
ān lǎo yuàn
  • a home for old people
  1. “你不能仅仅说:‘让我们把这个人安置到安老院去吧,不去养老院了——这样做她的状况就会好很多。”罗比森博士说。

    " You can 't just say , ‘ Let 's put this person in a residential care home instead of a nursing home — she will be much better off , " Dr. Robison said .

  2. 在其他因素相同的情况下,对于一个已经对其将要入住的地方有所了解并且有时间去适应它的人来说,不管是在一家养老院还是一家小的安老院,其表现或许都是一样的。

    A person who bad input into where he would move and has had time to adapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home , other factors being equal .

  3. 其中一项最新的研究发表在了《应用老年医学杂志》上,该研究调查了来自康涅狄格州的老年生活助理中心、养老院和较小的安老院(在一些州被称为膳食及护理机构或成人护理机构)的150位居民。

    The most recent of these studies , published in The journal of Applied Gerontology , surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living , nursing homes and smaller residential care homes ( known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes ) .

  4. 私营安老院自愿注册计划

    Voluntary Registration Scheme of Private Homes for the Elderly

  5. 锦田护理安老院〔救世军〕

    Kam Tin Care-and-Attention Home [ The Salvation Army ]

  6. 宝钟全英安老院〔东华三院〕英国和美国都降低了安全警戒级别。

    Both Britain and the United States have slightly downgraded their terror threat levels .

  7. 陈昆栋颐养之家护理安老院〔亚洲妇女协进会〕

    Chan Kwun Tung Care-and-Attention Home for the Elderly [ Asia Women 's League ]

  8. 圣约瑟安老院〔安贫小姊妹会〕

    St. Joseph 's Home for the Aged [ Little Sisters of the Poor ]

  9. 青松护理安老院〔香港道教青松观有限公司〕

    Ching Chung Care-and-Attention Home [ Ching Chung Taoist Association of Hong Kong Ltd. ]

  10. 任白慈善基金景林安老院〔基督教家庭服务中心〕

    Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly [ Christian Family Service Centre ]

  11. 研究结果指出在安老院生活中,大部分老年人认为隐私并非必要,也不是先决条件。

    Most Chinese older people indicated that privacy was unnecessary and not a prerequisite in residential living .

  12. 低度照顾安老院;老人自我照顾宿舍;老人宿舍

    Self-care hostel for the elderly

  13. 黄陈淑英纪念护理安老院〔香港中国妇女会〕

    Madam Wong Chan Sook Ying Memorial Care-and-Attention Home for the Aged [ Hong Kong Chinese Women 's Club ]

  14. 先天道安老院〔先天道〕他前天看见了两只老虎。

    Sin Tin Tao Home for the Aged [ Sin Tin Tao ] He saw two tigers the day before yesterday .

  15. 我们还会密切留意安老院舍护士、保健员和护理员人手的供求情况。

    We will also monitor the demand and supply of nursing , allied health and personal care staff for residential care homes .

  16. 郭玉章夫人护理安老院〔仁济医院〕在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感。

    Mrs Kwok Yuk Cheung Care-and-Attention Home [ Yan Chai Hospital ] Simple surgery in a Palermo hospital would permanently relieve the pain .

  17. 献主会小学同学设计的社区有教堂、安老院、公共洗手间等设施。

    Oblate Fathers ' Primary School ( AM ) students designed a community with facilities like church , elderly home and public toilets .

  18. 第三部分从救济灾荒、兴办育婴院及安老院等方面具体研究了传教士在内蒙古进行的公益慈善活动。

    The third part studies their public welfare and charity activities in terms of relief-extending and the building of foundling hospitals and rest homes .

  19. 133.安老事务委员会发现,目前约有一万三千名有需要的人士正在轮候入住安老院舍。

    133 . The Elderly Commission has found that there are currently about 13 000 old people in need who are waiting for residential care places .

  20. 昨方是安老院耶业者艾申请立案耶最后一工。老实说,安迪是个理论胜於实际的垂钓者。

    Yesterday was the deadline for application of business licenses for elderly homes . Frankly speaking , andy is more of an angler theoretically than practically .

  21. 另有18支外展医疗队,探访社区及安老院舍,为长者推行各项促进健康活动,提高他们对健康的警觉及自我照顾的能力。

    The18 visiting health teams reached into the community and residential care settings to conduct wellness programmes with the aim of enhancing health awareness among the elderly and increasing their self-care ability .

  22. 影片改编自尼高拉斯史派克的畅销小说,故事开首是一间安老院,一位老先生正跟一名老妇娓娓道出笔记簿里的故事。

    Based on a bestseller by Nicholas Sparks , it begins in the present with an old man reading a story from a notebook to an old lady in a home for the elderly .

  23. 长者健康外展队伍探访社区及安老院舍,为长者举办促进健康的活动,又为护理人员和护老者提供培训,增进他们护理长者的知识及技巧。

    Visiting health teams reach into the community and residential care settings to conduct health promotion activities for the elderly and to provide training to carers to enhance their health knowledge and skills in caring for the elderly .

  24. 而新设的「长者健康外展队」则会在社区及安老院舍推广护理长者健康的概念和知识,并为长者的家人提供更多协助。

    The newly established elderly health visiting teams help to promote the concept and awareness of health care among the elderly living in the community and at homes for the aged , and offer more assistance to the family of the elderly .