
ɡǎijìn zhuānlì
  • an improved patent;a patent improving on sth.
  1. 基于改进专利计量法的资源外包战略选择研究

    Research on Outsourcing Strategy Choosing Based on Ameliorated Patent Measurement Method

  2. 改进专利技术侵权是指改进专利技术这种新技术可能形成的侵权行为。

    Improved patent technology related to infringement means the new technology from the improvement of patent technology may form tort .

  3. 目的:改进专利中“用红外光谱检测中药中化学药物的方法”,提高其准确性。

    Objective : To modify a patent method concerning determination of synthetic drugs in traditional chinese medicines based on infrared spectroscopy , in order to improve the accuracy of judgment .

  4. 改进专利技术是指基于有效专利技术产品或专利方法,进行技术的优化与创造,形成具有新质和优势的先进新技术。

    Improved patent technology is the formation of new advanced technology which has new character and advantage , based on the effective patented technology products or patents method , with the creation or optimization of technology .

  5. 改进专利技术侵权的种类有直接侵权和间接侵权,而判断原则是全面覆盖原则和等同原则。

    The types of infringement of improved patent technology are the direct infringement and indirect infringement , the principle of imputation of it is the main theme definition principle , and the principle of judgment of it are comprehensive coverage of principle and the principle of equivalent .

  6. 同时,国家知识产权局还采取措施改进地方专利主管机关的执法工作。

    At the same time , SIPO had taken appropriate measures to improve the performance of local patent authorities in law enforcement .

  7. 要持续不断地改进TRIPS与中国专利法律保护之完善

    TRIPS and Continuous Improvement of Chinese Legal Patent Protection

  8. 改进福建省企业专利状况的实证研究

    Research on Improving the Patent State of Enterprise of Fujian Province

  9. 改进产品来避免专利的可能性和成本是怎样的?

    What is the feasibility and cost of modifying the product to avoid the patents ?

  10. 硅谷巨头们尽管各为对手,但对专利系统大体都持批评态度,并愿意改进它们,减少专利流氓发起的诉讼。专利流氓就是指那些很大程度上依靠专利侵权起诉为生的小公司。

    Big Silicon Valley companies , despite their rivalries , are largely united in their critique of the patent system and the desire to change it to reduce lawsuits by so-called patent trolls – small companies whose livelihood is largely from pursuing patent infringement claims .