- 网络Credit Default Swap;CDS;cdss

No wonder hedge funds holding big positions in CDs based on European debt have started bolting for the exits .
Yet the day may come when Italy , Portugal , or Spain will be forced into a real default that triggers CDs .
If there were , credit default swaps would be headed for the graveyard .
Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade .
Wall Street is buying protection in the form of credit default swaps to prepare for that day Japan implodes .
Such initiatives address one of the biggest weaknesses exposed by the 2008 crisis – over-the-counter trading of credit default swaps without an adequate capital cushion contributed to the near-collapse of American International Group .
Our example retrieves a subset of one XML trade record stored in DB2 , while a more general query involving all credit default swap trades would return forty full trade records .
The WHERE clause restricts the update to a specific credit default swap trade involving Agrium Inc.
If anything , the deal has cemented the view that private investors are second-class when it comes to sovereign debt deals and that credit default swaps offer little protection .
With DVA , the big banks ' revenue lines are adversely affected by an accounting convention that requires them to recognize negative revenues when their credit default swaps tighten .
French bank BNP Paribas has sold $ 4 billion in protection on French government debt , 12 % of the global total .
But most of AIG 's swap counterparties on the multisector CDOs are expected to sell their securities to the new facility and cancel the credit-default-swap contracts .
Yields on Portuguese 10-year bonds , which move inversely to prices , and Greek credit default swaps , a form of insurance against debt default , rose to fresh highs on Friday .
AIG Group ' investment failure on portfolio of credit default swap significantly decreased the insurance solvency , the U.S. government had to implement its 1,500 billion rescue plan .
The " bet " is a series of complex transactions including direct holdings of government bet , exposure from transactions the firm has made with counterparties and derivatives such as credit default swaps .
The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol , company name , high sales price , and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2 .
Lawmakers were furious when they learnt earlier this year that Goldman and other banks were fully reimbursed by the taxpayer on credit default swap contracts with failed insurance giant AIG .
Only a small amount of data relates to credit default swaps that reference our target company ( Agrium Inc. ) as the named entity .
Average daily trading of credit default swaps , which give investors protection on US government debt , has jumped to € 150m in the past week from about € 1.6m in recent months , according to the trading desks of two major European banks .
Even with this deal , AIG will still bear considerable risk under its CDS portfolio , because it continues to hold contracts that protect about $ 300 billion in securities backed by other types of assets , such as corporate loans .
This time , the problem is European sovereign debt .
Before the financial crisis , sovereign credit-default swaps traded in single digits .
The price of credit defaults swaps on 5-year JGBs is hitting record highs .
Some suggest using credit-default-swap prices , but these too can exacerbate market swings .
Volumes of credit default swaps have fallen sharply as banks becomes swaps dealers .
It turns out some of the largest sellers of protection are banks in Europe .
What then happens to all those pieces of paper American banks have bought from their friends in Europe ?
Ahead of the crisis , she notes , markets for complex instruments such as credit-default swaps had ballooned .
Credit-default swaps were also used as a way of taking risks and are widely blamed for adding to financial-market instability .
One aspect of this application might need to obtain current market data about the firms referenced in credit default swap trades .