
  • 网络AXA;AXA Group;Andersen Consulting
  1. 安保与安盛在澳大利亚和新西兰的业务合起来,事实上将使安保成为“第五大支柱”(fifthpillar)。

    The combined operations of AMP and AXA in Australia and New Zealand would effectively turn amp into a " fifth pillar " .

  2. 被迫离开GAN后,她求助于时任安盛首席执行官的克洛德•贝贝阿(ClaudeBébéar)。

    Forced to leave , she turned to Claude B é b é ar , Axa 's then chief executive and a fellow Polytechnique alumnus .

  3. 此次展览是由佛罗里达蓝十字会(FloridaBlue)和安盛蓝十字蓝盾公司(AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield)赞助的专项计划,主要针对儿童肥胖问题。

    The exhibit , which was specifically oriented towards fighting childhood obesity , was a project sponsored by Florida blue and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield .

  4. 安盛投资管理公司(axainvestmentmanagers)的经历可能更加典型,该公司与浦发银行(spdb)合建有一家合资基金公司。

    The experience of AXA Investment Managers , which has a joint venture with Shanghai Bank , is perhaps more typical .

  5. 在悉尼上市的安盛亚太(AxaAsia-Pacific)将引发两家澳大利亚金融集团120亿美元的收购战。

    Sydney-listed Axa Asia-Pacific is subject to a $ 12bn takeover battle between two Australian financial groups .

  6. 通过与中国五矿(ChinaMinmetalsCorp)共同组建的合资企业,这家法国保险公司将继续保持其在中国市场的影响力,安盛保险持有这家合资企业51%的股份。

    The French insurer is retaining its presence in the market via its joint venture with China Minmetals Corp , of which it owns 51 per cent .

  7. 知情人士表示,安盛最近已聘请摩根士丹利(morganstanley)担任此次股权出售的顾问。

    AXA recently appointed Morgan Stanley to advise on the sale , which has been triggered by regulatory demands , said people familiar with the situation .

  8. 1995年,安盛最初购得安盛亚太的前身NationalMutualLife公司51%股权时,安盛与澳大利亚政府达成协议,未来所有的亚洲投资都必须在这家公司进行。

    It has been hampered by an agreement reached with the Australian government in 1995 when it first acquired a 51 per cent stake in Axa Asia Pacific 's predecessor , National Mutual Life , to house all future Asian investments in that company .

  9. 高盛(goldmansachs)分析师瑞安费舍尔(ryanfisher)表示,安盛“已加入这场派对”,为这笔经过调整的交易提供重要的定价和融资帮助。

    Ryan Fisher , analyst at Goldman Sachs , said AXA had " come to the party " by providing significant pricing and funding assistance for the revised deal .

  10. 齐兹戴恩认为,法国保险集团安盛(axa)、荷兰国际集团(ing)及荷兰全球人寿(aegon)也可能引起中国保险公司的兴趣。

    Mr cizdyn believes AXA , the French insurer , ing and AEGON , could also prove interesting to Chinese insurers .

  11. 高盛(goldmansachs)私人股本部门已成为安盛(axa)正在出售的一家中国寿险公司少数股权的领先竞购者。

    The private equity unit of Goldman Sachs has emerged as a leading contender to acquire a minority stake in a Chinese life assurer being sold by AXA .

  12. 知情人士表示,未来两周,中等规模的上海浦东发展银行(shanghaipudongdevelopmentbank)有望获得监管部门的批准,与法国保险公司安盛集团(axa)成立合资基金公司。

    Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , a medium-sized lender , is expected to receive regulatory approval for its fund joint venture with AXA , the French insurer , in the next two weeks , say people close to the deal .

  13. 已出售或承诺出售投资的大型投资者包括,挪威国家养老金基金、法国保险集团安盛(Axa)、北欧最大的基金管理公司“北欧银行资产管理公司”(NordeaAssetManagement)、以及加州大学(UniversityofCalifornia)。

    The largest investors that have sold or made commitments include Norway 's state pension fund , Axa , the French insurance group , Nordea Asset Management , the largest Nordic fund manager , and the University of California .

  14. 结果是新增了来自欧洲的董事:法国安盛(Axa)保险公司的亨利·德·卡斯特(HenrideCastries),以及康巴斯(Compass)的保罗·沃什(PaulWalsh)——他是新兴市场重要参与者帝亚吉欧(Diageo)的前老板。

    The result was more Europeans : Henri de Castries , of French insurer Axa , and Paul Walsh of Compass ( and former boss of Diageo , a big player in emerging markets ) .

  15. 在香港办公的麦智信今年43岁,2006年从安盛(Axa)加入友邦,在亚洲保险业拥有十年以上的高级管理经验。

    Hong Kong-based Mr Wilson , 43 , joined AIA from Axa in 2006 and boasts more than a decade of senior management experience in the Asian insurance industry .

  16. 通过对安盛咨询公司员工的满意度调查和离职员工面谈分析,以及SGI公司2000年度全球范围的员工需求调查,归纳总结了知识型员工所具有的一些特点。

    Through Anderson Consulting Company 's employees satisfaction survey , their resignation analysis , and the study results of SGI global survey about employee needs , I have tried to conclude what knowledge workers are and what they actually expect .

  17. 安盛的李泽信表示:估值是一个非常微妙的问题。

    Mr Richardson of Axa says : Valuation is a very tricky issue .

  18. 安盛的中国策略

    AXA 'S Strategy in China

  19. 这已经是它在5年内第二次尝试全盘收购安盛亚太。

    It marked the second time in five years that it has tried to buy the Asian business outright .

  20. 安盛和安保上月向在澳大利亚上市的资产管理公司安盛亚太发起主动收购,但遭拒绝。

    AXA and amp made an unsolicited offer for the Australian-listed asset manager last month , but were rejected .

  21. 热切希望充分开发亚洲增长潜能的安盛最终将能够完全控制其亚洲战略。

    Keen to exploit the growth potential in Asia , AXA would finally be able to take full control of its strategy in the region .

  22. 知情人士表示,取决于安盛与最终买家达成的售价,新加坡政府投资公司可能转而决定减持股权。

    Depending on the sale price struck with an eventual buyer , people familiar with the matter said that GIC could instead decide to reduce its stake .

  23. “如今中国国内保险市场增长强劲,正是安盛出售的好时机,”一位准备提交标书的交易撮合者说。

    " This is a good time for AXA to sell with the domestic market growing strongly , " said one dealmaker who is preparing to submit a bid .

  24. 这是安盛5年来第二次尝试全盘收购其亚洲业务,安盛持有该业务53.9%的股权。

    The offer marks the second time in five years that Axa has tried to buy outright its Asian business , in which it holds a 53.9 per cent stake .

  25. 安盛咨询公司定义为“一个调配和管理组织自身的及具有互补性的服务提供商的资源、能力与技术,来提供全面的供应链解决方案的供应链集成商”。

    Accenture described the4PL as an " integrator that assembles the resources , capabilities , and technology of its own organization and other organizations to design , supply chain solutions " .

  26. 该竞购表明,安盛试图在全球一些增长最快的新兴市场拓展业务。这已经是它在5年内第二次尝试全盘收购安盛亚太。

    The bid , which was rejected by Axa Asia Pacific as inadequate , signalled the French company 's intent to expand its presence in some of the world 's fastest-growing emerging markets .

  27. 根据中国的规定,外资集团不得在一家以上的保险公司拥有股份,因此安盛决定在撤资最后期限之前几个月出售泰康股权。

    Chinese regulations prohibit overseas groups from having financial interests in more than one insurance company , and AXA decided to sell its Taikang Life stake several months ahead of a divestment deadline .

  28. 安盛目前已拥有这家澳大利亚子公司54%的股权,目标是最终把安盛亚太增长较快的亚洲资产全部纳入旗下,安保将拥有安盛亚太更为成熟的澳大利亚和新西兰业务。

    The French group already owns 54 per cent of its Australian offshoot and would end up owning the faster-growing Asian assets , leaving amp with the more mature Australian and New Zealand operations .

  29. 安盛的调查发现,当被问及若因为压力、焦虑或者心情低落需要请假时,是否如实告诉直属上司,只有39%的雇员表示会实话实说。

    When asked if they would be honest with their line manager when calling in sick because they were suffering from stress , anxiety or depression , only 39 percent of employees said they would tell the truth , according to the AXA study .

  30. 医疗保健公司安盛集团的调查显示,尽管每年平均有四分之一的人受到压力大、焦虑、心情低落的困扰,但有三分之二的雇主不相信这些问题严重到需要请假。

    According to research by healthcare company AXA PPP , two-thirds of employers don 't believe that suffering from stress , anxiety or depression is a serious enough reason for employees to be off work , despite it affecting one in four people on average every year .