
  • 网络Korea International Trade Association;KITA
  1. 根据韩国贸易协会发布的数据显示,2015年韩国化妆品对华出口额同比增长一倍至10.8亿美元,这反映了韩国产品在华的受欢迎程度急剧上升。

    According to the data compiled by the Korea International Trade Association , South Korea 's exports of cosmetics to China doubled on-year to reach $ 1.08 billion in 2015 , reflecting the soaring popularity of South Korean goods in China .

  2. 根据韩国国际贸易协会,今年前七个月,韩国向中国出口价值三亿七千多万美元的化妆品,较2014年同比增长250.6%。

    South Korea exported $ 370.8 million worth of cosmetics in the first seven months of this year , an increase of 250.6 percent compared to the same period in 2014 , according to the Korean International Trade Association .