
xī bié
  • Farewell;be reluctant to part;hate to see sb. go;be unwilling to part
惜别 [xī bié]
  • [be reluctant to part] 舍不得离别

  • 惜别之情

惜别[xī bié]
  1. 老师们怀着惜别的心情,送走了毕业同学。

    The teachers were loath to say good-bye to their graduating students .

  2. 在惜别之际,愿上帝祝福女皇及她的子民。

    May God bless the queen and her people at this time of fond farewell .

  3. 不是处在我这地位上的人,很难体味到我此刻的惜别之情。

    No one not in my situation can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting .

  4. 经常借诗歌来表达对双方的敬佩、赞美、惜别之情。

    The monks from the two countries often expressed admire and praise and the feeling of farewell by poetry .

  5. 此时此刻,充盈在我们心间的,既有师生之情,又有惜别之意,更有“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的骄傲和自豪。

    At this very moment I 'm sure all teachers are feeling a strong sense of pride but also loss .

  6. 当我们在你的惜别会上看到你的新父母为你所准备的家庭影片时,阿姨和叔叔感到些许的宽心了。

    Aunty and Uncle felt somewhat relieved when , in your farewell party , we saw your new family from the VCD that your new parents had prepared for you .

  7. 在惜别宴上,莫妮卡与马林斯基的一名芭蕾女伶跳了一支华尔兹,并被献上红萝卜蛋糕、一条围兜与一块头巾等退休礼物。

    At her farewell party , Monika danced a waltz with one of the Mariinsky 's ballerinas and was presented with retirement gifts of carrot cake , a pinafore and a kerchief .

  8. 离别在所难免,表达惜别之情只能是难过吗?朋友,既然你一定要走,那么期待我们再相见!

    Departure is inevitablely , but must I express my feeling of sadness ? My friend , if you 're meant to leave , then I 'll looking forward to the day of reunion .

  9. 爱情诗中描写惜别的作品很多,它们大多写于诗人与爱人分别的时候,表达了诗人对恋人不尽的思念与深深的爱意。

    There are many works that describe separation in love poems , most of which are written when the poets are separated from their lovers and express the poets ' endless and deep love for their lovers .
