
  1. 用电话或信函调查和回答客人的质疑。

    Research and respond to guest queries either by phone or correspondence .

  2. 对于无法通过电话随访的,则采用信函调查形式,共发信392封,回信15封。

    392 letter were send to those who could not be found by phone , 15 of whom wrote back .

  3. 物流设施选址问题中时间满意度函数的定义及应用军区医院医疗服务质量满意度信函调查分析

    Definition and Application of Time Satisfaction Function in Logistics Facility Location ; Analysis of the questionnaire survey results for the degree of satisfaction among the inpatients in military hospitals

  4. 结果表明:有3195人接受了电话随访,18人婉拒。对于无法通过电话随访的,则采用信函调查形式,共发信392封,回信15封。

    The results showed that when 3 195 mothers were visited by phone calls , 18 mothers declined to answer . 392 letter were send to those who could not be found by phone , 15 of whom wrote back .

  5. 五月,美国民权同盟(AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion)给州立和联邦机构发去信函,要求调查好莱坞主要制片公司、网络和人才经纪机构的雇员情况。

    In May , the American Civil Liberties Union sent letters to state and federal agencies seeking an investigation of the hiring practices of the major Hollywood studios , networks and talent agencies .

  6. 方法:设计调查问卷表,以信函方式进行调查。

    Methods Design inquiry lists and investigate by the letters .

  7. 采用信函及现场调查的方式对全国多家针灸临床、科研、教学等单位的一线人员进行调查。

    Correspondent method and field survey were adapted to survey front-line staff of many acupuncture and moxibustion institutions .