
  • 网络Ahn Chul-soo
  1. 大学教授、杀毒软件公司安博士(Ahnlab)的创始人安哲秀(AhnChul-soo)是一匹黑马,他赢得了很多选民的支持,特别是在韩国年轻人中间。

    The surprise package has been Ahn Chul-soo , a university professor and founder of Ahnlab , an antivirus company , who has gained a cult following especially among Korean youth .

  2. 安哲秀(AhnChul-soo)教授曾是一名软件企业家,由于公开批评韩国政治和经济问题而备受公众拥护,并被视为今年12月份韩国总统大选的热门人选。

    A software entrepreneur who is now a professor , Ahn Chul-soo , has become so popular with his outspoken criticism of South Korea 's politics and economics that he is considered a prospective candidate in the country 's presidential election in December .

  3. 安哲秀的支持者把他比作巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)是2008年份那个大有希望的奥巴马,而不是2012年那个受到掣肘的奥巴马他代表着对旧式政治的抛弃。

    Mr Ahn , whose supporters compare him with Barack Obama – the promising 2008 vintage , not the corked 2012 version – represents a rejection of old-style politics .

  4. 安哲秀的竞争对手是两位显赫人物。朴槿惠(ParkGeun-hye)是一名保守派,与现任总统同属一个党派。

    Mr Ahn is running against two establishment figures . Park Geun-hye is a conservative from the same party as the presidential incumbent .

  5. 安哲秀的竞争对手是两位显赫人物。

    Mr Ahn is running against two establishment figures .

  6. 安哲秀作为一个杀毒软件制造商,先前没有任何从政经验,突然就被当作总统候选人,这不能不说是一个奇迹。

    The wonder is that a maker of antivirus software , with no previous involvement in public administration , should suddenly be considered head-of-state material .

  7. 安哲秀的效应已经为朴元淳创造出竞选奇迹,根据首尔新闻的一项民意调查,原本毫无胜算的朴元淳现在已成为竞选人众的领跑者了。

    The Ahn effect has done wonders for MrPark 's chances : a rank outsider before the endorsement , he is now the front-runner , according to a poll conducted by the newspaper Seoul Shinmun .