
  • 网络Circular List;Circular Linked List
  1. 根据数据元素值的递增顺序建立循环链表,能够有效地分类数据,使Josephus数据序列均匀分布且不重复。

    And since the circular linked list is created based on the ascendant sequence of the data list , so the data can be classified effectively to make the Josephus data list to be distributed symmetrically and no duplicate .

  2. 文章通过实验和分析,总结了一个通用性的描述形式,并给出了基于循环链表的算法设计。

    In this paper , after so many experiments and analysis , a common method is summarized and an algorithm is designed , which is based on circular linked list .

  3. 作用:从循环链表断开该节点的链接。

    Effects : Unlinks the node from the circular list .

  4. 缓冲区的数据结构采用双向循环链表和哈希表。

    Double-linked circular list and hash table are used here to manage all buffers .

  5. 两个长数字串全乘快速算法实现&双向循环链表应用实例

    The Fast Algorithm of two Long Digital Strings Multiplication & The Application of Double-linked Circular Lists

  6. 简单的双循环链表的实现。

    Simple doubly linked list implementation .

  7. 格形构造[建筑物]该结构是由顺序表与链表交叉构造而形成的一种动态循环链表。

    Cellular construction It is a dynamic circular chain that formed by sequent lists and linked lists alternately .

  8. 具体过程就是先建一个单向循环链表,用来存储这些人的编码和密码。

    Specific process is to first build a one-way circular linked list , these people used to store code and password .

  9. 该结构是由顺序表与链表交叉构造而形成的一种动态循环链表.动态链接库在工业仪表数据通信中的应用

    It is a dynamic circular chain that formed by sequent lists and linked lists alternately . Application of the DLL in Industrial Data Communication

  10. 约瑟夫环的问题采用的是典型的循环链表的数据结构,就是将一个链表的尾元素指针指向队首元素。

    Joseph Ring is a typical problem with circular list data structure is a list of the last element pointer to force the first element .

  11. 使用循环链表来实现报数的相关问题,同时可以对链表有更进一步的了解。

    The use endless chain table realizes the related question which counts off , simultaneously may have a more further understanding to the chain table .

  12. 播放器的设计使用了类循环链表&数据缓冲技术减少延时抖动的影响来保障播放器连续播放媒体流。

    The player can play streaming media fluently by using similar cycle link Table-data buffer technology , because data buffer can decrease the influence of delay jitter .

  13. 该算法还采用了较为简单的单循环链表来存储多边形和交点,降低了数据结构的复杂性。

    Besides , this clipping algorithm adopts the single circular linked list to represent the polygon and intersection points , which reduces the complexity of the data structure .

  14. 利用循环链表分配地址和端口,利用双散列和优化的定时器机制相结合实现映射表项的维护和查找。

    The system uses circular links to allot IP addresses and ports , with double hashing and session timers with improved state automata to look up mapping items .

  15. 在模型的具体实现过程中,采用循环链表实现该模型中基于滑动窗口的检测引擎,可有效降低系统内存消耗。

    A concrete realization of the process in the model , using circular linked list implementation of the model-based sliding window of the detection engine , which can effectively reduce system memory consumption .

  16. 利用C++中的堆内存原理,采用循环链表方法很好地解决了约瑟芬问题,并阐述了此方法与数组方法相比的优越性。

    This article presents how to solve Josephus problem by cycle linked list and heap memory method in c + + , and expounds the superiority of this method to that of the array .

  17. 先来介绍一下单链表的建立,明白其思路后,再巧用其算法,很快的就能构造出单循环链表和单链表的逆序的算法。

    The first to introduce a single linked list , understand their thinking , then how to use their algorithms , can be constructed quickly a one-cycle single linked list and the algorithm of retrograding linked list .

  18. 通过数据结构的双向循环链表的插入和删除算法,进一步理解令牌总线网的站点插入和删除,把学科间的内容相互衔接起来,使问题更加简单化。

    This paper , by mastered insertion and deletion of node algorithm in double circle linked list , goes a step further to understand the insertion and deletion of station , achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject so that abstract problem becomes easy and simple .

  19. 基于循环十字链表的频繁模式挖掘算法

    Algorithm for Mining Frequent Patterns Based on Circular Orthogonal Linked List