
  • 网络cash offer;Cash Acquisition;Cash Mergers
  1. 卡夫公司采取减少现金收购的方式,打败了它的前任对手,并降低股票收购的报价,这让大股东巴菲特笑容满面。

    Kraft sweetened its cash offer to win over its former rival and reduced the stock offer to make Warren Buffet , its largest shareholder , happy .

  2. 新的收购条款代表着现金收购报价每股提高1英镑,股票替代方案的报价每股提高约0.88英镑,这笔交易将缔造一家在全球占统治地位的啤酒酿造商(以市场占有率计算)。

    The new terms represent an increase of £ 1 a share on the cash offer and an increase of about 88p a share on the stock alternative in a deal to create the world 's dominant brewer by market share .

  3. 该出版商于今年9月刚刚以4亿美元现金收购了总部位于巴尔的摩的网络虚拟学校运营商ConnectionsEducation。

    The publisher acquired baltimore-based virtual school provider connections education in a $ 400 million cash deal in September .

  4. 上周五,海尔(Haier)斥资54亿美元现金收购了通用电气(GE)旗下电器业务。

    On Friday , Haier bought the General Electric appliance business for $ 5.4bn in cash .

  5. 周一上午,谷歌公司(Google)宣布以125亿美元的现金收购摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobilitySolutions)。

    Google ( GOOG ) this morning announced plans to buy Motorola mobility solutions ( MMI ) for $ 12.5 billion in cash .

  6. 本周三的消息打破了人们原先的猜测,Nest已经和股东之一谷歌达成协议&后者将以32亿美元现金收购前者全部资产。

    Until today , when the company agreed to be acquired by Google ( GOOG ) an existing shareholder in the company for $ 3.2 billion in cash .

  7. 联邦快递对TNT快递的现金收购出价为每股8欧元,联邦快递市值为470亿美元,TNT的市值为联邦快递的十分之一。

    FedEx has bid 8 per share in cash for a company worth a tenth of its own $ 47bn market value .

  8. 今夏早些时候,谷歌公司(Google)收购北电网络公司(NortelNetworks)专利组合的计划落空。彼时,有谁能预料到,它今天会斥资125亿美元现金收购摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)?

    When Google missed out on buying Nortel Networks'patent hoard earlier this summer , few could have predicted it would make a stunning $ 12.5 billion cash bid for Motorola Mobility .

  9. 接着,今年4月,就在Tenet指控CHS涉嫌超额收治患者、从联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)套取资金后一周,CHS又发出了全现金收购要约。

    CHS then made the offer all-cash in April a week after tenet sued it for allegedly over-admitting patients to draw more money from Medicare .

  10. 中国昨日正式启动对澳大利亚公司的最大收购:兖州煤业(YanzhouCoalMining)向FelixResources发出了推荐现金收购要约,价值刚好超过35亿澳元(合29亿美元)。

    China 's largest takeover bid for an Australian company was formally launched yesterday when Yanzhou Coal Mining made a recommended cash offer for Felix Resources worth just over A $ 3.5bn ( US $ 2.9bn ) .

  11. 2007年7月23日,惠普宣布以16亿美元现金收购Opsware。

    On July 23 , 2007 , HP announcedit was buying Opsware for $ 1.6 billion in cash .

  12. 万达在港交所(HKEx)发布公告称,将以不超过35亿美元的现金收购传奇娱乐。

    In a Chinese language-release to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Wanda said it would buy Legendary for no more than $ 3.5bn , in cash .

  13. 例如,雅虎用3000万美元现金收购的Summly在硅谷彻底沦为笑柄,这款iPhone应用是由一个十来岁的孩子开发的,而且没有营收。

    For example , dolling out $ 30 million in cash for summly an iPhone app made by a teenager that has no revenue was greeted by Silicon Valley with derision .

  14. 中联重科今年年初对美国公司特雷克斯(Terex)发出现金收购要约,尽管现在结果仍不确定。

    Zoomlion made a cash bid for Terex , the US company , earlier this year , though the result of that overture is still uncertain .

  15. 皮博迪向该委员会申诉道,macarthur没有向股东提供与修改后的现金收购要约相关的信息,也没有向他们说明自己这份要约相对“gloucester/来宝”交易的优点。

    It complained to the panel that MacArthur had not provided shareholders with information relevant to its revised cash proposal , and to the relative merits of its deal compared with the Gloucester / noble transactions .

  16. AMC娱乐(AMCEntertainment)周四表示,该公司将在一次重大的影院控股公司合并中,以7亿3700万美元现金收购卡麦克影院(CarmikeCinemas),形成美国国内最大的、拥有超过600家影院连锁院线。

    In a significant consolidation of movie theater holdings , AMC Entertainment will acquire Carmike Cinemas for about $ 737 million in cash , forming the country 's largest chain with more than 600 theaters , the companies said on Thursday .

  17. 中国最大的芯片测试企业——江苏长电科技(JCET)已发出要约,拟以7.8亿美元现金收购淡马锡(Temasek)在新加坡星科金朋(StatsChipPac)所持的83%股权。这是中国半导体集团迄今在海外发起的最大收购举措。

    Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology , China 's biggest chip tester , has made an offer to buy Temasek 's 83 per cent stake in Singapore-based Stats ChipPac for $ 780m in cash in the largest ever move by a Chinese semiconductor group overseas .

  18. 巴西亿万富翁约瑟夫•萨福拉(JosephSafra)和家族所有的橙汁制造商Cutrale,提出以6.105亿美元现金收购美国公司奇基塔,这与此前爱尔兰Fyffes的全股票并购协议形成竞争。

    Brazilian billionaire Joseph Safra and Cutrale , the family-owned orange juice maker , offered to acquire US group Chiquita in a $ 610.5m cash deal that rivals a previous all-stock agreement with Ireland 's Fyffes .

  19. 那是在2007年末,几个月前StumbleUpon(热门的内容发现网站,也是当时他最受关注的一项投资)刚刚被eBay(EBAY)以7500万美元现金收购。

    It was late 2007 , and StumbleUpon -- the popular content discovery service and his highest-profile investment at the time -- had just a few months earlier been scooped up by eBay ( EBAY ) for $ 75 million in cash .

  20. 本周早些时候,阿里巴巴发出主动收购要约,试图将地图公司高德(AutoNavi)私有化,这一全现金收购对高德的估值为16亿美元。

    Earlier this week , it made an unsolicited bid to take private AutoNavi , in an all-cash deal that values the mapping company at $ 1.6bn .

  21. 二手房市:现金收购你得实惠了吗?

    Second-hand property market : " cash acquisition " you may benefit ?

  22. 也是时机正好,动荡的市况突显出中钢全现金收购方案的优势。

    The timing was also fortuitous since tanking markets burnished its all-cash offer .

  23. 上周日,麦克阿瑟收到了上述两家公司组成的财团提出的每股15.50澳元的指示性现金收购报价。

    Macarthur received the indicative cash offer of A $ 15.50 a share on Sunday .

  24. 分拆收购可能必须是全现金收购,并将涉及重大的税收问题。

    A break-up bid would probably have to be all-cash , and would have big tax issues .

  25. 无独有偶,私企老板张先生也是通过所谓“现金收购”出售的房子。

    Coincidentally , the private owner Mr Cheung also passed the so-called " cash acquisition " sell the house .

  26. 安森美同意以每股20美元全现金收购飞兆,而上述中国财团的还价是每股21.70美元全现金收购。

    ON Semiconductor agreed to acquire Fairchild for $ 20 per share in cash , while the Chinese consortium countered with $ 21.70 per share in cash .

  27. 或许该集团正在整合过程中引领一种新的趋势:在合资框架下交易或合并资产,抛弃现金收购的方式。

    It is also perhaps launching a new trend in the consolidation process by trading or combining assets in joint structures in preference to breaking out the cheque book .

  28. 这套策略的运作如今与市场的关联尤其密切,因为必和必拓提出以全现金收购加拿大钾肥,创立造一项新的大型大宗商品业务。

    The workings of this strategy are especially relevant to the market today as BHP proposes to form a new major commodity business through its all-cash offer for PotashCorp .

  29. 可口可乐去年9月提出的现金收购价为每股12.20港元,几乎是交易提议宣布前汇源上一个收盘价的3倍。

    Coke offered HK $ 12.20 a share in cash , almost treble Huiyuan 's last closing price ahead of the announcement of the proposed deal in September last year .

  30. 使用现金收购,意味着该公司的股票价值被低估或表明企业有足够的未来现金流量来抓住投资机会;

    By means of purchasing , it suggests that the bonds value of a company is underestimated or the enterprise has enough future cash flow to hold the chance of investment .