
xī fú
  • cherish (or prize) one's blessings and use them sparingly;not squander when one has plenty
惜福 [xī fú]
  • [value one's good fortune] 指享受不肯过分

  • 有些年轻人只会乱花钱,不知道惜福

  1. 年轻人要懂得惜福。

    Young people should cherish their blessings .

  2. 青岛铁陨石是在2004年5月发现于青岛市城阳区惜福镇,重约30t。

    The Qingdao iron meteorite was found in May , 2004.Its weight is about 3 ton .

  3. 你在餐厅、旅馆等场合所受到的服务,你要懂得惜福感恩。

    When you stay in a hotel , leave a tip for the hotel workers who are responsible for cleaning the room .

  4. 既然会喝茶,能喝好茶被视为“清福”,那煮茶实为惜福了。

    Being able to get and drink good-quality tea is regarded as " pure happiness " and boiling tea is actually " cherishing the happiness " .

  5. 女人的快乐建立在感恩和惜福上,其实是对现实生活的一种妥协。

    A woman 's happiness is built on giving thanks and cherishing her good fortune , which is in reality a kind of way of dealing with the reality of life ;

  6. 心灵瑜珈的第六门功课是惜福,很多人都认为,今年咱们国家多灾多难,但只要我们团结一致,用平静心态去看待,困难总会过去。

    Mind yoga 's sixth lesson is keeping fortune . a lot of people think that our country is in trouble this year , but as long as we unite as one with calm attitude , all difficulties will pass .
