
  • 网络tsunami;the Financial Tsunami;financial crisis
  1. 面对金融海啸,国家减税以扶持企业发展。

    The government encourages the growth of enterprises through tax cut in this financial tsunami .

  2. 看来这场金融海啸所波及的范围之广,触动行业之多已经超出人们的想象,连富士重工也退出了WRC。

    This financial tsunami affected the region and the fields which had been out of our imagination , even Subaru declared they will quit WRC in the new season .

  3. 不过哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)经济学家肯思斯•罗高夫指出,今天的经济恢复可以说是一次“大紧缩”,这次金融海啸的余震无论从哪方面看,都不像是一场典型的经济萧条。

    But as Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff has pointed out , the recovery today is something that can only be called " the great contraction , " suggesting that the aftermath of a financial crisis does not look anything close to that of a typical recession .

  4. 伦敦BGC公司的市场分析师大卫.布维克说,金融海啸的阵痛已经可以在实体经济中感受得到,因此,出台全球协调的应对措施越快越好。

    Market Analyst at BGC Partners in London , David Buik , says that cannot happen soon enough because the pain is just starting to be felt in the real economy of everyday life .

  5. 浅析金融海啸中的信用卡业务风险及防范预警对策

    On credit card business risk and prevention countermeasure under financial crisis

  6. 金融海啸中管窥我国投资银行的出路

    Glimpse the Way of Chinese Investment Banks in the Financial Tsunami

  7. 金融海啸促使我国家具工业发展重新定位

    The Financial tsunami urging the reposition of our country furniture industry

  8. 金融海啸下再看广东发展模式及其创新

    Re-exam Guangdong Development Mode and its Innovation under the Financial Crisis

  9. 金融海啸下的日本经济衰退及其启示

    The Japanese Economic Recession and its Revelation Under the Financial Tsunami

  10. 2007年美国次贷危机爆发,逐渐发展为席卷全球的金融海啸。

    The sub-prime crisis has gradually developed into a global financial tsunami .

  11. 金融海啸:世界秩序重建的机遇与挑战

    Financial Tsunami : Opportunities and Challenges in the Reconstruction of World Order

  12. 对抗金融海啸,您能否转危为机?

    Are you prepared to brace the escalating financial tsunami ?

  13. 浅析金融海啸对中国人造板机械制造业发展的影响

    Analyzing the affection of financial tsunami on Chinese WBP industry

  14. 金融海啸下产品消费带来的设计反思

    Reflection of Design Brought by Product Consuming in Financial Tsunami

  15. 金融海啸背景下我国宏观调控的政策选择

    China macro control 's policy selection under the background of financial tsunami

  16. 金融海啸环境下物流企业的策略选择

    The strategy choices for logistics enterprises in financial tsunami environment

  17. 金融海啸下我国外贸企业的发展探讨

    Research on the Development of Our Foreign Trade Enterprises during Financial Crisis

  18. 金融海啸后的农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究

    On the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Force after the Financial Tsunami

  19. 美国次贷危机蔓延为全球金融海啸:路径剖析与对策选择

    Financial Tsunami : An Analysis of Its Spreading Routes and Options of Countermeasures

  20. 金融海啸背景下我国金融危机预警研究

    The Research on Chinese Financial Crisis Early Warning in Context of Financial Tsunami

  21. 从金融海啸看金融产品创新与风险管理

    From the financial tsunami look at the financial product innovation and risk management

  22. 金融海啸下的金融调控法律制度研究

    On the Legal Regulation in the Financial Crisis

  23. 金融海啸中内地金融企业海外投资的损失分析

    Statistical analysis for the losses of inland institutions ' overseas investment in financial tsunami

  24. 金融海啸形势下高职毕业生就业现状与对策

    The Current Employment Situation and Countermeasures of Higher Vocational College Graduates under Financial Tsunami

  25. 这是后金融海啸时期国际经济的一个重要的变化。

    This is a significant change in the global economic landscape in the post-financial crisis era .

  26. 金融海啸(2008)几乎一夜之间世界的财富就缩水了四分之一。

    Financial Tsunami ( 2008 ) One quarter of the world 's wealth vanishes seemingly overnight .

  27. 美国金融海啸背景下中国经济政策取向的冷思考

    Rational Thinking on the Orientation of China 's Economic Policy under the Circumstance of US Financial Crisis

  28. 全球金融海啸下中国面临的挑战、机遇和对策&再平衡视角下的分析

    China 's Challenge , Opportunity and Respective Strategies during the Global Financial Storm & A Rebalance View

  29. 2008年从美国开始爆发了次贷危机,进而引起了全球的金融海啸。

    In 2008 , sub-prime crisis was broke out in America and caused the global financial tsunami .

  30. 2007~2009年美国遭受了次贷风暴金融海啸经济衰退等一系列危机的冲击。

    United States suffered from the subprime crisis , financial crisis and the economic recession within 2007-2009 .