
  • 网络trade remedy
  1. 与反倾销、反补贴措施一样,保障措施是WTO允许成员采用的一种保护国内产业的贸易救济措施。

    Like anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures , safeguard measures are trade remedies allowed by WTO to protect domestic industries .

  2. 第一章WTO体制下国际贸易救济审查制度的概念解析界定了全文的主要概念,奠定全文的逻辑架构。

    Chapter one , Analysis of the Concept of Review System in International Trade Remedies under WTO Regime , defines the main concepts and lays the logic foundation of the whole dissertation .

  3. 中方反对滥用贸易救济措施的行为,这不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害世贸组织规则的严肃性与权威性。

    China took the move in hope of safeguarding the legitimate rights of Chinese enterprises , as well as to support the multilateral trading system and the authority and effectiveness of the WTO .

  4. 保障措施是WTO所允许的合法贸易救济措施。

    It is a legal trade remedy measure permitted by the WTO .

  5. WTO框架下贸易救济措施的经济效应分析

    WTO Trade Remedy Measures under the Framework of the Economic Effect Analysis

  6. WTO贸易救济制度的法经济学分析

    Law and Economics of Trade Remedy System of WTO

  7. 保障措施作为一种贸易救济措施是WTO所允许的一项重要的例外制度,是贸易自由化的产物,同时又是维护和推进贸易自由化向前发展的工具。

    Safeguard measures , as trade remedies , are important exceptions which are permitted under the WTO .

  8. 第二章,对WTO、美国贸易救济制度进行概述,作为文章的一个理论支撑。

    Chapter ⅱ summarizes the WTO and U.S. trade remedy system as a theoretical support of the paper .

  9. 保障措施作为WTO所允许的保护国内产业免受进口损害的贸易救济手段,已成为一项重要的保障手段,各个国家也越来越多的使用这一救济措施。

    Nowadays it becomes an important measure , more and more countries use the safeguard measures to protect the national industries .

  10. 保障措施与反倾销和反补贴措施一样,属于WTO允许的三种贸易救济措施的救济方式之一。

    Safeguard measures , like the anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy measures , belong to one of the trade remedy measures of WTO .

  11. 反倾销是WTO允许各国采用的三大贸易救济措施之一,也是目前国际贸易中很常见的一种贸易保护措施。

    Antidumping is one of trade remedy that WTO allows . It is also the most frequently used way of trade protection .

  12. 虽然从根本上来说,反倾销和反补贴是WTO所认可的贸易救济手段,但其实施的目的主要是减轻或消除国外进口产品的倾销和补贴行为对进口国产业所造成的负面影响。

    However , implementation of anti-dumping and countervailing is primarily intended to reduce or eliminate the negative impact of foreign dumping on domestic market .

  13. 反补贴措施是WTO允许其成员在特定条件下采取的三种主要贸易救济措施之一。

    Countervailing measure is one of the three main trade remedy measures of WTO , which can be taken by WTO members under certain conditions .

  14. 作为WTO规则所允许的贸易救济手段,反倾销措施正发挥着以往关税和非关税壁垒的作用。

    Anti-dumping measure , as trade relief means that WTO rule allows , is playing a role of tariff and non-tariff wall in the past .

  15. 反倾销措施作为WTO允许各个成员国采取的三种贸易救济措施之一,其内涵和本质是什么?

    As one of the three trade remedy measures which WTO permits each member nation to adopt , what is the connotation and essence of antidumping ?

  16. 保障措施是WTO框架下与反倾销、反补贴并列的三大贸易救济措施,它针对公平贸易,限制进口、保护国内产业。

    Safeguards is one of three trade relief measures including anti-dumping and countervailing , which points at fair trade , restricts imports and protects domestic industry .

  17. 反倾销作为WTO成员国最常使用的合法的三大贸易救济措施之一,已受到WTO与各成员国的普遍认同。

    As one of the three mostly used lawful trade remedy measures , anti-dumping has been generally acknowledged by both the WTO and the member states .

  18. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  19. 反补贴是WTO认可的重要贸易救济措施,它能有效地减轻补贴产品对国际市场的扭曲,维持正常的全球贸易秩序。

    Countervailing is recognized as an important Trade Remedy Measure by WTO ; it can effectively reduce the distortions of the international market because of subsidies and maintain a normal global trade order .

  20. 首先分析了WTO贸易救济措施的法律规范、特点和使用情况,为理解主要成员在自贸协定下如何制定贸易救济规则打下基础;

    The study starts with the introduction about the legal matters relating to WTO trade remedy measures , aims to provide a background to understanding the trade remedy rules stipulated by members in FTAs .

  21. 反倾销退税制度在贸易救济领域起着平衡各方利益的重要角色,从中性税收理论和WTO立法精神来看,它都是不可或缺的。

    Refund rules play an important role in balancing the interests between related parties in the field of international trade relief . In view of tax theory of neuter and WTO spirits , refund rules are required .

  22. 价格承诺是GATTWTO反倾销协议允许使用的贸易救济措施。作为对反倾销税的一种替代措施,价格承诺在不同国家或地区反倾销中的运用频率存在较大差异。

    Price undertakings are a trade remedy permitted by the GATT / WTO antidumping agreements and , as substitute for antidumping duties , have been used in antidumping proceedings by different countries or regions in varied frequencies .

  23. 欧美反规避贸易救济模式及启示

    On the Euramerican Pattern of Anti-circumvention Trade Remedy and its Enlightenment

  24. 贸易救济措施中进口国公共利益问题的投入产出分析&以钢铁产业为例

    The Input-output Analysis of Public Interest in Trade Remedy Measures

  25. 合理运用贸易救济措施维护中国产业安全

    Rational Use of Trade Relief Measures to Safeguard China 's Industry Safety

  26. 欧美对华实施贸易救济的思考

    On the EU and US Enforcement of the Remedies for Trade to China

  27. 土耳其对华实施反倾销等贸易救济措施的特点及其成因

    The Feature and Cause of Turkey 's Anti-Dumping Trade Relief Policy towards China

  28. 国家贸易救济措施对我国农业发展的影响

    On the Influence of National Relief Measures for Trade on Agricultural Development in China

  29. 他们频频使用贸易救济措施来保护本国产业不受金融危机的影响。

    They use trade remedy measures frequently to protect domestic industries from the crisis .

  30. 对美出口纺织服装遭遇贸易救济的分析与应对

    An Analysis and Response to the US Trade Remedies on Chinese Exporting Textile and Apparel