
  • 网络Foreign Currency Banknote;foreign currency
  1. 放开边境小额贸易出口项下以人民币或外币现钞进行出口核销的限额控制。

    The control by verification of export collection imposed on RMB banknote or foreign currency banknote under the accounts of small-scaled border trade shall be lifted .

  2. 您从境外携入或本来持有的美元现钞可存入外币现钞帐户。

    This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account .

  3. 凡从境外携入的可自由兑换的外币现钞,存入外钞账户。

    All convertible foreign banknotes brought in the territory from abroad may be deposited in the foreign banknotes accounts .

  4. 提高外币现钞的银行买入价,并允许不同地区在规定范围内适当浮动。

    To increase the bank purchase prices of foreign cashes , and allow different places to float within the prescribed scope .

  5. 银行能为您办理境内境外多种形式的托收业务,款项收妥后可转存外汇储蓄存款,也可按规定支取外币现钞或汇出境外使用。

    If you have foreign currency notes , bills of exchange and checks , you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount .

  6. 采取灵活的边境小额贸易出口核销政策,放开以人民币或外币现钞进行出口核销的限制。

    To adopt flexible verification and writing-off polices for small amount of border trade , lift the restrictions on the verification and writing-off form in RMB or foreign cashes .

  7. 花旗银行的活期存款包括外汇活期存款、外币现钞活期存款以及人民币活期存款。个人的外汇储蓄存款,实行存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为储户保密的原则。

    Individuals ' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with banks on a voluntary basis , withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors ' identity ensured .

  8. 凡外汇汇出境外、提取外币现钞或携带出境的,仍按原外汇管理规定办理。

    Where foreign exchange is remitted abroad , cashed in foreign currency or brought abroad , the party concerned shall go through the formality in accordance with the prior administration of foreign exchange .

  9. 银行对外汇或外币现钞存入采取不同账户管理原则,即区分外汇账户和外钞账户。可外存取的封闭型用户组;可外访问的封闭用户组

    The Bank adopts the principle of separate management for accounts of deposit in foreign exchange and foreign banknotes , i. e. accounts of foreign exchange and accounts of foreign banknotes . p with outgoing access