
  • 网络Trade Point
  1. 现在成了一个贸易点。

    It 's become a trading post .

  2. 岛上居住的因纽特人的生计基本上来源于海边的贸易点。

    However , the Inuit peoples who inhabit the island generally live at coastal trading posts .

  3. 如果我没记错……在南方,至少在一开始,人们建的城镇还没有贸易点多。

    If I remember correctly ... In the South , at least initially , they didn 't build towns so much as they built trading posts .

  4. 高利润促使商业资本向着贸易中心点集中,从而使一些贸易中心点迅速城市化。

    The Profitability led to the concentration of commercial capital on the key commercial places , which therefore led to their rapid urbanization .

  5. 为此,本文建议应该逐步限制焦炭的出口总量,降低资源消耗,治理环境污染,深化产业链,提高产品的附加值,寻找新的贸易增长点,从而实现贸易和环境的协调发展。

    Then , the paper gave the advice to restrict the coke export , reduce environment pollution , deepen the chain of coke industry , and increase the additional value , so as to implement the harmonious development of trade and environment .

  6. 本文以贸易为立足点,从两个方面对人民币区域化的问题进行探讨。

    This paper investigates relevant problems of RMB regionalization from two aspects in terms of trade .

  7. 在对云南省的研究方面,以边境贸易为切入点,着重分析边境地区人民币流通现状、结算方式、存在问题等方面做微观的分析。

    In the study of Yunnan Province , we take the border trade as a starting point , analyze the status of RMB circulation , the settlement form , and existing problems in the border areas .

  8. 这两种类型出口企业的出口退税由于有着一些贸易的共同点,也存在出口流程、出口商品生产来源的差异,因而其出口退免税的风险管理重点有共同点,也有各自的特性。

    These two types of export enterprises that export tax rebate have similarity , and there have differences on the production of export commodities and the export process . So the risk management have common and differences .

  9. 贸易计量的交接点选择番禺气区,同时在cep监控。

    Transfer point of trade metering is Panyu gas production area and monitored in cep .

  10. 1819年,托马斯・史丹福・莱佛士(SirThomasStamfordRaffles),一名英国东印度公司的官员,和柔佛苏丹签定一项条约,将新加坡作为一个贸易局和殖民点。

    In1819 , Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , a British East India Company official , made a treaty with the Sultan of Johore and established Singapore as a trading post and settlement .

  11. 规避国际贸易风险的几点对策

    Some Countermeasures for Evading the Risks of the International Trade

  12. 这就使得它具备了适用于服务贸易的基本立足点&实现公约的立法目的。

    This goal makes it possible to apply CISG to the service trade .

  13. 关于产业内贸易理论的几点思考

    Considerations about Inner - industrial Trade Theory

  14. 我国国际经贸人才市场透析&兼论国际经济与贸易专业市场立足点

    On the Standing Place the International Economic and Trade Discipline Should Have and the Professional Market

  15. 对中国对外贸易政策的几点思考

    On Chinese Foreign Trade Policies

  16. 亚洲仍然是全球最具发展活力的地区之一,也继续是全球贸易的重要增长点之一。

    Asia still remains one of the most dynamic regions around the globe , and is still a key growth point in world trade .

  17. 与这十大伙伴的贸易总额为二千七百二十一点六亿美元,占中国外贸总值的百分之八十三点七。

    The total trade volume with these ten large partners was 272.16 billion US dollars , accounting for 83.7 % of China 's total foreign trade .

  18. 并为如何进一步提高高新技术产业对外贸易竞争力提出几点政策建议。

    In the final , the paper offers some policy suggestions on how to improve the ability of competition on external trade of high and new technology industries .

  19. 如果你在做一个平信调查,贸易平信了一点:什么区别调查从直接营销将增加你的成功率。

    If you 're doing a snail mail survey , trade up a bit : Anything that distinguishes the survey from direct marketing will increase your success rate .

  20. 港口作为国内外贸易的最佳结合点、全球供应链的枢纽和节点,在现代物流系统中占有极为重要的地位。

    As the combination points of domestic and foreign trade , ports are hubs and nodes in global supply chain which play an extremely important role in the modern logistics system .

  21. 对发展中国家而言,其环境商品贸易利益的增长点就在于尽快将环境有益商品纳入清单分类中,这种分类模式也符合发展中国家的根本利益。

    For developing countries , the growth of their trade benefits of environmental goods relies on the inclusion of environmentally preferable products in the list of goods as soon as possible .

  22. 今年前两个月,进出口贸易总额达十二点四亿美元,比去年同期增长百分之六。

    In the first two months of this year , the total value of import and export trade reached 1.24 billion US dollars , increasing 6 % over the same period last year .

  23. 从我国1999年实施科技兴贸战略开始,近几年来高新技术产品已成为我国出口贸易新的增长点,并且对我国国民经济的贡献也越来越大。

    Since the implement of the strategies of technological progress stimulating trade in 1999 , the high-tech products exporting becomes the new growth point in trade , which has great contribution to our domestic economy .

  24. 本文还就如何结合宁夏自身的现状和特点、发挥比较优势、寻找对外贸易新的增长点,进一步促进宁夏对外贸易对经济增长的拉动作用提出了具体对策建议。

    This paper also proposes some concrete countermeasures on how to use comparative advantage to find a new growth point of foreign trade in order to promote the effect foreign trade play on economic growth .

  25. FTA的贸易创造效应已成为全球贸易新的增长点,能够促进区内经济和贸易增长。

    FTA creates new global trade growing sources , boosts regional economy and trade increase .

  26. 大宗商品远距离贸易,还导致商业资本在若干贸易中心点的集中,从而产生一批新兴的商业都会。

    On the other hand , causing the collection of the capital into some trade center points , then a series of trade capital developed .

  27. 拓宽贸易领域,优化贸易结构,挖掘贸易新增长点,促进贸易平衡。

    We should expand trading areas , improve trade structure , explore new growth areas of trade , and promote trade balance .

  28. 首先介绍了能源及能源贸易,能源贸易与普通的货物贸易存在诸多不同点。

    Firstly , it introduces energy and energy trade . Many differences exist between energy trade and ordinary goods trade .

  29. 近年来,创意服务贸易取得了史无前例的发展,成为了全球贸易新的增长点。

    In recent years , trade in creative services has achieved unprecedented growth and become anew growth point in global trade .

  30. 随着服务贸易的跨国转移,离岸软件外包正在成为服务贸易重要的增长点。

    With the international transfer of trade in services , offshore software outsourcing is becoming an important growth point of trade in services .