
  • 网络dividend yield
  1. 据摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,2011年欧洲股市的股息收益率为3.8%,而债券收益率为3.4%。

    European stocks offer a2011 dividend yield of3.8 % versus a bond yield of3.4 % , Morgan Stanley notes ;

  2. 标准普尔500的股息收益率是什么?

    What is the dividend yield for the S & P500 index ?

  3. 它们的股息收益率接近4%。

    They yield nearly 4 per cent .

  4. 那些怀疑明年前景的人,应该从处于历史高位的股息收益率中获得安慰。

    Those doubting next year 's prospects should take comfort in a historically high dividend yield .

  5. 价格和澳大利亚的前150家公司的股息收益率通常可以找到在周一的悉尼先驱晨报。

    Prices and dividend yields for Australia 's Top150 companies can usually be found in Monday 's Sydney Morning Herald .

  6. 尤其是在涉及市值较大、流动性强而且具有高股息收益率的股票的交易策略中,这种“绩效衰退”的情况更为严重。

    The decay is particularly severe among strategies that involve trading stocks that are large , liquid and have high-dividend yields .

  7. 在亚洲,股息收益率对选股似乎有作用,但只限于熊市。该指标通常用于区分成熟公司和高增长公司。

    Dividend yield-normally used to distinguish between mature and high growth companies-seems to work in Asia but only in bear markets .

  8. 所以如果股息收益率上升至历史平均水平,那么投资者获得的实质收益率就会更低。

    So if the dividend yield were to rise closer to the historic average , real returns for investors would be sent even lower .

  9. 你可以开发一个两直线的股息收益率的基础上,严重的后续股息收益率的基础上,后者需要的预扣税款的帐户列表。

    You can develop a list on both a straight dividend yield basis and a grossed-up dividend yield basis ; the latter takes account of franking credits .

  10. 但是如果投资者更偏重于股利偿付的话,就会发现这支股票并非如此具有吸引力,因为它的股利和股息收益率明显地低于同行。

    But funds requiring investments to pay dividends will not find this stock attractive as their dividends and yield are significantly lower than their peers in the industry .

  11. 目前,世界各国电力公司的平均股息收益率为4%,在此情况下,港灯5.5%-7.3%的预期股息收益率颇具吸引力。

    HK Electric 's planned yield of between 5.5 and 7.3 per cent makes it interesting when electricity utilities around the world are offering an average 4 per cent .

  12. 众所周知股票的长期回报率等于初始的股息收益率加上股息增长率(会随市场评级而发生变化)。

    It is a truism that the long-term return for equities equals the starting dividend yield plus dividend growth ( plus or minus any change in the market 's rating ) .

  13. 总利润每年增长9%确实能实现总回报率达到8%的目标(6.5%的资本利得加上1.5%的股息收益率)。

    Growing total earnings by 9 % a year would indeed achieve the goal of an 8 % total return ( 6.5 % capital gain plus the 1.5 % dividend yield ) .

  14. 另外,这些企业的总回报始终领先这10个市场基准股指的总体水平,而股息收益率在过去10年中有9年超过了地区平均水平。

    What is more , total returns have consistently outperformed the aggregate for local benchmark indices in the 10 countries , and dividend yields have exceeded the regional average in nine of the last 10 years .

  15. 再加上中国近10%的趋势实际增长率,表明中国股市的潜在整体收益率为两位数(用股息收益率加上增长率,得出一个总体真实收益率)。

    Adding in China 's trend real growth of nearly 10 per cent implies a potential all-in yield for Chinese stocks in double figures , once any dividend yield is added to growth to give a total real yield .

  16. 要建立股市理性投资和长期投资的基础,体现资本市场对公司的价值评估效应,必须重视现金股息收益率对股票收益率的影响。

    In order to establish the basis of rational and long-term investment in the stock market and make the stock market reflect the value of assessment of listed companies , we must attach more importance to the influence of the cash dividend yields on the expected stock returns .

  17. 但还有更为基本的预警信号,比如公司财报中资产产生的现金流、预计股息收益以及资产周转率。

    But there are more fundamental warning signs , such as the reported cash flow that a company 's assets throw off , the expected dividend yield and the turnover of the company 's assets .

  18. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,苹果在2015财年将会提高派息至120亿美元,相当于每股2美元股息,即2%的股息收益率。

    Morgan Stanley thinks Apple will increase dividend payouts to $ 12bn in fiscal 2015 , which works out to $ 2 per share , a   2 per cent yield .