
  • 网络Credit deficiency;credit default
  1. 产品市场信用缺失是由信息不对称引起逆向选择而致,可通过一系列可观察的信号示意来改善信息不对称状况而重塑信用;

    The credit default is result from the adverse selection caused by information asymmetry , which can be improved by a series of observable signal hint and further rebuilt the credit .

  2. 加入WTO后企业信用缺失,将从根本上破坏我国的投资环境和国际竞争力。

    After joining the World Trade Organization , credit absence will destroy investment environment and international competitiveness utterly .

  3. 当前,我国社会信用缺失是加入WTO之后所面临的一个挑战。

    At present , a challenge after the entry of WTO is the less-developed credit system in bur country .

  4. 在目前转型社会状况下,信用缺失对于面临市场经济、WTO、信息时代挑战的中国社会发展尤为不利。

    Under the present circumstances of a transitional society , it is a particular disadvantage to China with the challenges of the international market economy after its entrance into WTO in the information era .

  5. 由于质量信息不对称和信用缺失,B2C电子商务市场容易出现逆向选择问题和道德风险问题,相应的对策包括信号传递、信息甄别、建立委托&代理机制和完善信用制度。

    Because of the quality information asymmetry and lack of credit , B2C e-commerce market prone to the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard , and the corresponding countermeasures include signaling , screening information , the establishment of commission-deputy mechanism and improving the credit system .

  6. 社会信用缺失弊端和成因分析研究

    Study of causal analysis and weakness of lack of social trust

  7. 企业信用缺失的现状及其法律重构

    The Status Quo of Honesty Lost in Business and Legal Reform

  8. 信用缺失是我国社会经济中的一个严重问题。

    Credit loss is a serious problem in our social economy .

  9. 论信用缺失的成因及对经济的侵蚀

    On the Causes of Credit Scarcity and Its Harm to Economy

  10. 中小企业信用缺失研究现状评述

    Review on Credit Lack Research of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  11. 信用缺失与中国社会信用体系重构

    Lack in Trustworthiness & Reconstruction of China 's Social Credit System

  12. 信用缺失是中国股市最突出的问题

    Credit Imperfectness Represents the Foremost Problem Facing China 's Stock Market

  13. 企业信用缺失的成因与治理

    The Cause of Lack of Credit in Business and Its Solution

  14. 信用缺失及其重建的伦理学考察

    On the Absence and Renewal of Credit from Perspective of Ethics

  15. 我国信用缺失浅析

    A Brief Analysis of the Lack of Credit in Our Country

  16. 流动人口信用缺失的经济学探析

    Economic Analysis of the Deficiency of the Credit of Floating Population

  17. 我国地方政府信用缺失的治理对策研究

    Countermeasures for the Credit Deficiency of Local Government in China

  18. 试析当前信用缺失的社会心理因素及对策

    Analysis of contemporary social psychological factors of credit deficiency and the countermeasures

  19. 第二,为什么会出现企业信用缺失?

    Secondly , why the lack of business credibility occurs ?

  20. 如何有效防范信用缺失问题

    How to Prevent the Problem of the Credit Deficiency Effectively

  21. 合同能源管理项目信用缺失及对策研究

    Credit Deficiencies of Energy Performance Contracting Projects and Their Countermeasures

  22. 目前来看,我国地方政府信用缺失已成为较为普遍的现象。

    Nowadays , lack of local government credit is a general phenomenon .

  23. 基于信用缺失环境下的弱质民营企业发展路径

    Dath for Weak Private Enterprises under Condition of Credit Absence

  24. 治理信用缺失的法律责任制度设计

    The Design of Legal Responsibility System to Controlling Credit Disorder

  25. 市场经济中个人信用缺失的危害与对策

    The Harm Of Personal Credit Loss In Market Economy And The Countermeasure

  26. 防治信用缺失,优化信用环境

    Preventing and curing reputation lacks and optimizing the reputation environment

  27. 社会转型时期经济领域中的信用缺失与重建

    On Credit Deficiency and Its Rebuilding in Economy During the Social Transformation

  28. 我国企业信用缺失行为的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Discredit in Enterprises of Our Country

  29. 关于信用缺失与重建的几个认识问题

    A Few Cognition Problems about the Credit Scarcity and the Credit Rebuilding

  30. 企业信用缺失的经济学分析及对策探讨

    The Economic Analysis on China ′ s Corporate Credit Loss