
  • 网络Nutrition;balanced nutrition
  1. 结论应改善医学院校学生营养习惯,为大学生提供均衡营养。

    Conclusions Medical students ' nutritional habits should be improved , and the balanced nutrition is very important .

  2. 所以本研究目的在于通过运动+均衡营养辅以行为矫正来对超重和肥胖女大学生进行干预,预防超重向肥胖转化和对既成肥胖的女大学生进行运动与营养干预。

    My study suggests an intervention to obesity female college student through a way of exercise plus balanced nutrition and behavioral correction .

  3. 方法脑外伤伴高血糖患者按病人来院治疗时间随机分为2组,一组采用研制的复合碳水化合物高纤维营养配方(P1),另一组采用全面均衡营养配方(P2)。

    Methods Fifty-eight patients with severe brain injury were randomly divided into two groups , of which , one was supplied a nutrition prescription with compound carbohydrate and high fiber ( P_1 ), another was supplied entirely balanced nutrition prescription ( P_2 ) .

  4. 饮食要包括坚果、种子类、豆奶、含钙丰富的豆腐和深绿色的多叶蔬菜来提供恰当的均衡营养。

    Include nuts and seeds , soy milk , calcium-enriched tofu , and dark-green leafy vegetables to provide the right nutritional balance .

  5. 确保饮食均衡营养,保持每天五份水果和蔬菜,而不是吃不健康的消闲食品。

    Ensure that you still keep your diet healthy and include five portions of fruit and veg a day but not unhealthy comfort food .

  6. 讲究科学,均衡营养,是强壮一个民族体魄的国策。

    Daintily the science , making nutrition balance , as one of the national policy is to be healthy and strong of the whole nation .

  7. 柑桔果醋饮料研究,根据均衡营养结构原理,采用正交试验进行配方的优化配比,确定柑桔果醋饮料的优化配比为:醋酸含量5.2%的柑桔果醋40%;

    Studied on citrus fruit vinegar , based on the theory of equilibrium of nutritional structure , adopted perpendicular test to perform optimization ratio of recipe .

  8. 西红柿中的茄红素可以降低热量摄取,减少脂肪积累,并补充多种维生素,保持身体均衡营养。

    Lycopene in tomatoes can reduce the calorie intake and reduce fat accumulation , and added a variety of vitamins , a balanced diet to maintain health .

  9. 在发现在上一年级的女儿吃早餐很挑食后,蒋娅琴就变了各种花样来保证女儿的均衡营养,激发她的食欲。

    After discovering that her first grader daughter was picky at breakfast , Jiang Yaqin tried all means to ensure her a balanced diet and to stimulate her appetite .

  10. 新鲜菠萝天然糖分(果糖)、膳食纤维和水分含量高,因而意外成为一种天然的均衡营养食品。

    Thanks to high levels of naturally occurring sugar ( fructose ), dietary fiber , and water , fresh pineapple is nature 's equivalent of a kick in the pants .

  11. 首先,当你看着满满一桌菜肴时,只选择构成均衡营养一餐所需的食物。同时还要慢慢地选。

    First , when you are looking over a table filled with food , choose just what you need to make a balanced meal . Also , take your time when making your choices .

  12. 均衡高营养蛋白香菇肠的研发

    Development Research of Balanced High Nutritious Protein Contained Mushroom Sausage

  13. 保证合理的膳食和均衡的营养。

    Promise the reasonable meal and the nourishment of the well balanced .

  14. 绿豆黄豆浆因其均衡的营养且不含胆固醇而逐渐被人们喜爱。

    Soy-mung bean milk becomes popular because of balanced nutrition and no cholesterol .

  15. 我帮人调理均衡的营养,及身心灵健康。

    I help people to optimise their nutrition .

  16. 之后,你摄入均衡的营养,让你的身体准备迎接新的一天。

    After that , you take in balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a new day .

  17. 根据农作物的生物地球化学分类,人们可以科学地调整农业种植结构,可以均衡人体营养结构。

    The biogeochemical classification of crops contributes to macroscopic and scientific adjusting the planting structure of agriculture and nutrient structure of human body .

  18. 补充通常水溶性氮、、等,提供均衡的营养,维护生理正常。

    This product can supply general dissolved Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Potassium , etc , thus to keep nourishment balance and physical function normal .

  19. 但是营养保障(获取均衡的营养)的缺乏不那么被人们注意,它对于贫困人口的健康和经济发展同样具有破坏性。

    But the lack of nutrition security access to balanced nourishment is much less visible and equally devastating to the health and economic development of poor populations .

  20. 康立液体有机螺旋藻可为成人或小孩提供均衡的营养,也可以帮助运动员提供能量和体力。

    K-Liquid Organic Spirulina offers a balanced meal to adults and children as well as an energy booster that helps to provide athletes with energy and stamina .

  21. 摩的酒精发酵动力学的稳定和宽容是高的,但是它将从战略均衡的营养特别低酒精高潜力务必速效氮。

    Mt 's fermentation kinetics are steady and its alcohol tolerance is high , however , it will benefit from a balanced nutrient strategy especially in low available nitrogen musts with high potential alcohol .

  22. 雅培加营素奶粉,是一个均衡完整的营养来源,可作为营养补充或两餐之间食用。

    Ensure Powder is a source of complete , balanced nutrition for supplemental use with or between meals .

  23. 许多专家由此认为,均衡合理而营养丰富的饮食会使人容光焕发显得比较年轻。

    By the same token , a well-balanced diet with ample supplies of nutrients is thought by many experts to produce a glowing , younger look .

  24. 报告还提醒人们,要注意饮食健康,均衡的摄取营养,特别是富含维生素D的食物,同时避免吸烟,饮酒也要适量。

    It urges people to eat a healthy , balanced diet , rich in calcium and vitamin D , avoid smoking and only drink alcohol in moderation .

  25. 精制松花粉可均衡补充人体营养;人参总皂甙是人参主要成分,由人参的茎叶或根部提取精制而成。

    Refined pine pollen can replenish the human nutrition , Panax ginseng total saponins of main component is the stem , the ginseng extract refined or root .

  26. 但是健康的孩子,不同文化背景不同年龄层次的成人也会突发异食癖,有时只是因为他们的饮食不均衡导致缺乏营养物质。

    But it also can crop up among otherwise healthy children and in men and women of all ages and cultures , sometimes in response to a dietary deficiency .

  27. 手术后患者应用肠外营养或均衡型肠内营养的对比研究

    A Prospective Randomized Study of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in Postoperative Patients

  28. 均衡饮食必要的营养成分有哪些?

    What nutrients are necessary for a balanced diet ?