
yínɡ yè suǒ
  • place of business
  1. 其为公司、行号、公会或团体者,其负责人之姓名及事务所、营业所。

    If a company , sole proprietorship or partnership , tradeassociation or organization , the name of the responsible person and the location of the office or place of business ;

  2. 当一方或双方都有一个以上的营业所时,则以与合同及合同的履行关系最密切的营业地为其营业地。

    2 , When both or one party have more than one place of business , the place which is most closely connected with the contract and the relationship of performance is regarded as its place of business .

  3. 这买卖是由伦敦商业区的小营业所管理的。

    The business is conducted from small offices in the city .

  4. (b)就公司而言,指注册所在地或主营业所。

    and ( b ) in relation to a corporation , its registered or principal office .

  5. 同时,可将PDA功能与供电营业所MIS进行联网,整合农电管理信息系统,以提高农电管理和客户服务水平。

    At the same time , it may carry on networking of the PDA function and power supply business office MIS , the conformity agricultural electricity management information system , in order to enhance the agricultural electricity management and the customer service level .

  6. 营业所业务全断的故障分析与处理

    Analysis and processing for service interruption of business department

  7. 在国外拥有20家独资生产厂、2家研究所和48家营业所。

    In overseas has20 sole ownership plants , 2 research institutes and48 business offices .

  8. 以前我在一家营业所从九点干到五点,而现在我开了自己的营业所。

    I used to have a nine-to-five job in an office , but now I run my own business .

  9. 新所有人如在一国有真实有效的工商营业所,该国国名;

    And the name of a state in which the new owner has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment , if any ;

  10. 该系统拥有普通营业所必要的功用,如过户,开户,销户,话费查询,预存话费,等等。

    Necessary are contained in the system , such as user changing , setting a new account , deleting an account , checking money , inserting money , etc.

  11. 在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的外国人、外国企业或者外国其他组织在中国申请专利的

    " Where any foreigner , foreign enterprise or other foreign organization having no habitual residence or Business office in China files an application for a patent in China "

  12. 欧洲联盟公民与于一会员国中居住之自然人或登记营业所之法人,均有向欧洲议会请愿之权利。

    Any citizen of the Union and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State has the right to petition the European Parliament .

  13. 2.在经营商业中,具有损害竞争者的营业所、商品或工商业活动商誉性质的虚伪说法;

    False allegations in the course of trade of such a nature as to discredit the establishment , the goods , or the industrial or commercial activities , of a competitor ;

  14. 新系统启用后,产生的用电费用需要各位业主持电卡到当地电力营业所交纳,或采用IC卡购电插卡用电。

    Once the new system come into use , Luxehills owners should bring with the electricity card and go to the local electricity office to pay for the bill or use IC card .

  15. 但是,对于本联盟国家的国民不得规定在其要求保护的国家须有住所或营业所才能享有工业产权。

    However , no requirement as to domicile or establishment in the country where protection is claimed may be imposed upon nationals of countries of the Union for the enjoyment of any industrial property rights .

  16. 船舶登记港由船舶所有人依据其住所或者主要营业所所在地就近选择,但是不得选择二个或者二个以上的船舶登记港。

    The owner of a ship may choose a port closer to his residence or his principal place of business as the port of registry , but he is not allowed to choose two or more ports as the port of registry .

  17. 搬运员如果当时不是因事不在的话,总是殷勤地跑到前面去把董贝先生营业所办公室的门尽量开得大大的;当董贝先生进门的时候,他脱下帽子,把门按住。

    The ticket-porter , if he were not absent on a job , always ran officiously before , to open Mr Dombey 's office door as wide as possible , and hold it open , with his hat off , while he entered .

  18. 沃尔特脑子里盘旋着各种不切实际的发财致富的办法,好使木制海军军官候补生处于独立的地位,一边露出比平时更沉重的神色,向董贝父子公司的营业所走去。

    and Walter , revolving in his thoughts all sorts of impracticable ways of making fortunes and placing the wooden Midshipman in a position of independence , betook himself to the offices of Dombey and Son with a heavier countenance than he usually carried there .

  19. 她对她父亲的营业所所知道的只是它属于董贝父子公司,而且还知道它在这个城市里是声势赫赫的,所以她只能打听到城里董贝父子公司的路怎么走;

    All she knew of her father 's offices was that they belonged to Dombey and Son , and that that was a great power belonging to the City . So she could only ask the way to Dombey and Son 's in the City ;

  20. 近年来农村电网的大规模改造和供电企业窗口规范化服务创建活动的开展,供电营业所每日需要处理的各类台账、图表等数据信息越来越多。

    Activities of rural power grid scale transformation and create standardization service window by power supply enterprise are carried out in recent years , more and more works like kinds of books , charts , data information need to deal by the business hall of power supply .

  21. 董贝先生的营业所的办公室是在一个院子里;院子的角落里很久以来就设有一个出卖精选水果的货摊;男女行商在院子里向顾客兜售拖鞋、笔记本、海绵、狗的颈圈、温莎①肥皂;

    Mr Dombey 's offices were in a court where there was an old-established stall of choice fruit at the corner : where perambulating merchants , of both sexes , offered for sale at any time between the hours of ten and five , slippers , pocket-books , sponges , dogs ' collars , and Windsor soap ;

  22. 本研究则详细探讨由营业活动所产生之现金流量(CFO)与总应计项目(ACCR)间之关联性,特别是着重在拆解后的项目分析。

    This research probes into the relationship between cash flow from operations ( CFO ) and total accruals ( ACCR ) . Especially focuses on the project analysis after disassembling .

  23. 城市邮政营业局所的优化研究

    Studies of the Optimization of Urban Post Offices and Stations

  24. 老板已经为营业部门所造成的损失在生气。

    The boss is already furious with all the lossed the sales department has incurred .

  25. 他到了家,按照商店女营业员所说的那样把壁虎放了出来。

    He got home and did just as the woman at the store told him to do , and let the gecko go .

  26. 甲方不提供乙方输营业执照所需的注册资金及乙方生产经营所需的资金。

    Party A shall not provide Party B the registered capital as required by the business license and any funds for production and operation .

  27. 随民营业企业所面临的法律制度等层面的约束与障碍逐步减少,民营企业的发展空间以及可以进入的领域越来越广阔,民营企业发展正面临着千载难逢的机遇;

    As the legal system , the constraints and the barriers which Private sector enterprises are faced with are reducing gradually , private sector enterprises have access to bigger and bigger filed and the development of private enterprises are faced with a golden opportunity .

  28. 多式联运经营人应遵守其营业所在国所适用的法律和本公约的规定。

    The multimodal transport operator shall comply with the applicable law of the country in which he operates and with the provisions of this Convention .

  29. 支票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、所或者经常居住地为出票地。

    In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque , the business premises , domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue .

  30. 支票的有效周期始于出票人开好支票,交给受款人之际。支票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、所或者经常居住地为出票地。

    The life cycle of a check begins when the drawer writes a check and delivers it to the pages . In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque , the business premises , domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue .