- Traitor;betray one's country;turn traitor to one's country;turn traitor to one's mother land

[turn traitor to one's mother land;betray one's country] 投靠敌人,出卖祖国和人民的利益
We are sinking if American corporations and our representatives continue partsan practices .
Treason is rewarded and traitors are jubilant over their new appointments and honours .
Some commentators see the book as a brilliant commentary on France 's collaborationist tendencies .
Everyone 's got debts , and Westie wouldn 't want to clear them by selling out his country .
His blog is peppered with comments such as selling anything is fine but selling out the country is wrong !
The nation is divided , half patriots and half traitors , and no man can tell which from which .
The espionage , the betrayals , the arrests , the tortures , the executions , the disappearances will never cease .
A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei 's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan .
On the one hand , this is the touchstone of patriotism or betray , loyalty or betray , hero or scum .
Chinese foreign investment has been a powerful force for African economic development ( and , sadly , for the retirement funds of African kleptocrats ) .
Your government has long been traitorous , and it was only for the sake of brevity that we sometimes omitted the word ; now we can omit it no longer .
To " Overcomes nature Crack " the character image analysis , an author counter-tradition patriotic , the transformation and betrays country the classification , proposed patriotic , the contradiction and betrays country viewpoint .
GM already sells used cars on eBay . You can click " Buy It Now " for a set price or make an offer in order to try to get an even better price .
Inside Story of the Ching Court , which has been described by certain people as a film of patriotism but is in fact one of national betrayal , has never been criticized since it was shown all over the country .
This mass rally against Wang Ching-wei , held in Yenan on February 1 , unanimously resolves , in righteous indignation , to denounce his treason and capitulation and to wage the War of Resistance Against Japan to the very end .
Chinese foreign investment has been a powerful force for African economic development ( and , sadly , for the retirement funds of African kleptocrats ) . But China isn 't going to build up its soft power unless its government and state-owned enterprises in Africa are willing to dig a little deeper .