
  1. 印刷机赋予少数人为多数人改变世界的力量。

    The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many

  2. 数字媒体拥有改变世界的力量。

    Digital media has the power to change the world .

  3. 你们这代人有改变世界的力量

    So your generation is empowered to change the world

  4. 他坚信歌曲具有改变世界的力量。

    He grew up believing that song has the power to change the world .

  5. 长期影响力才是改变世界的力量。

    Long-term influences are what change the world .

  6. 任何胆敢为爱出卖灵魂的人,都拥有改变世界的力量。

    Any dares who love to betray the soul , all have the power to change the world .

  7. 以下是甘地所说过的最鼓舞人心的10句名言,希望这些句子能带给你改变世界的力量。

    Here are the Gandhi 's Top 10 inspirational quotes that give you power to change the world .

  8. 但当别人津津乐道互联网拥有改变世界的力量时,他却不抱任何幻想,认为互联网对改善世界穷人的生活不会起到太大帮助。

    But while others talk up the world-changing power of the internet , he is under no illusions that it will do much to improve the lives of the world 's poorest .

  9. 但事实是,文字和思想也许更甚从前仍有改变世界的力量;他们只是(飞速)演化成了不同的形式。

    The truth is , though , that ideas and words are still maybe even more than ever powerful tools for change ; they just travel ( quickly ) in a different format .

  10. 正确的理念一定能够转化为改变世界的物质力量。

    Correct ideas can be transformed into a material force that changes the world .

  11. 乔治·坎宁,十九世纪二十年代英国的外交部长,曾夸张地自诩“我创造了一个新世界,用以改变旧世界的力量对比”。

    George Canning , foreign secretary in the1820s , exaggerated when he boasted " I have called the New World into existence , to redress the balance of the Old " .

  12. 《时代》杂志指出,“年度人物”不是一项荣誉,也不是一种认可,对改变世界的个人或力量的承认。

    The magazine noted that " Person of the Year " is not an honor or an endorsement a recognition of leadership that shapes the world .

  13. 文化软实力:改变世界的另一种力量

    Cultural Soft Power : Another Power Changing the World

  14. 科学技术的进步始终都是一种改变世界最具革命性的力量。

    The development of science and technology has always been a kind of revolutionary force that can change the world .