
  • 网络credit crunch
  1. 第一,我们需要纾缓银根短缺及信贷萎缩,维持银行体系稳健运作。

    Firstly , we need to ease the problems of cash shortage and credit crunch to maintain a stable banking system .

  2. 去年年底的信贷萎缩甚至更为急剧。

    The year-end contraction in credit was even steeper .

  3. 《购银法》导致中国的白银储备被走私出国门并在海外出售,致使其国内货币供应下降,触发了通缩、信贷萎缩以及经济衰退。

    Chinese silver stocks were smuggled out of the country and sold abroad , reducing the money supply and triggering deflation , credit contraction and a slump .

  4. 他补充道,从经济基本面考虑,评级机构应该首先降低英国的3A评级,因为与法国相比,英国有更高的赤字、债务和通胀,更低的增长,且信贷正在萎缩。

    On that basis , he added , the agencies should begin by downgrading the triple A rating of Britain , which has bigger deficits , more debt , higher inflation , less growth than us and where credit is shrinking .

  5. 由于资金吃紧,信贷规模出现萎缩,私营部门也变得更加谨慎,这导致经济走软,财政和金融偿付能力均遭到削弱。

    As funding comes under pressure , credit shrinks and the private sector becomes more cautious , weakening economies and undermining both fiscal and financial solvency .

  6. 自金融危机以来,这一趋势出现了逆转:跨境银行信贷规模显著萎缩,美国和欧洲银行也已收敛了自己的扩张野心。

    Since the crisis this trend has gone into reverse : cross-border lending has fallen sharply and the ambitions of American and European banks have been scaled back .

  7. 相比之下,欧元区的信贷却在不断萎缩。

    In the eurozone , by contrast , credit is shrinking .

  8. 债券发行不断减少或许表明,即便在银行放贷上升的地区,净信贷增长已出现萎缩。

    Falling bond issuance may indicate that net credit growth has shrunk , even where bank lending has risen .

  9. 而利率倾向于会下跌则是因为,家庭和企业收入下降,货币需求和信贷需求也出现萎缩。

    Interest rates tend to fall , as household and business incomes drop and demand for money and credit shrinks .

  10. 欧洲经济形势不稳将导致进口需求下降,如果银行通过收缩来提高资本金比率,信贷供应也将萎缩。

    A faltering European economy will cut demand for exports and , if banks achieve higher capital ratios by shrinking , the supply of credit will contract .

  11. 能源危机,信贷紧缩,房市萎缩都反映了将来的经济增长非常困难。

    The possibility of high energy crisis , tighter credit conditions and a still deeper contraction in the housing markets , all represent significant downside risks to the outlook for growth .

  12. 造成信贷传导渠道日趋萎缩的主要原因有二:一是巨大存差的存在;二是资金分布的结构性矛盾。

    Facing the dispirited channel of credit , two main reasons are introduced , that is the existence of large amount between credit and deposit and the structural contradiction of fund distribution .

  13. 由于信息不对称,以及由此而产生的逆向选择和道德风险问题,使当前的银行信贷市场出现了诸如信贷萎缩、银企关系非市场化、银行贷款抵押错位等扭曲现象。

    Due to information asymmetry , hence adverse selection and moral hazard , there are some distorted phenomena in bank credit market , such as credit shrink , non market-oriented relations between banks and enterprises , dislocated mortgage loan .