
  • 网络Trade Route;commercial road
  1. 古罗马的海上丝绸贸易之路

    The Silk Trade Road on the Sea in Ancient Rome

  2. 党项占据了连接中亚和西亚之间贸易之路的一片区域,

    Occupying the area along the trade route between Central Asia and the West ,

  3. 走发展高科技贸易之路,使历史的必然,也是未来的需要。

    The development of high-tech trade is inexorable not only in history but also in the future .

  4. 改革开放以来在国家鼓励出口的政策指引下,国际贸易一路引吭高歌,得到了长足发展。

    Since the reform and opening-up policy with the guidance of encouraging export , the international trade has a prosperous period .

  5. 丝绸之路通畅千年,是一条贸易之路、繁荣之路、和平之路、文化之路。

    The Silk Road , which was in service for a thousand years , was a road for trade , prosperity , peace and culture .

  6. 几千年以前,在中东地区,人们已经在使用漫长的贸易车路,长途运输货物。

    Thousands of years ago in the Middle East , long trade and caravan routes were already being used by men to carry goods over great distances .

  7. 昆山之路,归根结底,是昆山加工贸易发展之路。

    Kunshan Road , in the final analysis , is the development of Kunshan ' sprocessing trade road .

  8. 面对物价飙升、市场对本币信心不足和贸易顺差一路下滑的挑战,政府只有祭出贸易保护主义的大旗,不得已的退出凸显了外国公司在阿根廷的艰难处境。

    The moves underscore the growing difficulties facing foreign companies in Argentina , where the government has resorted to protectionism to address challenges such as soaring internal prices , a reduced confidence in its currency and an eroding trade surplus .

  9. 南方丝绸之路上的食盐贸易新丝绸之路&记第五届亚欧经济部长会议

    Salt Trade on the Silk Road in Southern China An Important Dialogue between Asia and Europe

  10. 海湾地区石油出口国与亚洲(尤其是中国)之间的经济和金融联系让人想起了贸易古道丝绸之路。不过,如今两地贸易关系的基础在于碳氢化合物和石油美元。

    The economic and financial links between Gulf oil exporters and Asia , notably China , are reminiscent of the old Silk Road trade routes – but this time , they are based on hydrocarbons and petrodollars .

  11. 求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路

    The Way to a Super Trading Power

  12. 求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路&避免外经贸贫困化增长:以制度建设为中心今年,在美国对外贸易呈现大幅度下降的同时,美国对华贸易依然保持了旺盛和强劲的增长。

    How to Change China from Big Trade Nation to a Strong Trade Nation ; This year , in spite of the drastic decline in US foreign trade , US trade with China has kept energetic growth .