
  • 网络Credit Issue
  1. 地方公债,即地方政府凭借自身的信用发行的债券。

    Local government bonds is called that the securities issued by the local government based on its credit to expand its investment capacity to provide all kinds of public goods .

  2. 到目前为止,信用卡发行商已经计算出,即使是承担塔吉特遭受的这种大型黑客攻击,也比更换所有的塑料卡要便宜。

    Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic .

  3. 大多数欧洲信用卡发行商都已升级至“芯片和密码”(chip-and-pin)系统,而美国仍依靠储存在安全性较低的磁条上的数据。

    While most European issuers have upgraded to a chip-and-pin system , the US relies on data carried in less-secure magnetic stripes .

  4. 总结ZS银行的成功原因,指出了其发展过程当中的不足和存在的问题,揭示当前信用卡发行质量的现状,并提出了改进措施和建议。

    Summarize the reasons for the success of ZS Bank , pointed out the shortcomings of its development process and problems , revealing the quality of the current status of credit card issuers , and proposed improvement measures and recommendations .

  5. 商业信用和发行债券增加时会降低代理成本。

    Increase in commercial credit and bonds will reduce agency costs .

  6. 许多信用卡发行机构上调了滞纳金和其他收费。

    Many card issuers are raising late fees and other charges .

  7. 公司信用债券发行折扣已发行公司债帐面价值

    Discount on debenture carrying value of a bond issued

  8. 维萨信用卡发行部门规定的消费限额是1000美元。

    The credit limit set by the Visa Card office is 1 , 000 U.S.dollars .

  9. 有关的信用卡发行中心将检查的个人信息,以确认用户的身份。

    The credit card issuing center will check the personal information to confirm the user 's identity .

  10. 截至2010年第二季度,我国信用卡发行总量已突破2亿张。

    By the second quarter of 2010 , total circulation of credit card in China has exceeded 200 million .

  11. 信用卡发行商也应使用平直的英语解释其条款和术语,向消费者通告使用其信用卡的成本。

    Card issuers will also be obliged to explain their terms in plain English and inform customers about the cost of using their cards .

  12. 由于增高的失业率及更高的食品和燃料价格,美国6家大型信用卡发行商的逾期账户在6月份有所增加。

    Overdue accounts at the six large US credit card issuers increased in June on the back of rising unemployment , and higher food and fuel prices .

  13. 作为美国最大信用卡发行机构之一,摩根大通已经表示,由于境况不佳的消费者继续违约,其信用卡业务在2009年和2010年不太可能盈利。

    JPMorgan one of the biggest US card issuers has already said the business was unlikely to be profitable in 2009 and 2010 as struggling consumers continue to default .

  14. 可广泛用于金融、邮电、交通、海关等各个领域,特别是银行系统的信用卡发行、磁卡和银行柜台的存折的磁条读写。

    People always use this device in finance , mail , communications and customs especially on the credit card and magnetic card of bank system and the deposit book read-write of bank .

  15. 我国运营状况最好的商业银行之一、最大的信用卡发行银行招商银行发行的双币信用卡被评为普通卡类最受欢迎信用卡。

    China Merchants Bank ( CMB ), one of the best performing commercial banks and the largest card issuer in China , was rated the best in the general category for its popular dual-currency credit card .

  16. 然而,这项为巴克莱银行和巴克莱信用卡发行公司开展的调查发现,五分之二的英国人排队超过两分钟就不耐烦了,51%的人在购物时如果看见商店里排着长队干脆就不进去了。

    However , the survey undertaken for Barclays and Barclaycard discovered that two fifths of British refuse to queue for longer than two minutes and 51 percent of shoppers refuse to even enter a store if they spy a queue .

  17. 今日将发布的一份报告显示,过去一年,中国的信用卡发行量增长了逾一倍,中国正在形成信用卡文化。

    The number of credit cards in circulation in China has more than doubled over the past year to more than 40m as a credit culture begins to take shape in the country , according to a report released today .

  18. 在此基础上,引入品牌需求强度系数和品类成长系数进一步说明信用卡发行者外部市场需求环境以及品类成长系数的动态变化对信用卡市场需求的影响。

    On this basis , category demand density coefficient and category growth coefficient are introduced in order to further explain the impact of the dynamic changes of the external environment of credit card issuers and category growth coefficient on the market demand of credit card .

  19. 报告称:平均收单费率约为60个基点,这意味着(信用卡)发行机构者只有微薄的利润。

    The report says : Average merchant fees are about 60 basis points , meaning little profit for [ credit card ] issuers .

  20. 然而,低信用评级企业发行的债券充斥着市场,因为将风险资产出售给投资者已变得更为容易。

    But there has also been a flood of issues by companies with low credit ratings because it has become easier to sell risky assets to investors .

  21. 我国证券法应借鉴美国的做法,对诚实、信用的证券发行人发布的盈利信息预测实行负责制度。

    China 's securities law should use the practice of America for reference and execute responsible system for the projection of profitable information which honest and credible floaters of securities have issued .

  22. 由于信用债券的发行人之间存在着明显的信息不对称,债券市场容易产生逆向选择问题,投资者也可能面临发行人的道德风险。

    Because of the information asymmetry that exists between the bond issuers and bond investors , the bond market arise reverse selection problem , and the investors may face moral hazard of issuers .

  23. 资产证券化是指将流动性比较低但是有稳定的现金流的资产,进行一定的结构化设计使其独立出来,并以其信用为支持发行证券的过程。

    Asset securitization refers to the relatively low liquidity and stable cash flow but the assets of a certain structure designed to separate , and its credit to support the process of issuance of securities .

  24. 虚拟信用卡的实际发行人中信银行(CiticBank)表示,其走完了相关程序。

    Citic bank , which was the actual issuer , has said it followed procedures .

  25. 另一种类的信用卡由公司发行。

    The other kind of credit card is issued by a credit company .

  26. 请求者提供的帐户证书不是由可信用户域服务器发行的。

    The account certificate supplied by the requestor was not issued by a trusted user domain server .

  27. 不可显示出任何提及它们已在跟单信用证上得以发行的内容,且同样不能显示出信用证的号码。

    It should not bear any mention showing that they have been issued under a documentary credit and should not bear the credit number .

  28. 市政债券的参与可以增强债券信用等级、扩大发行规模,从而降低隔资成本。

    The participation of the municipal bond bank can strengthen the credit rating , enlarge the scope of publishment in order to cut down the financing cost .

  29. 尽管外资银行仍未获准在中国发行信用卡,但发行借记卡对它们更为重要,因为借记卡在中国更加普及。

    While foreign banks are still not allowed to issue credit cards within China , debit cards are a far more important prize as they are more popular .

  30. 在中国证券市场的规范发展时期,就一级市场而言,信用交易为新股发行的申购和承销提供保证金信用,能够在一个低风险的水平上,保证发行成功。

    On a market , credit transactions for the purchase of new shares issued to provide bond underwriting and credit , in a low-risk level , and ensure the successful issue .