caused essentially by departures from profit maximization principle .

  22. 会计信息失真严重影响商业银行信贷决策质量,并在商业银行中产生严重的惜贷现象。

    A distortion of accounting information seriously influences the credit policy quality of commercial bank and exerts a serious phenomenon called " value credit " .

  23. 为控制不良贷款的增加,控制风险隐患,大多数商业银行出现惜贷现象。

    For the control of the increase on non-performing loans , most commercial banks are in a " credit crunch " phenomenon to control potential risks .

  24. 各商业银行银行追捧大型企业,对大企业争贷,却漠视对中小企业的资金需求,对其惜贷。

    Every commercial bank pursues large-scale enterprises , fighting for the loan for the big enterprise , but ignoring the fund demand of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  25. 在中小企业面临融资难的发展瓶颈的同时,惜贷现象也严重制约商业银行的发展。

    Small - and Medium-sized firms face a development bottleneck of financing difficulties , meanwhile , " loan deflation " severely constrains the development of commercial Banks .

  26. 银行在向国有企业发放贷款时非常慷慨,认为政府会为这些企业提供背书,但对活跃的民营企业则格外惜贷。

    Bankers have lavished loans on state-owned enterprises , believing the government will back them up , and shied away from the hurly-burly of the private sector .

  27. 更重要的是:未来亏损程度如何,以及弥补亏损所需资本,围绕二者挥之不去的不确定性,可能导致欧洲银行惜贷。

    More important : lingering uncertainty about the extent of future losses and the capital required to absorb them could prompt European banks to rein in lending .

  28. 银行可能面临无法收回贷款的风险,所以银行不愿发放贷款,出现了惜贷现象。

    The banks will face the risk of losing loan , so the banks are unwilling to grant the loan , and reflecting the phenomenon of sparing loan .

  29. 原因在于:利率将远远高于预期,而银行因为担心资本充裕度问题,将会越发惜贷。

    The reason : Interest rates will be far higher than predicted , and banks , worried over their capital levels , will be increasingly reluctant to lend .

  30. 首先指出了目前国家助学贷款中学生拖贷、银行惜贷的现实困境;其次分析了产生国家助学贷款困境的原因。

    Firstly points out the reality of student loans delayed and banks reluctant to lend . Then by analyzing the reasons of the plight of the national student loans .