
  • 网络security industry
  1. 国内信息安全产业发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Chinese Information Security Industry Development

  2. 对于社会公共安全产业的需求正日益地甚至急剧地增长。

    The need toward the public security industry is grow rapidly .

  3. 这就是计算机安全产业的部分失误之处。

    That 's part of what is wrong with the computer security industry .

  4. 信息安全产业与信息安全经济分析

    Analysis of Information Security Industry and Information Security Economy

  5. 基于多智能体的重庆市安全产业集约化模式研究

    Study on Intensive Development Mode of Chongqing Safety Industry Based on Multi-Agent Modeling

  6. 构建煤炭企业安全产业链及其应用模式

    Research on Establishment of Coal Enterprise 's Safe Industry Chain and Its Application Model

  7. 瑞达信息安全产业股份有限公司。

    Jetway Information Security Industry Co. , Ltd.

  8. 网络安全产业是我国政府尤为关注的、关系国家安全的产业。

    Network Security Industry is particularly concerned by central government which relates to national security .

  9. 所以安全产业将来也是一个随着新技术发展而不断发展的产业。

    So the future is a security industry with the development of new technology evolving industry .

  10. 提出了加快我国信息安全产业发展的战略性构想。

    The stratagem of China 's information security industry development are proposed in the paper also .

  11. 随着国内信息化进程的加快,信息安全产业应运而生并成为朝阳行业。

    With the speed-up of the Chinese information infrastructure , information security has become an emerging industry .

  12. 计算机安全产业将随着计算机运算能力的提升以及对新型病毒攻击的理解而不断地发展现有的加密算法。

    The industry will continue to evolve cryptographic algorithms as computational power improves over time and new attacks become known .

  13. 发展信息安全产业需要中国的战略投资人安全生产和煤炭行业信息研究及出版

    Strategic Investor Demanded by Information Security Industry ; research achivements and book publishing business in occupational safety and coal sector

  14. 现代密码学伴随信息安全产业一起发展,涌现出了很多的密码体制,在信息安全的保密方面都发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    Modern cryptography has a lot of new password systems with the development of information security industry . It plays a pivotal role on confidentiality of the information security .

  15. 作为安全产业重要的组成部分,视频监控在国防建设、智能交通、家庭安防等诸多领域应用广泛。

    As an important part of the security industry , video monitoring used widely in the national defense construction , intelligent traffic , family security and many other fields .

  16. 会议计划确定并讨论以下问题:职业健康与安全产业组的改变和如何演说它的影响和挑战。

    The conference programme will identify and create discussion on issues such as : What the pending changes in OH & S are and how we can address the impact and challenges .

  17. 网络信息安全产业应运而生,成为信息产业中发展最快、最具市场前景的高新技术产业。

    The safety industry of network information arises at the right moment , it has become a new high-tech industry with the fastest developing speed and had the best market prospects in the information industry .

  18. 其次从食品安全产业链的角度来分析我国食品安全存在的问题,一是土壤污染,二是养殖生产企业违法添加有毒有害物质,三是食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件。

    Second , from the perspective of food safety chain to analyze the problems of food security , one is soil pollution , the second is aquaculture producers who illegally added toxic and hazardous substances , the third is a public health emergency type of food poisoning .

  19. 从传统的Windows平台向Linux平台的迁移,这不仅是一个技术话题,在信息安全、产业自主等因素的影响下,它甚至越来越具有浓厚的政治色彩。

    The transition from Windows platform to Linux is not only a technical issue , given the factor of information security and the industry independence of a nation , it even bears much political meaning .

  20. 虽然IPsec中的一些组件还需要完善,但可以预料,随着IPv6技术的推广和IP网络的建设,IPsec必将成为网络安全的产业标准。

    Although some components of IPSec need improving , but it can be predicted that with IPv6 technology and IP networks developing , IPSec will be the standards of networks security in the near future .

  21. 但是,信息安全服务产业仍然面临很多问题。

    However , information safety service industry is still facing many problems .

  22. 国家经济安全与产业安全研究综述

    Theories : Review of National Economy Security and Industrial Security

  23. 度与不动点安全:产业的保障点


  24. 呼唤中国的安全防灾产业

    Industrialization of Safety and Calamity Protection in China

  25. 安全:产业的保障点

    Security , the guarantee of industry

  26. 托盘标准的选用直接涉及到国家经济安全和产业发展。

    The selection of ISO pallet is directly related to the economic safety and industry development favorably .

  27. 本文拟以理论沿革和基本概念两条主线就国家经济安全与产业安全问题展开理论综述。首先,本文归纳了国外学者在国家经济安全以及产业安全问题的发展历程和主要观点;

    This is a research review on national economy security and industry security from two masterstrokes of theory evolution and primary conception .

  28. 从国家经济安全、产业结构调整、国家经济结构调整,对国有产权交易主体限制具有意义。

    It has significance to limit the state-owned property right conveyance main body from state economy security , industrial structure adjustment and state economy structure adjustment .

  29. 这项计画是设计来协助本地企在安全监控产业取得领导地位,并进一步开拓海外商机,这位教授说。

    The project is designed to help local companies obtain a leading position in the security surveillance industry and further explore overseas business opportunities , the professor said .

  30. 绿色产业特性包括:以绿色农业为基础,是弱质产业,政府有扶持的必要:是安全食品产业,存在信息不对称问题;

    The characteristics of green food industry includes below : based on green agriculture , vulnerable and needs support ; belong to safety food industry , there is information dissymmetry problem ;