
xiàn huò shānɡ pǐn
  • spot commodity
  1. 个人或公司在买入现货商品的同时又卖出期货合约进行套期保值称为买入基差。

    A person or firm that has bought the spot commodity and hedged with a sale of futures is said to be long the basis .

  2. 其次,论述了市场操纵者利用交割机制的存在,而通过掌握可用于交割的现货商品进行市场操纵。

    Secondly , I discuss the probabilities of manipulation because of the existence of delivery mechanism in futures .

  3. 以传统的市场渠道交货的现货商品的市场价格。

    The price in the marketplace for actual cash or spot commodities to be delivered via customary market channels .

  4. 所买卖的期货合约价值与要进行套保的现货商品价值之间比值,用来计算最小化基差风险。

    Ratio of the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged , a computation necessary to minimize basis risk .

  5. 全文共分为五章,第一章分析成为期货品种所需具备的条件,包括现货商品需要具备的自然属性,市场规模和相关产业结构;

    The full text is divided into five chapters , the first chapter explores the conditions required for futures varieties , including the need for cash commodity natural attributes and market size and related industrial .

  6. 现货或商品的现金价格和相同的期货价格或相关价格的差额。

    The difference between the spot or cash price of a commodity and the futures price of the same or a related commodity .

  7. 现货市场现货商品市场,与期货合约市场相反。

    Cash market the market for a cash commodity or actual , as opposed to its futures contract .

  8. 这也必然决定了黄金价格形成机制的复杂性,其价格不是由某种属性特征单方面决定的,而是由黄金现货供求均衡商品属性和黄金市场投资投机货币属性两种机制共同作用的结果。

    So the gold price mechanism is complex , its price is not determined unilaterally by a certain attributive character , but by two attribute together .

  9. 但是目前较成熟的商品指数主要以期货价格为主,针对现货市场的商品价格指数还比较少,而且当前现货指数的构造方法与期货指数基本一致。

    However , most of the current commodity indexes mainly focus on futures pricing , while the commodity price index for the spot market is still relatively few .

  10. 第五部分从股票现货市场与商品期货市场的发展,分析我国推出股指期货已具备的基本条件;

    Chapter 5 , by reviewing the development of the stock actual market and commodity futures market , represents the existing basic conditions for launch of the stock index futures in China .

  11. OliverWyman估计,在这之中,今年亚洲投行业收入将超过300亿美元,其中包括来自销售交易、衍生品、现货证券及大宗商品业务的佣金。

    Of this , Oliver Wyman estimates that Asian investment banking revenues , including fees earned from sales trading , derivatives , cash equities and commodities businesses , will this year surpass $ 30bn .

  12. 一般认为,期货与现货市场之间的价格相关关系可使套期保值者和投机商利用期货价格衡量相关现货商品的近期和远期价格的发展趋势。

    It is generally accepted that the price correlation between futures market and spot market may facilitate the hedgers and speculators , so that that they can make use of futures prices to measure the price trends of related cash commodities in the near and far future .