
  • 网络Secure Development
  1. 跨团队的安全开发&OSGi的微核结构保证了组件和扩展是独立且可控的。

    Secure Development Across Teams-The OSGi microkernel style inforces rules to keep components and extensions isolated and controlled .

  2. 在此基础上,运用系统安全开发方法,对所需要实现的系统进行了深入细致的分析研究,完成了系统的详细分析、安全设计以及实现。

    Based on this and by employing the secure development approach , the system to be built is thoroughly studied , its requirements analyzed in detail , and both the secure design and implementation introduced .

  3. 通过在应用程序,以及异类的身份验证和授权机制之间放置抽象层,JAAS可以简化Java安全开发。

    JAAS simplifies Java security development by putting an abstraction layer between application and disparate underlying authentication and authorization mechanisms .

  4. 开放系统互连(OSI)安全开发

    Development of Open System Interconnection Security

  5. 计算机硬盘维护与信息安全开发技术研究计算机硬盘基片CMP中表面膜特性的分析研究

    Research on Hard Discs Maintenance and Information Security Development Properties of Surface Oxidation Film in CMP of Computer Hard Disk Substrate

  6. DojoXSecure还在上述环境中提供与浏览器的DOM的交互,从而加强了UI工件的安全开发和部署。

    DojoX Secure also provides interaction with a browser 's DOM in that very environment , thereby reinforcing the secure development and deployment of UI artifacts .

  7. 在加入L2Support团队之前,他领导安全开发团队,并于2005年加入了SWAT团队。

    He led the security development team before joining the L2 Support team , and joined the SWAT team in 2005 .

  8. 本课题为863课题&高性能信息安全开发平台提供RSA密码算法加速器IP及其PCMCIA接口电路。

    This article proposes a RSA cryptography algorithm accelerator and its PCMCIA interface for the high-performance information security development platform , which is supported by the " 863 program " .

  9. 最后使用网络安全开发包和VC设计了WinXP系统下的基于EAP-TTLS认证方式的WLAN认证客户端。

    Finally , the thesis also designed WLAN Client in WinXP system , based on EAP-TTLS authentication method , in the environment of network security development toolkit and Visual C + + .

  10. 省工安全开发坡地技术

    Management Technique of Saving Labor in Exploiting the Slope Lands

  11. 最后,提出了相应的合理、安全开发利用土地资源的建议。

    Finally , the paper put forward rational proposals how to develop the land resource .

  12. 因此,矿产资源能否安全开发,也就成了影响社会飞速发展的重要因素。

    Therefore , whether mineral resources can be extracted safely is one of important factors for the fast development of the society .

  13. 对目前主要的软件安全开发流程进行了介绍,并对它们进行了比较和分析。

    The chiefly software security development methodologies are introduced in this paper . Comparison and Analysis of them are also performed . 3 .

  14. 另外,还针对该模型设计了一个软件安全开发管理平台,使模型能够更好的应用到企业实际的软件开发过程中去。

    In this paper we also design and implement a software security development management system , in order for companies to apply the methodology better .

  15. 作为总统,我将动用我们的天然气储备、在清洁煤炭技术上投资并且找到安全开发核能的途径。

    As President , I will tap our natural gas reserves , invest in clean coal technology , and find ways to safely harness nuclear power .

  16. 基于框架的Linux安全增强开发技术

    Technology of Developing Security-enhanced Linux Based on Framework

  17. 即便不幸如Palm,亦为开发者提供了更为抽象以及安全的开发环境。

    Even poor Palm offered more abstraction and safety to its developers .

  18. 基于Struts框架的安全应用开发研究

    Research on Security Application Development Based on the Struts Framework

  19. 如果这个类能够在这些机器上运行,那么您就能够安全地开发更加复杂的XPath应用程序。

    If the class runs on those machines , then you 're safe to develop more complex XPath apps .

  20. 给出了一种GIS综合安全监管开发模式,以解决数据的可靠性和精度,数据的动态更新等难题,对系统设计进行了较详细的描述。

    This scheme solves the problems of reliability , precision and dynamic update of data , etc , and also the detail design of information system for underground cable is stated .

  21. Java语言的面向对象,平台无关,安全,开发效率高等特点,使其在许多领域中得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Java has been more and more widely used in various fields depending on its advantages such as object-oriented language , platform-independent , security , high efficiency for development and so on .

  22. 特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)创始人埃隆?马斯克(ElonMusk)帮助创建了非盈利研究机构OpenAI,致力于以安全方式开发人工智能。

    Elon Musk , founder of Tesla Motors , has helped set up OpenAI , a non-profit research company pursuing safe ways to develop AI .

  23. 结合X车型安全气囊开发过程中的台车试验(48kph)和实车碰撞试验(48kph),对台车模拟试验中的这种波形差异问题进行了分析,并提出了具体的解决方案。

    The waveform problem during bled simulating test was analyzed by combining with the bled test ( 48 kph ) and the vehicle test ( 48 kph ) matched with airbag test . the concrete solutions to the above problem were proposed .

  24. 科学安全勘探开发高硫化氢天然气田的建议

    Suggestions for scientifically and safely exploring and developing high H_2S gas fields

  25. 工业设计在汽车安全假人开发中的应用

    The application of industrial design in the development of vehicle crash Test dummy

  26. 软件测试是网络安全软件开发流程中至关重要的环节。

    Software test is the most crucial processes .

  27. 您了解了如何安全地开发、测试和安装扩展。

    You know how to develop , test , and install your extensions safely .

  28. 企业招标管理系统的安全体系开发

    R & D of a security system for enterprise 's public bidding management system

  29. 该论文首先给出加密卡安全应用开发与设计体系结构。

    This paper at first gives encryption card architectures of development and design of security applications .

  30. 这些新版本还添加了许多针对系统工程和注重安全的开发的许多适用性增强和改进。

    These new versions also add many usability enhancements and improvements for systems engineering and safety-critical development .