
  1. 美国协会也门研究专家、Sanaa市的StephenSteinbeiser表示,他希望总统的改革承诺会平息青年人及反对党,但学生们似乎并不买账。萨利赫总统于今年2月21日在也门Sanaa市记者招待会上发表讲话。

    Yemen expert Stephen Steinbeiser of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies in Sana'a says that he expected the president 's promise of reform to appease young people and opposition parties , but that students appear unwilling to accept his offer : President Ali Abdullah Saleh speaks during a media conference in Sanaa , Yemen , February 21 , 2011

  2. 股权分置改革承诺的履行监管与股东权益保护

    Split-share Reform Obligation and Shareholder Interest

  3. 成功地完成;成功提供如果他不履行改革承诺,就会使他所领导的政府面临危险。

    He puts his administration at risk if he doesn 't come through on these promises for reform .

  4. 通过快速调整本国货币汇率,非正式成员国可以恢复经济竞争力;一旦该国圆满完成了所有改革承诺,还能再次成为欧元区的正式成员。

    It could adjust its exchange rate quickly to restore competitiveness and , once it had fulfilled all reform commitments , could fully rejoin the eurozone .

  5. 因为世界将根据美国的行动,而不是承诺,做出评判。而奥巴马总统雄心勃勃的改革承诺,将使他面临更严峻的评判标准。

    America will be judged by its actions , not by its promises , and Obama 's ambitious promises of change will make that judgment even harsher .

  6. 不过当时他也就中国新领导层能否及时履行改革承诺从而真正为脆弱的全球经济带来帮助提出过质疑。

    At the time , however , he questioned the new leadership 's commitment to delivering the reforms in time to be of real use to the fragile global economy .

  7. 通过这一新机制,美国将得以与中国就其履行改革承诺、进行经济调整的方式和时间进行讨论,包括走向更为灵活的汇率机制。

    The new mechanism would allow the US to discuss with China how and when it implemented promised reforms to rebalance its economy , including moving towards a more flexible currency .

  8. 这是法国迄今为止最明确地呼吁放松对希腊政府的要求。希腊政府已非正式地提议给它额外两年时间履行改革承诺。

    It was the most explicit call by Paris for relief for Athens , which has informally suggested that it be given an extra two years to meet its reform commitments .

  9. 在上周六进行的一场电视直播辩论中,希拉里提高嗓音并挥舞着手指宣称:我不仅仅是凭借一个改革承诺在参加竞选。

    In a televised debate on Saturday , Mrs Clinton raised her voice and jabbed her finger as she declared : I 'm not just running on a promise of change .

  10. 不过,中国官员承认,朝鲜以往做出的改革承诺,曾无数次令他们失望。一些分析人士预计,军方和其它部门的既得利益,将遏制所有新的改革努力。

    Yet Chinese officials admit they have been disappointed countless times in the past by North Korean promises to reform and some analysts expect vested interests in the military and elsewhere to smother any renewed reform push .

  11. 但为了达到这一目标,监管机构必须取消对俄罗斯企业向海外销售股票数量的限制。这一改革承诺做出于一年前,但依然没有正式落实。

    But to achieve this , the regulator will have to eliminate restrictions on how much equity Russian companies can sell abroad , a reform that was promised more than a year ago but has yet to be enacted .

  12. 他试图以改革的承诺安抚抗议者。

    He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform .

  13. 这个党派一直试图用选举改革的承诺来争取选民。

    The party has beentrying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform .

  14. 新一代领导人同样表达了追求改革的承诺,但行事更加左翼化。

    The new leaders express the same commitment to reform , but have a more left-wing agenda .

  15. 他还质疑最近阿萨德总统对叙利亚制度进行改革的承诺。

    He also doubts recent pledges by President Bashar al Assad to reform the system in Syria .

  16. 无论是通过对话、谈判还是争端解决机制,中国都必须信守改革的承诺。

    Whether through dialogue , negotiation or dispute settlement , China must be held to its commitments to reform .

  17. 如果政府宣传的“全面监管改革”承诺得过多、实现得过少,我们将不会从中受益。

    We will have done ourselves no favours if what is billed as " comprehensive regulatory reform " over-promises and under-delivers .

  18. 欧洲中央银行行长马里奥·德拉吉:竭尽全力去保护欧元。记者:希腊和欧盟之间的争斗在布鲁塞尔不断加剧,债权者对希腊进行经济改革的承诺提出质疑。

    REPORTER : Battles between Greece and the E.U. continue to up in Brussels , with creditors questioning Greece 's commitment to economic reforms .

  19. 当我带着医保改革的承诺成为总统时,希拉里自然成为领导医保小组的那个人。

    When I became president with a commitment to reform health care , Hillary was a natural to head the health care task force .

  20. 一个经深思熟虑的经济增长日程表还要包括一个促进生产力改革的联合承诺。

    A serious growth agenda should also involve a joint commitment to productivity-boosting reforms .

  21. 以改革税制的承诺恳请投票人支持

    Woo voters with promises of tax reform

  22. 本周,美国驳回了有关叙利亚总统改革许可的承诺。

    The United States dismissed a promise this week by the Syrian President to permit reforms .

  23. 现在是应该对教育做出历史承诺的时候了&一个需要新资源和新改革的真正承诺。

    It 's time to make a historic commitment to education & a real commitment that will require new resources and new reforms .

  24. 对实施紧缩和结构性改革的切实承诺予以奖励,西班牙与欧洲的关系将不至于弄僵,避免步其他一些国家的后尘。

    This reward for genuine commitment to austerity and structural reform will hopefully prevent relations with Europe from becoming as poisoned as in some other countries .

  25. 但这么做,我们肯定会对随后必然到来的改革失败和承诺破灭深感失望,就像乌克兰在橙色革命之后发生的情况那样。

    But this would result in deep disappointment at the failed reforms and broken promises that will surely follow – just as they did in Ukraine in the aftermath of the Orange Revolution .

  26. 过去几个月,由于其销售状况相对能够抵抗衰退,制药业的表现一直好于其它多数行业,但随着奥巴马明确表示将推进医疗改革的竞选承诺,市场人气发生了转变。

    After several months during which the industry outperformed most other sectors because of its relatively recession-proof sales , the mood switched as Mr Obama made clear he would pursue his campaign pledges for healthcare reform .

  27. 对于股权分置改革涉及到的承诺变量,本论文同时进行了详细的分析来探讨其对对价的影响。

    As for the commitment variables , we do a more detailed analysis to further explore the impact of consideration .

  28. 这或许可以通过同意在美国指导下改革安全系统和承诺与库尔德人展开更真诚的对话来实现。

    This might be achieved by agreeing to security reforms under American guidance and committing to a more genuine dialogue with the Kurds .

  29. 虽然中国央行反复表示支持金融创新,但外界正在密切关注央行对互联网企业金融业务的监管举措,并以此检验中国政府作出的改革国有企业的承诺。

    Although China 's central bank has said repeatedly it supports financial innovation , how it tries to regulate the Internet firms is being watched as an indicator of Beijing 's commitment to overhauling state-run enterprises .

  30. 来自肯塔基的共和党籍参议员米奇.麦康奈尔在参议院讲话时说,共和党议员将要求所有针对救助汽车业的计划都应该包括对显著和根本性改革做出的坚定承诺。

    Speaking on the Senate floor , Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said members of his party would demand that any plan aimed at helping the industry include a firm commitment to significant and fundamental reform .