
  1. 贸工农一体化经营与生态系统的和谐发展

    Integration Management of Trade , Industry and Agriculture and the Harmonious Development of Ecosystem

  2. 贸工农一体化已逐步成为农村经济发展的一条重要途径。

    The integration of trade-industry-agriculture has gradually become an important approach to develop rural economy .

  3. 贸工农一体化经营与市场营销

    Agricultural Integration and the Marketing

  4. 商贸功能是贸工农一体化联合体的先导功能,市场营销是联合体发展其商贸功能的基本运作方式。

    Trading performs the leading function in the integration union , and the marketing is the basic to keep the trading functioning .

  5. 发展贸工农一体化的主要措施是政府制订倾斜政策,优化外部环境;

    Main measures to develop the integration of trade-industry-agriculture are that , the government must formulate some favourable policies and optimize external surroundings ;

  6. 实行贸工农一体化管理促进茧丝绸行业持续稳定发展

    Implementing administration of agriculture , industry and Commerce in an organic whole to promote the continuous and stable development of cocoon and silk trade

  7. 龙头企业的兴起,有效地促进了农业向种养加、产供销、贸工农一体化方向转变,为农村经济的发展注入了新的活力。

    With the rising of these enterprises , agriculture industry has turned to the mode of farm production - , animal raising - , and processing-in-one ;

  8. 贸工农一体化经营与市场交易方式本质上是两种不同的资源配置方式,工商企业要结合自身情况选择适宜的形式。

    Vertical coordination and spot markets are actually two different ; ways to allocate resources Agri-food firms should select appropriate way with consideration of paticular situation of each firm .

  9. 西方发达国家的农业一体化与我国农业产业化在本质上具有相同性,即产加销一条龙、贸工农一体化的产业经营。

    Agricultural industrialization in the Western developed countries has the same essence with agricultural integration in China . It means that an operating mode which makes trade , industry and agriculture integrated into one organization .

  10. 大力支持扶植粮食生产合作社和粮食行业协会,实现水稻生产服务主体和水稻生产管理主体的创新;以贸工农一体化的产业化经营模式进行绿色大米产业化生产,实现水稻产业化经营体制的创新。

    We should conduct industrialization of " green " rice production by the mode of trade , industry , and agriculture unification , so as to realize the renovation of management system for rice industry .

  11. 论文给出了复合产业的内涵和主要形式,重点分析了贸工农一体化经营的复合效益,指出其复合效益是由内部化效益、协同效益、生态效益、扩增效益构成的有机整体。

    It offers the connotation and main forms of composite industry , focusing on analyzing the composite benefit of Agriculture Integration Operation ( AIO ), which is a organic integration of inner benefit , cooperation benefit , ecological benefit and extensive benefit .