
  • 网络primus;Pro-Teach
  1. 博智首席执行官麦睿彬(robertmorse)和中策的柯清辉昨日坚称,该交易将按计划推进。

    Robert Morse , chief executive of Primus Financial Holdings , and Raymond or of China strategic , the two companies that make up the buying consortium , yesterday insisted that the deal would proceed as planned .

  2. 麦睿彬曾是花旗集团(Citigroup)亚洲区高管,今年他以未披露身份的出资者提供的10亿美元设立博智金融,目的是将该公司打造为一家亚洲金融服务集团。

    Mr Morse , a former senior Citigroup executive in Asia , set up Primus this year with about $ 1bn backing from undisclosed sources and aims to build it into an Asian financial services conglomerate .

  3. 卡尔先生的优美文字,充满同情,诙谐和博智,淡化了任何淫秽的意味

    Any sense of prurience is relieved by Mr Kahr 's prose , which is sympathetic , witty and erudite .

  4. 证券服务提供商中兴保全(taiwansecom)本周表示,该公司与上次拍卖的获胜者博智金融(primusfinancial)结成了合作关系,将共同出价收购南山人寿的部分或全部股权。

    Taiwan Secom , a security services provider , said this week it was in partnership with Primus financial , the winner of the first auction , to submit a bid to buy part or all of Nan Shan .

  5. 博智金融计划将南山人寿转型为一家国际保险公司,他补充说。

    Primus planned to turn Nan Shan into an international insurer , he added .

  6. 博智和中策均否认有陆资背景,并表示有信心获批。

    Primus and China strategic have denied having mainland backing and are confident they will secure approval .

  7. 但博智并未透露为其提供资金的“亚洲富豪家族”的名称。

    Primus , however , has not named the " wealthy Asian families " it says are backing it .

  8. 博智金融和中策均否认有大陆背景,台湾监管机构也未拿出它们与北京方面有关联的证据。

    Both Primus and China strategic have denied having mainland backing , and Taiwan regulators have not come up with evidence of a Beijing link .

  9. 博智金融正寻求在亚洲建立一个金融服务综合集团,其收购南山人寿的努力,在台湾遭到当地实力机构的强烈反对。

    Primus is seeking to build a financial services conglomerate in Asia and faced strong opposition to acquire Nan Shan from powerful domestic groups in Taiwan .

  10. 博智在一份声明中表示,它的投资者包括亚洲一些最受尊敬且最富有的家族,以及一些全球机构投资者。

    Primus said in a statement that its investors included some of the most respected and wealthiest families in Asia , as well as global institutional investors .

  11. 此次被出售的南山人寿是台湾第三大寿险公司,博智金融和香港买家组成财团作为收购方。交易将需获得当地监管机构批准。

    The acquisition of Nan Shan , the country 's third largest life assurer , by a consortium comprising Primus and Hong Kong interests , is subject to local regulatory approval .

  12. 吴当杰表示,金管会的担心包括,中策和博智是否具有经营南山的专业技能,以及是否有能力进一步融资以支撑南山。

    Mr Wu said concerns included whether China strategic and Primus had the professional skills to run Nan Shan , or would be able to raise further funds to support the company .