
  • 网络Tradelink;TradeManager;Alibaba ID
  1. 贸易通在线时我们工厂有专业人员负责。

    The trade passes the online time our factory to have the specialists to be responsible .

  2. 包装规格:25KG/袋,产品价格依产品配方不同而异,可按照提供的样品进行报价或在贸易通进行议价。

    Packing specification : 25 KG / bag , the price of article be different according to product formula , can according to provide of the sample carry on offer or at trade carry on negotiation .

  3. 加工贸易出口常通与原料或中间产品以及生产设备的进口相伴生。

    Processing trade often goes with the import of raw and semi-processed materials or intermediate products and the equipment needed for production .

  4. 他的政府已敦促国会通过快速通道(fast-track)立法,以确保跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP)和跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系(Trans-AtlanticTradeandInvestmentPartnership)史上规模最大的两项贸易谈判顺利通过。

    His administration has urged Congress to pass fast-track legislation to facilitate the passage of both the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – two of the largest trade negotiations in history .