
  • 网络Stock;Stock Quotes
  1. 股市行情劲升。

    Stock prices are soaring .

  2. 提出了一种预测股市行情的新指标&信源熵,结合小波分析和MATLAB工具来分析预测股票的未来走势。

    A novel index called message entropy is proposed to predict stock . Combine wavelets analysis and Matlab tools , message entropy is used to predict stock .

  3. 在这一年中,股市行情不断上涨,IPO活跃,并购交易回升至金融危机以来的最高水平。

    All year , the stock markets have advanced , initial public offerings have boomed , and mergers and acquisitions have roared back to their highest levels since the financial crisis .

  4. 华尔街最新股市行情,道琼斯指数下降271个点。

    At last check , the Dow was down 271 points .

  5. 实时股市行情播出系统改版及实施方案

    Upgrade Real-time Stock Market Information Broadcasting System and Its Implement Scheme

  6. 采用时序法进行股市行情技术分析。

    Empirical Analysis on Momentum Strategy in Chinese Stock Market ;

  7. 今天股市行情怎麽样?

    NO00 , How is the stock market doing today ?

  8. 您预订下周股市行情如何?

    What is your prediction for market performance for the coming week ?

  9. 除了股市行情以外,我没时间看别的什么报导。

    I haven 't had time to read anything but the stock reports .

  10. 我可以在线查看股市行情吗?

    Can I find the stock quotations online ?

  11. 他很留心股市行情。

    He watches the stock market very closely .

  12. 本周股市行情急剧下跌。

    Share prices have fallen sharply this week .

  13. 最新华尔街股市行情,道琼斯指数上升19个点到达12831点。

    At last check on Wall Street , Dow is up 19 points at 12831 .

  14. 从及物系统看英汉股市行情报道的概念功能

    Ideational Function in English and Chinese Stock Market Reports : A Comparative Study of Transitivity

  15. 选择这种方法,投资人需要花时间仔细关注股市行情。

    In this way , people need to take time to watch the stock market pretty carefully .

  16. 近几个月上海股市行情好过其它全球股市,也使人民币产生了额外的吸引力。

    The world-beating performance of the Shanghai equity market in recent months has provided an additional enticement .

  17. 这两者之间的联系暗示了未来的股市行情将会是熊市。

    The implication of this relationship for share prices in the future is bearish , it says .

  18. 然而,从历史的角度看25年的股市行情强势已令市场远离了低廉定价的环境。

    Nevertheless , 25 years of historically strong stock market performance have left the market far from bargain-priced .

  19. 据称,这一计划搁浅部分要归咎于股市行情的波动,尤其是欧洲股市的动荡。

    Part of the delay reportedly is due to volatility in the public equities markets , particularly in Europe .

  20. 股市行情表明铁路股票价格不久将下跌。

    The course of things in the stock market indicates that the shares in the railroad will soon fall .

  21. 在经济出现软着陆的美国,股市行情获得历史性突破。

    In a soft landing environment that we are seeing in the US , markets have historically done well .

  22. 我们预计,随着市场对下一次降息的预期开始加强,本月晚些时候股市行情将会转好。

    We expect the market will recover later this month , as expectations for another interest-rate cut start to strengthen .

  23. 研究人员发现,招工情况和股市行情之间、招聘广告和劳动力市场指标之间存在有趣的联系。

    They found various interesting correlations between job listing measures and stock performance , and between job listings and labor market indicators .

  24. 历史上,北京曾多次动用政策工具、浅显的说教,以及指令来管理股市行情。

    Beijing has a history of using policy tools , clumsy moral persuasion and directives to manage the level of the stock market .

  25. 在金融市场高度发达的国家,经济状况与股市行情之间存在着紧密的关系。

    There is close relationship between state of the economy and the stock market in the country which has Highly developed financial markets .

  26. 我对每天跟踪股市行情产生了浓厚兴趣,因为我想知道自己的投资表现如何。

    EXAMPLE : I take a keen interest in checking the stock market daily because I want to see how my investments are doing .

  27. 对于股票投资者而言,由于货币政策骤然收紧会打击股市行情,因此通常被视为坏消息。

    A sharp tightening of monetary policy is normally seen as being bad news for equity investors as it takes the steam out of stocks .

  28. 由于股市行情的涨落是一个时间序列问题,现在时刻的股票价格是受前一段时间的股市变化因素的影响的。

    Stock price prediction is a typical time series problem : the current price of a stock is affected by the previous stock market factors .

  29. 通过应用于实际股市行情的预测和效率分析,不论从预测的结果还是从运行效率看,都收到了满意的效果。

    Through its application to actual stock market forecast and efficiency analysis , the model is satisfactory both in forecast results and in work efficiency .

  30. 网络视频会议、网络音/视频广播、股市行情发布、多媒体远程教育、远程会诊等深入到人们日常生活的每个角落。

    Internet video meeting , Internet video / audio broadcast , stock market issuance , Long-distance multimedia education and Long-distance consultation go deep into our lives .