
  • 网络Credit Default Swap;CDS;cdss
  1. 因此,无怪乎持有大笔欧债信用违约掉期头寸的对冲基金们已开始火速撤退。

    No wonder hedge funds holding big positions in CDs based on European debt have started bolting for the exits .

  2. 但可能终有一天,意大利、葡萄牙或西班牙不得不真的违约,并触发信用违约掉期。

    Yet the day may come when Italy , Portugal , or Spain will be forced into a real default that triggers CDs .

  3. 假如有这样的规则,信用违约掉期(creditdefaultswaps,简称CDS)现在就可以进坟墓了。

    If there were , credit default swaps would be headed for the graveyard .

  4. 考虑这样一个场景,即一个JavaEE应用程序需要访问一项特定交易的信用违约掉期数据。

    Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade .

  5. 华尔街正在买入信用违约掉期(CDS),为日本债务危机爆发的那一天做好准备。

    Wall Street is buying protection in the form of credit default swaps to prepare for that day Japan implodes .

  6. 这些举措触及了2008年金融危机暴露出来的一大弱点:在没有足够资本缓冲情况下进行的场外信用违约掉期(CDS)交易,正是这种做法导致美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroup)陷于崩溃边缘。

    Such initiatives address one of the biggest weaknesses exposed by the 2008 crisis – over-the-counter trading of credit default swaps without an adequate capital cushion contributed to the near-collapse of American International Group .

  7. 我们的例子检索存储在DB2中的一个XML交易记录的子集,而一个更加一般的、涉及所有信用违约掉期交易的查询,将会返回所有40个交易记录。

    Our example retrieves a subset of one XML trade record stored in DB2 , while a more general query involving all credit default swap trades would return forty full trade records .

  8. WHERE子句将更新限制到一个涉及AgriumInc.的特定信用违约掉期交易。

    The WHERE clause restricts the update to a specific credit default swap trade involving Agrium Inc.

  9. 如果说这一方案起到了什么作用,那就是它强化了一种观点:在主权债券交易中,私营投资者是二等公民,信用违约掉期(CDS)提供不了什么保障。

    If anything , the deal has cemented the view that private investors are second-class when it comes to sovereign debt deals and that credit default swaps offer little protection .

  10. 根据债务价值调整,大银行的营收受到一项会计规则的不利影响,这项规则要求它们在信用违约掉期(CDS)下跌时确认负营收。

    With DVA , the big banks ' revenue lines are adversely affected by an accounting convention that requires them to recognize negative revenues when their credit default swaps tighten .

  11. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)已售出40亿美元的法国国债信用违约掉期,占全球总额12%。

    French bank BNP Paribas has sold $ 4 billion in protection on French government debt , 12 % of the global total .

  12. 但预计AIG在多部门CDO上的大多数掉期交易对手都会将手头的证券出售给新的机构,解除信用违约掉期(CDS)合约。

    But most of AIG 's swap counterparties on the multisector CDOs are expected to sell their securities to the new facility and cancel the credit-default-swap contracts .

  13. 上周五交易中,葡萄牙10年期国债和希腊信用违约掉期(CDS,防范债务违约的一种产品)的收益率(与价格呈反向走势)升至新高。

    Yields on Portuguese 10-year bonds , which move inversely to prices , and Greek credit default swaps , a form of insurance against debt default , rose to fresh highs on Friday .

  14. AIG集团在信用违约掉期的资产组合上的投资失败,使其保险偿付能力大大下降,美国政府不得不对其实施近1500亿美元的援救计划。

    AIG Group ' investment failure on portfolio of credit default swap significantly decreased the insurance solvency , the U.S. government had to implement its 1,500 billion rescue plan .

  15. 这部分“敞口”包含了一系列复杂的交易,包括直接持有的公债、摩根士丹利与对手的交易敞口,信用违约掉期(CDS)等衍生品。

    The " bet " is a series of complex transactions including direct holdings of government bet , exposure from transactions the firm has made with counterparties and derivatives such as credit default swaps .

  16. 函数以XHTML格式返回关于从DB2返回的信用违约掉期中引用的所有公司的股票代号、公司名称、最高售价和币种的信息。

    The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol , company name , high sales price , and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2 .

  17. 议员们今年早些时候愤怒地获悉,高盛和其它一些银行依靠纳税人的钱,弥补了与破产的保险业巨头美国国际集团(aig)之间信用违约掉期合约的全部损失。

    Lawmakers were furious when they learnt earlier this year that Goldman and other banks were fully reimbursed by the taxpayer on credit default swap contracts with failed insurance giant AIG .

  18. 只有少量的数据与将我们的目标公司(AgriumInc.)引用为命名实体的信用违约掉期相关。

    Only a small amount of data relates to credit default swaps that reference our target company ( Agrium Inc. ) as the named entity .

  19. 欧洲两家主要银行的交易部门统计显示,过去的一周,为美国政府债务提供担保的信用违约掉期(CDS)的日均交易量从最近几个月的160万欧元猛增至1.5亿欧元。

    Average daily trading of credit default swaps , which give investors protection on US government debt , has jumped to € 150m in the past week from about € 1.6m in recent months , according to the trading desks of two major European banks .

  20. 就算实现了这些交易,AIG的信用违约掉期投资组合依然存在大量风险,因为它仍持有为约3000亿美元公司贷款等其他类型资产支持证券的保险合约。

    Even with this deal , AIG will still bear considerable risk under its CDS portfolio , because it continues to hold contracts that protect about $ 300 billion in securities backed by other types of assets , such as corporate loans .

  21. 这一次,出问题的是欧债信用违约掉期。

    This time , the problem is European sovereign debt .

  22. 然而在金融危机前,主权信用违约掉期在国债利益率中的比例还是个位数。

    Before the financial crisis , sovereign credit-default swaps traded in single digits .

  23. 五年期日本政府债券的信用违约掉期价格正在飙升至历史新高。

    The price of credit defaults swaps on 5-year JGBs is hitting record highs .

  24. 有人建议使用信用违约掉期价格,但是这种做法也会加剧市场的动荡。

    Some suggest using credit-default-swap prices , but these too can exacerbate market swings .

  25. 银行成为掉期交易商之后,信用违约掉期的数量就大幅下降。

    Volumes of credit default swaps have fallen sharply as banks becomes swaps dealers .

  26. 欧债信用违约掉期的一些大卖家正是欧洲本土银行。

    It turns out some of the largest sellers of protection are banks in Europe .

  27. 届时,美国银行业购自欧洲伙伴的所有这些信用违约掉期将何去何从?

    What then happens to all those pieces of paper American banks have bought from their friends in Europe ?

  28. 她指出,在金融危机爆发之前,信用违约掉期等复杂金融工具市场曾经明显膨胀。

    Ahead of the crisis , she notes , markets for complex instruments such as credit-default swaps had ballooned .

  29. 信用违约掉期还被用做一种风险投机手段,被普遍认为加剧了金融市场的波动性。

    Credit-default swaps were also used as a way of taking risks and are widely blamed for adding to financial-market instability .

  30. 该应用程序的一个方面可能需要获得关于信用违约掉期交易中引用的公司的当前市场数据。

    One aspect of this application might need to obtain current market data about the firms referenced in credit default swap trades .