
jūn hénɡ lì lǜ
  • Equilibrium interest rate;equilibrium rate of interest
  1. 然后在企业债务融资理论的基础上,阐释了在相关因素的影响下,企业债券市场达到供求均衡时,均衡利率与均衡数量之间的关系。

    Then using enterprise debt financing theory , the paper shows that under the influence of some facts , when the enterprise bond market come to equilibrium point what is the relationship between equilibrium rate of interest and equilibrium quantity .

  2. 运用SwOT分析法,阐述村镇银行的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,以及应实现的均衡利率和适度的经济规模。

    It uses SWOT analysis to analyze strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , threats of the village banks and the balance to be achieved moderate interest rates and economies of scale .

  3. 货币供给的较小导致LM曲线向左平移,从而均衡利率上升,均衡产出下降。

    The fall in money supply leads to a left-ward shift in the LM curve , and an increase in the equilibrium interest rate and a decrease in equilibrium output .

  4. 本文的主要观点来源于希克斯(1937)和汉森(1953)在凯恩斯理论的基础上概括的IS-LM模型,此模型得到的均衡利率同时考虑了产品市场和货币市场的均衡。

    The main point of this article comes mainly from the IS-LM model generated from Keynesian by Hicks ( 1937 ) and Hansen ( 1953 ) . This model takes into account the product market and money market equilibrium at the same time .

  5. 同时对均衡利率模型和套利利率模型进行了详细的比较研究,最终选择了BDT模型作为我国利率衍生品定价的主要工具,并根据利率的行为特征通过引入转移概率参数对BDT模型进行了扩展研究。

    After analyzing equilibrium interest rate models and arbitrage interest rate models comparatively , this article chooses one of arbitrage interest rate models-BDT model as our interest rate pricing derivates model . And based on interest rate special behavior I extend the BDT model by introducing the transition probability parameter .

  6. 资产证券化具有提高货币流通速度和降低货币市场均衡利率水平的作用;

    Assets securitization may speed up money circulation and decrease equilibrium interest rates in money market ;

  7. 没有理由假设,与完全就业一致的均衡利率,必须处于笛卡尔坐标平面的第一象限内。

    There is no reason to presume that the equilibrium interest rate consistent with full employment is necessarily in the upper right quadrant of the Cartesian plane .

  8. 流行观点依据新老自由主义理论,强调市场均衡利率水平的重要性,忽略了利率结构问题。

    Those prevalent ideas base on new and old liberalism , stress on the importance of equilibrium interest rate and neglect the importance of interest rate structure .

  9. 鉴于此,本文选用了传统的商业信贷决策模型并做了适当修正,计算出了一个供求双方都能接受的均衡利率区间,以供小额信贷机构参考。

    In view of this , the paper used the traditional commercial credit decision model and made appropriate amendments to calculate an acceptable to both the supply and demand equilibrium interest rate range for MFIs reference .

  10. 从实际案例入手,分析了融资租赁的交易双方在营改增的前后利润对比,并计算出双方的均衡利率,从而给出利润空间的具体范围。

    From the actual case , analyzes both the finance lease transactions in the camp changed to increase profits before and after contrast , and calculate both the equilibrium interest rate , which gives the specific scope of the profit margins .

  11. 中国经济内外均衡与利率、汇率政策协调

    China 's External and Internal Economic Equilibrium and the Coordination of Interest Rates and Exchange Rates

  12. 本文旨在系统的梳理货币均衡、利率均衡以及内外均衡等西方金融均衡理论,以便更有效的研究制定解决内外均衡问题的经济政策。

    The purpose of this article is to combine the financial equilibrium theory in the west , so that take a effective research on the policys making .

  13. 随后,论文对实现风险与收益均衡的利率确定机制、抵押担保机制、建立关系型借贷机制和声誉机制等制度安排进行了阐述。

    Fourthly , it describes the interest determined mechanism , mortgage guarantee mechanism , relationship lending mechanism , reputation mechanism which are help for realizing risk and return equilibrium .

  14. 利率市场化的实现表现在两个层面上:一是在宏观层面上,表现为借贷市场资金的供求均衡决定利率总水平;

    Marketization of interest rate is represented on two levels : one is on macro-level , where equilibrium of capital demand and supply in loan market determines the general interest rate level ;

  15. 那就是,均衡实际利率简单地说,就是整体经济中需求与潜在供给相匹配时的利率已经下降,央行行长通过降低他们控制的名义利率来应对。

    It is that the equilibrium real interest rate crudely , the interest rate at which demand matches potential supply in the economy as a whole has fallen , and that central bankers have responded by cutting the nominal rates they control .

  16. 基于一般均衡框架下短期利率动态过程的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Short Term Interest Rate Dynamic Process under the General Equilibrium Framework

  17. 通过建立具有利息税的不完全市场一般均衡模型对中国均衡利率和均衡资本进行分析,我们可以看到,利息税使得储蓄更低而利率更高。

    Using a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets and interest tax , this paper studies the effect of interest tax on equilibrium interest rate . We find that the existence of interest tax results in a lower equilibrium capital stock and higher interest rate in the economy .