
  • 网络Marketing Skills
  1. 世界银行集团和其他合作伙伴,以帮助培训农民更好的作物管理和营销技能。

    The World Bank Group and other partners are to help train farmers in better crop management and marketing skills .

  2. 杰伦说,工作队还储存和营销技能的教学重点,使农产品能畅销国内并出口。

    Geren said the teams also focus on teaching storage and marketing skills so farm products can be sold domestically and exported .

  3. 营销技能,什么,为什么,何时,何地?

    Marketing - How , what , why , when , where ?

  4. 国际贸易要求掌握较好的市场营销技能。

    Global commerce requires better skills in international marketing .

  5. 其国内市场迅速发展,竞争激烈,因而企业渴望新的优势来源,比如外国品牌和营销技能。

    Its burgeoning domestic markets are fiercely contested , so its firms want new sources of advantage like Western brands and marketing expertise .

  6. 高管们意识到,他们尚缺乏经验,无法制造出令苛刻的美国消费者满意的汽车,同时,他们也没有发起品牌攻势所需的营销技能。

    Executives realised they did not yet have the experience to make cars good enough for demanding US consumers , nor did they have the marketing skills required to launch brands .

  7. 另一个职能领域是业务开发,原因类似,因为它涉及让公司获得合作生态体系的接纳,需要有产品知识和市场营销技能。

    Another one is business development for similar reasons , and because it involves selling the company into an ecosystem of partnerships , requiring a blend of product knowledge and marketing skills .

  8. 不过,这些中国企业还希望摆脱大规模生产,该领域的竞争正侵蚀着企业的利润率,它们正在寻找英国所能提供的设计和营销技能。

    However , they are also seeking to move away from mass produced products where competition is eroding margins , and are looking for the design and marketing skills that the UK can offer .

  9. 但大多数出版商将开始走下坡路。精明且懂行的作家们(往往在代理人的帮助下)将能够利用比传统版税模式高得多的销售分成,来购买编辑和营销技能。

    Savvy and well-advised authors , often helped by agents , will be able to buy editing and marketing skills with the receipts from a much larger share of the sales proceeds than the traditional royalty model allows .

  10. 高职院校市场营销专业技能性人才培养模式研究

    On the Personnel Cultivating Mode of Marketing in Higher Vocational Colleges

  11. 高职市场营销专业职业技能培养的思考

    Thoughts on Developing the Vocational Skills of Marketing in the Higher Vocational Education

  12. 除了营销和广告技能,推广技能也是贵公司看重的吗?

    In addition to marketing and advertising , would skills in promotion be valued here ?

  13. 谷歌今年4月公布了相关计划,将帮助培训100万名非洲年轻人,让他们掌握数字化营销等IT技能。

    The US technology group in April announced plans to help train 1m young Africans in IT skills such as digital marketing .

  14. 阐述了营销计量专业技能实训基地的发展现状;在分析营销计量专业实训室建设需求的基础上,探讨了实训基地应实现的培训功能。

    Based on the analysis of construction demand of training room for the marketing & measurement , the paper discusses the training bases training function .

  15. 高职营销专业学生实践技能培养模式研究

    Research of Students ' Practical Skills Training Mode in the Major of Marketing of Higher Vocational Colleges

  16. 加强市场营销专业本科生职业技能培养,是市场经济条件下对复合型人才的要求,也是新时期职业教育对师资人才的要求。

    It is requested by the market economy and the vocational education of the new era to strengthen the training of professional skills of undergraduates majoring in marketing for the need of overall talents and qualified teachers .

  17. 营销能力不应该和资产混为一谈,也不是指单纯的某项营销技能,它是和组织的营销过程紧密缠绕在一起的,经过长期的经营和积累,形成的争取竞争优势以实现经营目标的能力。

    Capability for marketing that is gradually formed in the process improvement of achieving business goal is not equal to assets , and it also can 't be simply thought as a method of marketing .