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mài yì
  • make a living as a performer
卖艺 [mài yì]
  • [make a living as a performer] 靠表演杂技、武术、曲艺等谋生

卖艺[mài yì]
  1. 对于乞讨卖艺者的清理标准也有了明确,即反复纠缠、强行讨要及以其他滋扰他人的方式乞讨者。

    To cadging make a living as a performer person clear the standard also had clear , pester repeatedly namely , beg forcibly the person that reach the means with other and mobbish other to cadge .

  2. 他们闲暇时就在格拉斯哥的阿盖尔街上演唱卖艺。

    They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street .

  3. 过去他靠卖艺活命。

    In the old days he eked out a living as a street entertainer .

  4. 节庆假日,杂耍艺人便在街头卖艺。

    On festive days , acrobats performed in the streets .

  5. 或许我让你留着卖艺赚的钱。

    I may even let you keep the money you 're making .

  6. 卖艺者及卫兵的表演活动。

    And the military guards ' exercises all night .

  7. 我在网上看到了你小时候在街头卖艺。

    I read your child in the street performers .

  8. 这可难不倒张飞,他决定到街头卖艺。

    This can not beat Zhang Fei , he decided to street performers .

  9. 他从在地铁站口卖艺开始他的职业生涯。

    He started his career busking outside underground stations .

  10. 这些卖艺的是九流三教,什么人都有。

    These perfomers come from all walks of life .

  11. 我在这里作为一名街头卖艺的音乐人

    Here I am , a sort of busking musician

  12. 一魔术师在游轮上卖艺。

    A magician worked on a cruise ship .

  13. 擅自设摊、卖艺或者从事销售活动;

    Without authorization , pitching stalls , making a living as a performer or engaging in sales activity ;

  14. 在公共场所卖艺(如唱歌或跳舞)的人。

    A person who entertains people for money in public places ( as by singing or dancing ) .

  15. 纵容孩子乞讨和街头卖艺,父母将被取消监护权。

    Parents should be deprived of their custody rights if their children to beg or perform on the streets .

  16. 这首歌很快成为提洛尔卖艺者们的最爱,这些卖艺者在冬天常奔忙于欧洲各地演唱赚钱。

    Itsoon became a favorite with Tyrolean singers , traveling up and down the continent in the winter to earn money .

  17. 有一次韩娥路过齐国时,以唱歌卖艺来挣钱,以此为生。

    Once when she was passing through the State of Qi she had to sing to earn money to buy food .

  18. 今年春天我的一位音乐家朋友给我发了一个视频链接,里面是一个坐在博茨瓦纳街头卖艺的男子。

    This spring a musician friend sent me a link to a video of a man busking by a kerb in Botswana .

  19. 你从一个受人歧视的卖艺的孩子到现在的全球巨星,这得经历多少磨难啊?

    You are the subject of discrimination from a child entertainer and now a global superstar , which was how many hardships ah ?

  20. 老师:谭盾成功了,但那个黑人小伙却仍在街头卖艺,你从中学到些什么?

    Why did Tan Dun get success while the black continued playing the violin in the street . What can we learn from it ?

  21. 除了在街头卖艺之外,麦迪逊还通过参加汽车后备箱旧物集市,以及拍卖她自己的玩具来筹款。

    As well as busking Madison , who plays grade four standard , also raised money by attending car boot sales and auctioning off her own toys .

  22. 麦迪逊4岁就开始拉小提琴,从今年年初开始在街头卖艺,希望在圣诞节之前达到她的筹款目标。

    The youngster , who has played violin since the age of four , started busking earlier this year with the aim of hitting her fundraising target before Christmas .

  23. 曾经麦肯纳靠着自己灵活的四肢成为明星,不幸的是当优雅不在,这位柔术家只能在街头的角落里卖艺乞讨。

    In an unfortunate fall from grace , the contortionist begs for change on the corner of Wealthy St. using the flexible limbs that once made her a star .

  24. 本人认为,在中国古代歌诗艺术生产中,大致存在着三种主要方式,即自娱式、寄食制和卖艺制。

    Author thinks there were three ways in Chinese ancient poetry art production , namely amusing oneself way , system of eating-on-depending and system of making a living as a performer .

  25. 然而,在普通民众心目中,音乐始终摆脱不了街头卖艺、下九流的旧时阴影。

    However , in the eyes of ordinary people , music has always been and could not shake off " street show ", " extremely poor under the " shadow of the old .

  26. 但是周也记得自己曾经目睹一流音乐家在街头卖艺的情形,旧的社会秩序崩溃了,艺术几乎失去了所有传统的资助。

    But Mr. Chou also remembers watching first-rate musicians play for pennies in the streets , because the breakdown of the old social order had all but wiped out traditional patronage of the arts .

  27. 老人名叫克里斯塔·麦肯纳,上世纪七十年代,她在演艺圈被称为“蜘蛛女”,如今她只能在密西根的大街上卖艺来维持自己的生活。

    Once dubbed the ' Spider Lady ' during a spell of 1970 's stardom , contortionist Christa McKenna now uses her skills to earn a living on the streets of Grand Rapids , Michigan .