
  • 网络short sale;short selling
  1. 要想进行卖空交易,就必须先借入你要对赌的股票或债券或其他任何东西。

    But in order to do a short sale you have to borrow a share of stock or bond or whatever you are looking to bet against .

  2. 在卖空交易中,投资者借入股票并卖出,待股价下跌后再以更低的价格买进。

    In a short sale , investors borrow shares and sell them , hoping the stock will fall and they can buy it back at a lower price .

  3. 为2000多家机构投资者客户提供咨询的RiskMetrics公司表示,香港应该采取进一步措施,以增强其卖空交易监管制度的透明度和有效性。

    Hong Kong could take further steps to enhance the transparency and effectiveness of its short-selling regulatory regime , according to Risk Metrics , which advises more than 2,000 institutional investor clients .

  4. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周二采取紧急行动,打击滥用卖空交易的行为,从而增加了交易员参与对领先金融公司进行所谓的“无交割保障”卖空交易的难度。

    The securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday took emergency action to clamp down on abusive short selling , making it more difficult for traders to engage in so-called " naked " short sales of leading financial firms .

  5. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周一表示,未来几周,股票卖空交易总量将每日公布,而各上市公司股票的卖空交易信息将延迟一个月披露。

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission said on Monday that in the coming weeks , aggregate short-selling volumes in shares would be published on a daily basis while information about short-sale transactions in all publicly traded shares would be provided with a one-month delay .

  6. 包括日本和法国在内的其它国家,已禁止“裸”卖空交易(nakedshorting,事先未行借入就卖出股票,以期在此交易结算之前回购这些股票),而台湾则分阶段放宽了这一禁令。

    Others , including Japan and France , have banned " naked " shorting , the practice of selling shares without first borrowing them , in the hope of buying them back before the first trade settles , while Taiwan has eased its ban in stages .

  7. 东京证交所和日本证券交易监管委员会(sesc)正在调查可能存在的内幕交易包括最近在公司即将宣布发行新股前,卖空交易突然大幅增加的现象。

    The TSE and the securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission are examining possible insider trading involving recent share issues where short selling activity increased substantially in the run-up to the announcement the company would be issuing new shares .

  8. 此前,每日卖空交易总量的信息从未公布过。

    Daily aggregate short-sale volume information has not been published before .

  9. 印度和其它几个亚洲国家今年也已经对卖空交易进行了限制。

    India and several other Asian countries have restricted short-selling this year .

  10. 这种不对称阻碍了股票卖空交易。

    The asymmetry serves to discourage the short-selling of stocks .

  11. 许多国家为了应对市场动荡,已对卖空交易实施限制措施。

    Many countries have imposed restrictions on short selling to combat market turbulence .

  12. 卖空交易机制、波动性和流动性&一个基于香港股市的经验研究

    The Short Selling Mechanism , the Market Fluctuation , and the Market Fluidity

  13. 许多监管者也因此而支持卖空交易。

    Many regulators support the practice for this reason .

  14. 上海证券市场波动性现状与卖空交易机制建立

    The Study on Volatility and Establishment of Short Sales Trading Mechanism in Shanghai Stock Market

  15. 卖空交易机制对股价的影响&来自台湾股市的经验证据

    The Impact of Short - Selling Mechanism on Stock Price : Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market

  16. 对卖空交易的无限制使用对价值会是毁灭性的,不利于增长和投资。

    Unbridled use of short-selling can be destructive of value and contrary to growth and investment .

  17. 但目前没有任何迹象表明,投入卖空交易的金额有下降趋势。

    But the amount of money riding on the practice shows no sign yet of abating .

  18. 在“无交割保障”卖空交易中,他们在卖出股票前不必先安排借入。

    In a naked short , they sell shares without having made arrangements to borrow them first .

  19. 在可能被滥用的裸卖空交易中,交易者卖出的是没有事先借入的股票。

    In potentially abusive naked ' ' short sales , shares are sold without being borrowed first .

  20. 卖空交易的价格发现和稳定市场功能对于投资策略选择和市场监控都是极为重要的。

    The functions of price discovery and market stabilization are significant for both strategy choosing and market monitoring .

  21. 客户向证券公司借证券卖出,为融券交易(又称卖空交易),通常是押注股票价格或将下挫。

    Short selling allows investors to sell borrowed stocks , typically in a bet that prices will fall .

  22. 证券市场卖空交易机制套期保值功能研究考虑汇率因素下股指期货的套期保值

    The Hedging Function of Short Selling System in Security Market The Hedging of Index Futures Considering the Exchange Rate

  23. 本文通过利用境外实证研究结果和境外市场的数据进行实证这两种方式对国外证券市场中卖空交易机制的基本功能进行深入的研究。

    This paper is an in-depth study of overseas short-selling system based on overseas empirical results and market data .

  24. 最后,文章建议我国股市应在适当时机引入卖空交易机制。

    Finally , the paper suggests that the short selling mechanism be implemented in our stock market at appropriate time .

  25. 卖空交易机制作为现代证券市场中的重要交易制度,对完善整个市场功能起着不可或缺的作用。

    As an important trading system , the short selling mechanism plays a vital roles in perfecting the whole market functions .

  26. 此举是对市场担心的一种回应人们担心,近来在新股发行之前的卖空交易,伤害了发行方和长期股东的利益。

    The move is in response to concerns that short selling before recent new issues has hurt the issuer and its long-term shareholders .

  27. 然而,包括英国监管机构在内,许多人总体上支持卖空交易,视其为形成市场效率的一种手段。

    The British regulator is one of many , however , that in general defend the practice as a means of creating market efficiencies .

  28. 中国已经原则上批准了股指期货、股票证券的卖空交易和保证金交易。

    China has given approval in principal for the launch of stock index futures , as well as short selling and margin trading of stocks .

  29. 这从以下事实可见一斑:在危机最严重时期,香港是少数几个没有禁止卖空交易的大型金融中心之一。

    This was illustrated during the height of the crisis when Hong Kong was among the few big financial centres that did not ban short-selling .

  30. 在它倒闭前的几个月,做空该银行股票的卖空交易达到创纪录的高水平这个事实在当时广为人知。

    In the months before its fall , levels of short-selling in the company hit a record high - and this fact was widely known .