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mài xiànɡ
  • outward appearance;exterior;surface;demeanor
卖相 [mài xiàng]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [appearance]∶相貌

  • 这书橱卖相蛮好

  • (3) [poise]∶风度;气派

  • 卖相十足

  1. 我们亦有为酒店餐饮部(HotelFood&Beverage)提供拍摄服务,惹味卖相能引起顾客食欲。

    We are also provide photography service to Hotel Food & Beverage Department .

  2. 诉讼称,高盛在出售那些卖相花哨的抵押证券时,没有披露对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)正押注于这些证券将崩盘。

    The suit complained it had sold fancy mortgage securities without disclosing that a hedge-fund manager , John Paulson , was betting that those same securities would blow up .

  3. 在一名意大利科学家的努力下,用3D打印机制出的素食牛排和鸡肉终于上了巴塞罗那的餐厅菜单——不过这位科学家承认,目前这种食品的卖相欠佳,还需继续努力。

    Vegetarian steaks and chicken produced by a 3D printer are on the menu in Barcelona thanks to the efforts of an Italian scientist - but he admits more work is needed to make them look tasty on the plate .

  4. Chesler和Simon相信,顾客如果能意识到蔬果的美丑跟口感并无关系,就会开始接受卖相不好的蔬果。

    Chesler and Simon believe that once consumers realize that " ugly " fruits and vegetables taste as good as the " beautiful " produce supermarkets display , they will embrace the cause .

  5. 自己烤制的蛋糕,卖相还不错哦。

    Cake cooked by myself , it looks not too bad .

  6. 漂亮的律师赚的钱比卖相较差的同事多。

    Beautiful lawyers get paid more than their less attractive 2 ) colleagues .

  7. 做法独特或卖相极好的食物也不一定是最合人们胃口的。

    Food that is interesting to cook or impressive to look at may not be what people actually want to eat .

  8. 两个健康又有卖相的选择是:烤西红柿配羊奶酪玉米粥,烤南瓜、甘蓝、蔓越莓配粗麦粉。

    Roasted Tomatoes with Goat Cheese Polenta and Roasted Butternut Squash , Kale , and Cranberry Couscous are two healthy and beautiful options . 6 .

  9. 最近,“歪瓜裂枣”们在欧洲的境遇得到了改善,这个结果来自于本月欧盟取消了禁止卖相不佳的蔬果上架的规定。

    Europe became a better place for less-than-picture-perfect fruits and vegetables this month as the European Union scrapped rules banning oddly shaped produce from supermarket shelves .

  10. 本庭建议你说得快一点本庭今早吃了个卖相很差的墨西哥煎饼才吃了点易蒙停

    The court would advise you to make it quick , as the court had a dicey-looking breakfast burrito this morning and just took an Imodium .

  11. 有时候食物卖相不好看,看起来像周日早上市中心路上的呕吐物。

    Street pizza : A pile of dried puke on the pavement or street most likely to be found in a town centre on a Sunday morning .

  12. 鹅掌应先用油炸至金黄色,走油后就不易在煲煮过后变得腍烂,以保卖相。

    The goose paw must deep fry until turn into golden colour , it will not become too soft and can keep the good looking after cooking .

  13. 在中国的各色菜系中,客家菜不是最有卖相的,但是其味道绝不输给任何菜系。

    It may not be the best-looking cuisine in the vast array of Chinese gastronomy , but it is surely a strong contender for the best tasting .

  14. 即便是喜欢这道菜的人也必须承认,它的卖相通常并不怎么样。这道菜是各种炖菜混在一起,埋在黏糊糊的橄榄油里。

    Even its fans have to admit that the dish , a lump of stewed vegetables mired in a tar pit of olive oil , is usually no great beauty .

  15. 瑞塔:了解你说的。既然商人为使苹果卖相佳而上蜡,为了健康著想,我们就应不嫌麻烦削皮。

    Rita : I understand what you mean . Since the merchants wax the apple to make it look better , we must spare no trouble to peel the apple to make ourselves healthier .

  16. 由于卖相常常比质量更具影响力,这样的结果在香槟的盲品中尤其正常,不过在几乎所有葡萄酒的盲品中,这种事情也时常发生。

    That sort of result is especially common with champagne , arguably the most image-driven - rather than quality-driven - wine of all . But it happens all the time when wine is tasted blind .

  17. 《新京报》本周报道,大兴区一个豆芽生产基地为了缩短生长周期,提升卖相,在豆芽中添加了大量植物激素&6-苄基腺嘌呤。

    The sprouts being produced at the site in Daxing district were treated with high levels of 6-benzyladenine , a plant hormone , to speed up the growth cycle and make them more attractive to buyers , The Beijing News reported this week .