
  • Marketing Director;Sales Director;CMO
  1. 翡翠航空营销总监托德?希尔伯特(ToddHilbrecht)预计,该航空公司将于2008年实现盈利。

    Todd Hilbrecht , Jade 's marketing director , expects the airline to become profitable in 2008 .

  2. 可口可乐一位营销总监乔安娜卢(JoannaLu)表示:这是可口可乐在21世纪最成功的创新之一。

    This is one of the most successful Coca-Cola innovations of the 21st century , says Joanna Lu , a Coke marketing director .

  3. 百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)前营销总监吉尔o贝劳德在2011年底当上了LivingProof的CEO,帮助弗林特聘请一线明星给产品代言。

    Former PepsiCo Chief Marketing Officer Jill Beraud became the company 's CEO in late 2011 and helped Flint recruit the A-lister .

  4. 营销总监约翰谢泼德(JohnShepherd)表示,学会的思路是发展核能业的管理专长,吸引技术和非技术背景的人士加入。

    John Shepherd , marketing director , says the idea is to develop management expertise in the nuclear context , appealing to people with technical and non-technical backgrounds .

  5. 信中提到,必和必拓的电话来自该公司钾肥营销总监克里斯莱德(chrisryder)。

    The calls , according to the letter , came from Chris Ryder , director of potash marketing for BHP .

  6. 经营该书店的企业的营销总监朱昱(ZhuYu,音译)表示,虽然实际进账数目比正常数目少了5%,但令人惊讶的是,绝大多数的消费者都能自觉付款。

    Amazingly , most customers cough up although Zhu Yu , the marketing director of the company that runs it , says takings are 5 % less than they should be .

  7. 辛格曾在泰姬酒店集团(TajHotelgroup)担任过四年营销总监。IHP可以完美结合他的专业知识和企业家的直觉。

    For Singh , who worked as a marketing executive for the Taj Hotel group for four years , IHP is the perfect vehicle for combining his expertise and his entrepreneurial instincts .

  8. 苹果的市场营销总监菲利普·席勒(PhilipSchiller)说,这款新MacBook是公司迄今为止推出的最轻薄的笔记本电脑。

    Philip Schiller , the company 's head of marketing , said the new MacBook was the thinnest and lightest laptop the company had ever made .

  9. 劳埃德TSB银行的营销总监奈杰尔•吉尔伯特(NigelGilbert)表示:通过研究,我们知道,人们在担心。

    Nigel Gilbert , group marketing director at Lloyds TSB , says : We know that people are concerned through our research .

  10. 我们的目标是扩大品牌的受众群体,别克广告与产品营销总监克雷格比尔利(CraigBierley)表示。

    The goal is about expanding the audience for the brand , says Craig Bierley , advertising and promotions director .

  11. 在一家美国医疗保健公司担任高级营销总监两年之后,埃蒙•巴博斯基(EamonBobowski)决定自费攻读EMBA。

    After two years as senior marketing director at a US healthcare company Eamon Bobowski decided to self-fund an EMBA .

  12. 过去一年中,该公司董事长王雪红加大了在公司管理方面的参与度,该公司最近还聘请了三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)前美国市场营销总监戈尔登(PaulGolden)担任顾问,以增强公司的营销能力。

    Chairwoman Cher Wang has taken a more active role in management in the past year , and the company recently hired Samsung Electronics Co. 's former U.S. marketing chief , Paul Golden , as a consultant to beef up its marketing .

  13. 这家家族企业的营销总监RogerNgan指出,巴西正在兴起,哥伦比亚和秘鲁也都表现很好。

    But , Roger Ngan , director of marketing for the family-owned Maisto , says , Brazil is popping while Colombia and Peru are all doing very well .

  14. 宝马加拿大营销总监凯文•马考特成,这则广告希望把价值9万美元的宝马M5打造成一个“高性能的艺术品”。

    The ad is designed to transform the $ 90,000 M5 into a piece of " high performance art , " says Kevin Marcotte , director of marketing for BMW Canada .

  15. 芯片设计公司Arm的物联网技术营销总监扎克谢尔比(ZachShelby)说:每月光为了让一个低成本设备联网就要支付好几美元,这是无法推广的。

    It is not scalable for a low-cost device to pay several dollars a month just to have connectivity , says Zach Shelby , director of technical marketing for the internet of things at Arm , the chip designer .

  16. 日产(Nissan)北美公司互动与社交媒体营销总监埃里希o马尔克斯就选择与《英雄联盟》的Curse战队合作,因为马尔克斯和他的团队里的许多成员都是电竞玩家或爱好者,而且他们也非常看好电竞的发展前景。

    Erich Marx , director of Interactive & Social Media Marketing at Nissan North America , partnered with League of Legends Team Curse because he and many people on his team are gamers , technologists and fans of eSports and they believe in its potential .

  17. 位于加利福利亚洲圣何塞的半导体制造商AtmelCorp.的触摸科技营销总监克里斯•阿德(ChrisArd)表示,所有的工作都集中在改进设备的速度、可靠性以及它们如何与人类互动方面。

    All the work is on improving the speed of devices , the reliability and how they interact with humans , ' says Chris Ard , director of marketing for touch technology at semiconductor maker Atmel Corp. , based in San Jose , Calif.

  18. 库马尔的前任J.J.卡特勒在学院任职两年后,于2011年离职,回到他之前工作的爱玛客公司(Aramark)担任营销总监。

    Her predecessor , J.J. Cutler , also left in 2011 after serving for two years , only to return to ARAMARK where he had previously worked as a marketing executive .

  19. 汽车共享公司Zipcar在招聘创意及品牌营销总监的广告中称,求职者“必须成功领导过创意工作,还必须是数字原生代”,而且“数字原生代”属于“最低”要求。

    Zipcar , the car-sharing service , posted an ad for a director of creative and brand marketing and says this person " will be a proven creative leader and digital native . " Being a digital native also is on its list of " minimum " job requirements .

  20. 劳里·亚当斯·冈萨雷斯是宽带论坛的营销总监。

    Laurie Adams Gonzalez is the marketing director for Broadband Forum .

  21. 可由营销总监指定的员工替代。

    Can be substituted by person appointed by MS director .

  22. 男:那营销总监呢?我会见到他吗?

    Man : What about the marketing director will I see him ?

  23. 寻找调味品市场的蓝海&记抚顺市独凤轩食品有限公司市场营销总监陈鑫

    Looking for the blue sea for seasoning market

  24. 堂是销售和市场营销总监,是董事会的成员。

    You see Don is Sales and Marketing Director and is on the Board .

  25. 我花了5个月时间,终于找到了一个产品营销总监的职位。

    It took me five months to find a job as a director of product marketing .

  26. 这对营销总监们来说是一种解放,他们也可以与观众直接联系。

    It is a wonderful liberation for marketing chiefs to be able to connect directly in that way .

  27. Gainsight公司营销总监安东尼o肯纳达表示,这场会议的目标之一就是尝试着确定市场空间。

    The conference is an attempt , in part , to define the space , says Anthony Kennada , Gainsight 's head of marketing .

  28. 来自西雅图的市场营销总监盖尔曾供职的一家公司,其创始人会公开批评团队成员。

    Gail , a marketing executive based in Seattle , used to work for a company whose founder publicly criticized members of the team .

  29. 核查完他的推荐信后,这家手工酿酒厂在面试结束的时候给了他一份营销总监的工作。

    By the time the interview was over and his references checked , he had an offer to become the craft brewer 's marketing director .

  30. 加迪斯担任市场营销总监时,她所在公司的首席执行官专横傲慢,认为自己始终都是正确的,从来不听从其他人的意见。

    When Gaddis was a marketing executive , her chief executive was overbearing , assumed he was always right , and failed to listen to others .