
  1. 配置支持磁盘和磁带汇集连接Netfinity服务器冗余循环创造一个高可用性的SAN。

    Configurations support disk and tape pooling connected to Netfinity servers in redundant loops to create a highly available SAN .

  2. 房地产营销模式也越来越被房地产从业人员所重视,随着房地产营销业的兴起和发展,为加速房地产的循环创造了条件。

    With the development of Real estate marketing , it creates the qualification that accelerates the circulation of real estate .

  3. 为此,必须对制约民营企业发展的因素进行探讨。寻求促进民营企业发展的对策,为民营经济的良性循环创造条件。

    For this reason , must carry on the discussion to restraining factors , seek the countermeasure of developing private enterprise , and create conditions for benign cycle of private economy .

  4. 泥盆纪时,在阿尔泰山南缘拉张背景下,北西向区域性断裂和北北东向同生断裂的发育和复合,为火山喷发、潜火山岩分布和裂谷海水下渗循环创造了条件。

    The development and compounding of NW-trending regional faults and NNE-trending contemporaneous faults in the extensional setting on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains created conditions for volcanic eruption , subvolcanic intrusion and downward percolation and circulation of rift seawater .

  5. 我想使用LINQ到对象的查询,以减少循环,创造方法。

    I thought of using LINQ to object query to reduce the looping and create method .

  6. 然而,在英语学习过程中,英语写作与听、说、读比较起来是一项较复杂的、循环的创造过程。

    However , in the process of learning English , English writing is a more complex and creative process , compared with listening , speaking , reading .

  7. 但是这些都是短期计划,理奇耐希望未来能够用可循环咖啡渣创造出各种实用物品。

    But those are just short-term plans , as Lechner hopes to one day use recycled coffee grounds to create all sort of useful stuff .

  8. 在其现实性上,制度不是一种静态的结构,而是一个不断实现结构再生产的过程,这种再生产不是循环,而是创造。

    In reality , the system is not a static structure , but a process of structure reproduction , which is not circulation , but creation .

  9. 人们不仅在循环经济中创造了价值而且保护、节省和储存了生态价值,因为循环经济拓宽了自然资源的利用范围,提高了单位资源的产出率,降低了单位产品的资源消耗。

    People not only create value and also protect , save and deposit ecological value because circulative economy widens the range of natural resources utilization , improves output efficiency of unit resource and lowers the consumption of resource per product .

  10. 最后指出,在新型工业化条件下,实现后发优势要做到:加快信息化改造传统产业的步伐、加快高新技术改造传统产业的步伐、大力发展循环经济、创造良好的制度环境。

    At last , the article points out we should accelerate the paces of the traditional industry of the information-based transformation , accelerate the paces of the traditional industry of high-new technological transformation , develop recycle economy and create the good system environment .

  11. 政府应制定农业循环经济发展规划,建立技术创新体系,建设示范工程,为发展农业循环经济创造良好的制度环境。

    The government should formulate plan for the development of agricultural recycling economy , carry forward the establishment of technological innovation system and construct demonstration project to create a sound institutional environment for the development of agricultural recycling economy .